• 一旦遇到了冲突也是决定什么时候以及如何解决它们

    Once you have conflicts, it is also your decision when and how you want to resolve them.


  • 这个简单游戏通常用以决定解决些小冲突。

    The simple game is often used to make decisions and resolve basic conflicts.


  • 基于这些反馈我们决定解决人们提出问题之前,暂时恢复其先前使用条款

    Based on this feedback, we have decided to return to our previous terms of use while we resolve the issues that people have raised.


  • 由于无法协商解决这个问题苹果公司决定诉至法庭

    After failing to resolve the issues, Apple decided to leave them to the courts.


  • 每当配偶一起决定尝试解决共同协议冲突,个人历史不能忽视的因素

    Whenever you and your spouse make a decision together or try to resolve a conflict with the Policy of Joint Agreement, one factor that must never be ignored is your past.


  • 除了帮助我们决定是否带基础概率效应解释了为何当今准确率颇高天气预报仍然饱受质疑。

    As well as helping to make better umbrella-carrying decisions, the base-rate effect may also resolve the paradox of why even today's sophisticated weather forecasts are still regarded with suspicion.


  • 网页设计需要不断地决定这些就是你对于问题的回答。

    Web design calls for endless decisions, and that's what these following questions are supposed to help you resolve.


  • 通常SOAP处理器决定是否需要解析uri

    Normally it is up to the SOAP processor to determine if it needs to resolve the URI.


  • 泰晤士报》将这些技能描述为解决问题做出决定的能力”、“解决争端协商谈判的能力”、“合作的能力”以及积极聆听的能力”。

    According to the Times, these include the ability to "solve problems and make decisions," "resolve conflict and negotiate," "cooperate with others," and "listen actively."


  • 拒绝回答有关何时召集大选解决国会僵局的问题,强硬地一位记者我会决定时机的。

    He brushed off questions about when he would call elections to resolve a deadlocked parliament, snapping at one reporter: 'I get to decide when.'


  • 任何人开始使用这个集成之前决定机会(参见26)。

    This will give you the opportunity to resolve these before anyone starts to use the integration (see Figure 26).


  • 这些事情都时间然后有些听证会,要花上好几年才能决定

    And these things take time and then some of these hearings can take years to resolve.


  • 一些哲学家指出决定自由意志并不一定是完全不相容的,以解决二者之间的冲突

    One way some philosophers have tried to resolve this conflict is by pointing out that determinism and free will are not necessarily incompatible.


  • 其他的人并不确定决定等到夏天再看看,因为那样被测试不能穿衣服。

    The others are not so sure and resolve to wait until summer when the experiment could be tried with the subjects unclothed.


  • 那些从身体上心理上、精神上、情感影响我们的事情已经不能再多了于是我们决定停止腐化、停止痛苦

    End of the line. Conditions that affect us physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally become too much and we resolve to stop the rot or the pain.


  • 巴马迄今为止一直支持这些举措决定可能还是要取决于选民情绪

    Mr Obama has so far been unwilling to support such measures, but his resolve may hinge on the mood of the electorate.


  • 但是未来几个月将会对该组织决定进行考验,北约要想实现自己期望值还需经历一段艰难时间

    But the coming months will test the resolve of an organisation that has a hard time living up to its own expectations.


  • 这个假期也许能为我们提供反思时间新年坚定决心应该些事情决定解决气候变化及其不利影响

    The holidays might provide time for reflection, and the firm resolve of the New Year should be to do something, finally, please, to address climate change and its adverse effects.


  • 幸福决定接受东西没有任何商量的余地,金钱名誉毫无瓜葛。

    It's not a matter of bargaining, it's not an issue of money or fame-instead, happiness is what you resolve to accept.


  • 煤矿工人炼钢工人可以继承这儿领导力决定权,他们等同于这儿的锌矿工人。

    Coal miners and steelworkers can identify with the inherited resolve of the lead and zinc miners here.


  • 德国应该成为救助决心障碍金融市场无法决定应该由出头

    The resolve cannot stop at Germany's borders. Financial markets have no idea who is in charge.


  • 不要决定更多朋友巩固友谊”,模糊

    Don't resolve to "Make more friends" or "Strengthen friendships"; that's too vague.


  • 第五环顾四周发现家里,于是我决定克莱尔我家了,即使她肯跟我回家不能带她来。

    Step Five: look around and realize that the apartment is a mess. I resolve to avoid bringing Clare to my apartment tonighteven if such a thing is possible.


  • 改进定制下一步添加解决机制域中确认器所发现问题

    The next step to enhance your custom domains might be to add resolution mechanisms to resolve to the problems discovered by the validators in your custom domain.


  • 不幸是,这种清教徒式的个人决心使得周围环境精神状态对“什么”的决定作用大为减轻。

    Unfortunately, this puritanical view of personal resolve plays down how our surroundings and mental state determine what we eat.


  • 震惊恢复条途径取决于受到影响性格决心而且他人改变因为是个决定

    The recovery from shock takes two routes, depending upon the nature and resolve of the person affected, and this cannot be changed by others as it is a personal decision.


  • 而且因为不再是个人浏览而是群体在做决定Google +里的huddle工具就是为了帮助使用者解决这些群体背景下决定而设计的。

    And as it's no longer individuals browsing but groups making joint decisions, tools like Huddle in Google + are geared towards helping users resolve the issues that arise from those group situations.


  • 仔细阅读一部戏剧的结局或者比较两部戏剧的结局决定喜剧性结局如何化解冲突什么程度恢复秩序社会秩序,个人权威公平真理

    Examine one ending closely or compare two to determine how comic endings resolve conflict and to what degree they restore order: social order, personal authority, justice, or the truth.


  • 无论决定什么,希望坚持到底。我希望你脚踏实地去做。

    But whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it.


  • 无论决定什么,希望你保证去做。我希望你脚踏实地地做。

    But whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it.


- 来自原声例句

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