• 首先,将项目小步并且限定自己每天处理六个分目标

    First, break down big projects into small steps, and try to limit yourself to tackling three to six a day.


  • 本文介绍上海第四聋启蒙英语课程目标语言能力目标情感态度分目标

    This paper introduces the total objectives, branch objectives of language ability and affective attitude of abecedarian English curriculum in Shanghai No.


  • 所以这个领域每个人都向前看,根据自己机构长处弱点,来决定应该追求何种,分目标可能性

    So everyone in this field is trying to look ahead And decide even the strengths and weaknesses of Their organization what small subsets of the entire Range of possibilities should they pursue.


  • 选择认为目标相符衣服有益因此如果工作表现得更好,应选择认为专业的着装。

    It also helps to opt for clothes you perceive as tying in with your goals, so, if you want to perform better at work, select pieces you view as professional.


  • 自由写作目标不间断地单词写在通常花费15-20

    In free writing, the objective is to get words down on paper non-stop, usually for 15-20 minutes.


  • 成功人士很乐观因为意识到有些障碍可能妨碍我们实现目标保持积极的心态重要。

    Successful people are also optimistic as it is important to stay positive while being aware of obstacles that can deter us from achieving our goals.


  • 该项目的目标提高墨西哥小麦产量当时那里很大一部粮食都依赖进口

    The goal of the project was to boost wheat production in Mexico, which at the time was importing a large portion of its grain.


  • COMAG目标2035年占据全球窄体飞机市场之一中国市场的之一

    COMAG aims to take one-fifth of the world's narrow-body aircraft market and one-third of the Chinese market by 2035.


  • 事实上一些联邦地方机构甚至公共工程合同少数民族企业制定具体目标

    Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.


  • 北极燕鸥之所以能不受这因素影响,是因为那时一种本能感觉所驱动着,这种本能令人类钦佩,它叫做:“远大的目标”。

    The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger purpose.


  • 明确是十有用的。

    It was very useful to have a clear goal.


  • 能每天抽出10钟来实现一个目标吗?

    Can you spare 10 minutes a day to work on a goal?


  • 句话说,父母必须接受这样一个想法,那就是让孩子失败也是学习目标的一部

    In other words, parents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning goal.


  • 说明巴马的目标微妙:既保证美国所受的核威胁少,要寻求达成反对核扩散行动共识

    That said, Mr Obama’s aim is a more subtle one: to cast America in a less menacing light, and build consensus for action against nuclear proliferation.


  • 建立目标步骤,一次一步去解决它。

    Set up a goal and break it down into smaller steps and tackle it just one step at a time.


  • 如果20062009年成绩增长在2012年下一PISA测试重现,实现数学科学上增长25目标远远提前

    If the gains from 2006 to 2009 are duplicated when the PISA is next given in 2012, the goal of making 25-point gains in math and science will be met far ahead of schedule.


  • 回顾2007年,那时开始自己每天至少30目标努力,也为自己将来志向努力

    Back in 2007, I first started working on my personal goals at least 30 min/day, including my aspirations for my future.


  • 这么目标开始设置30的倒计时,看看坚持多久

    Do it: With your next task, set a timer for 30 minutes and see how far you can get!


  • 例如用户可能希望指定每个事务目标平均响应时间或者通常的是指定百目标平均响应时间。

    For example the user might want to specify the target average response time of each transaction, or more usually target average response time with a percentile.


  • 虽然目标明确,但实现目标方法却并非如此,因为没有受到广泛接受soa方法学

    Although the goal is clear, the way to reach the goal is not, since there is no broadly accepted SOA methodology.


  • 这种支持全球黄热病行动一部行动的目标预防灾难性的黄热病流行非洲获取足够的黄热病疫苗供应

    This support is part of the global Yellow Fever Initiative which aims to prevent devastating yellow fever epidemics and secure adequate yellow fever vaccine supply for Africa.


  • 软件项目来说,评估预测项目费用进度资源一部,也是企业目标之间达成一致的平衡过程。

    For software projects, estimation is part of predicting costs, schedules, and resources, and striking a balance among them that best meets enterprise objectives and goals.


  • 请记住数据库路径只是DB 2使用目录结构一部因此,在确定目标位置必须遵循同样规则

    Remember, the database path is only part of the directory structure that DB2 USES so you must follow the same rules when you determine the target location.


  • 请记住数据库路径只是DB 2使用目录结构一部因此,在确定目标位置必须遵循同样规则

    Remember, the database path is only part of the directory structure that DB2 USES, so you must follow the same rules when you determine the target location.


  • 即使过去从事工作只有一小与当前求职目标相关仍然可以列出工作并且相关的进行描述

    Even if the relevant experience was just a small percentage of your work, you can mention that job and then describe just the relevant parts of it.


  • 可以发送服务器远程调用一部或者目标服务器应用程序逻辑结果

    It can be a part of a remote call from the sending server, or simply a result of the application logic on the target server.


  • 实际上,这就是保尔森实现了对住房抵押市场降低利率半个目标

    In effect, Mr Paulson engineered the equivalent of a half-point cut in interest rates targeted at the mortgage market.


  • 使用手机通话50钟后(左图),目标对象右侧靠近大脑区域活动增强(如箭头所示)。

    After a 50-minute call to a cell phone on a subject's right side (left image), nearby brain regions showed heightened activity (arrow).


  • 这种方法这个涉众目标文档变成这个团队开发过程一部这些目标继续业务不是技术角度被参考

    In this way, the stakeholder goals document becomes a living part of the team's development process, and goals are continually referred to from a business rather than a technical perspective.


  • 这种方法这个涉众目标文档变成这个团队开发过程一部这些目标继续业务不是技术角度被参考

    In this way, the stakeholder goals document becomes a living part of the team's development process, and goals are continually referred to from a business rather than a technical perspective.


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进来说说原因吧 确定