• 每当夏日,它们会现身通往沃尔郡冲浪海滩狭窄英式乡间小道上。

    They can often be found in the narrow British lanes leading to the surfing beaches in Cornwall in the summertime.


  • 澳大利亚黄金海岸是个冲浪天堂grommets澳洲口语冲浪的意思)著名冲浪海滩诸如Spit(斯比特),冲浪者天堂(黄金海岸)美人鱼海滩冲浪

    Australia’s Gold Coast is a surfing paradise where grommets (Aussie slang for surfers) hang ten in the waves that flow into famous surfing beaches like the Spit, Surfers Paradise, and Mermaid Beach.


  • 美丽海滩适合水上运动包括冲浪

    The beautiful beaches are good for water sports, including surfing.


  • 大多数澳大利亚人海边所以他们喜欢海滩游泳冲浪

    Most Australians live near the coast, so they also love going to the beach, swimming and surfing.


  • 冲浪大批集聚海滩冲浪

    Surfers flocked to the beach to ride the waves.


  • 那天丰田塔科马驶往码头海滩找到新的冲浪

    That day, he climbed into his Toyota Tacoma and drove to Marina State Beach to try out a new surfboard.


  • 尽管大多数拉帕·努伊岛都是为了探索文化历史当你需要一点放松时候这座岛也是潜水冲浪的好去处,还有迷人海滩

    While most people visit Rapa Nui to explore its cultural history the island is also home to some excellent diving, surfing, and enticing beaches when a bit of relaxation is in order.


  • 寻找逃跑路线?说我会在回家之前丈夫索要婚姻共同财产,然后冲浪教练一起悉尼的男人海滩

    Or an escape route? before returning home to fleece my husband of the marital assets, and hightail it back to Manly beach with Brad, the surf instructor.


  • 其它闲置的土地自然保护区海滩城市周围户外活动空间如皮划艇冲浪徒步行走小径

    Occupying this free land are nature reserves, beaches and space for outdoor sports like kayaking and surfing and hiking trails surrounding the city limits.


  • 海洋里冲浪田径场或者网球场完全不一样因为海浪,每一个海滩不一样的。

    Claiming that being in the ocean is different than playing on a field or a court because every wave, every beach is different.


  • 这种改变发生前,冲浪不得不住海滩附近有些情况,一些引领现代冲浪潮流加利福尼亚人甚至会住在海上面。

    Before this innovation, anyone who became hooked on surfing had to live near the beach or, in the case of some of the Californians who pioneered modern surfing, on it.


  • 对于热爱冲浪享誉全球的海滩绝对圣地

    This world-famous destination is a Mecca for anyone who loves to surf.


  • 王维春,想象一下眼前出现海滩,过一会儿某个人说起冲浪海滩情景就一下子蹦你的脑海

    Imagine looking at a beach scene, said Wang. A little later, someone mentions surfing, and the beach scene pops back into your head.


  • 上个夏天,当地海滩水边休闲时。一个年轻男孩全速身边穿过,窜入浅湾冲浪

    This past Sunday I was relaxing at the water's edge of a local beach when a young boy ran full speed right by me and into the shallow surf.


  • 看来巴厘岛冲浪旅行者欢迎的地方海滩上有人看起来或者攻读函授学位

    It seems Bali is a popular place to end up if you have been a surfer or traveller and several of this group seem to be writing books or studying for distance degrees.


  • 相反我们起在海滩观看冲浪比赛时的情景,“记得我去过那儿。”此时,产生的陈述性记忆

    Declarative memories, in contrast, are those where we recall being on that beach and watching that surf competition: "I remember being there."


  • 2007年2月4悉尼罗纳海滩麦加·拉·拉(Mecca Laa Laa首次冲浪救生巡逻中身着“布基尼”泳衣。

    Mecca Laa Laa wears a 'Burqini' on her first surf lifesaving patrol at North Cronulla Beach in Sydney, Australia on February 4, 2007.


  • 游客较少Bulabog海滩值得。 那里有瑞典人开的冲浪用品竹子搭建出来的,低矮的小棚屋面积竟有宾馆的两大。

    The less-bustling side of the island near Bulabog Beach is also well worth a visit, with its Swedish-owned surf shops and squat bamboo huts that double as guesthouses.


  • 利马托罗海滩羊驼Pisco秘鲁主人冲浪高手多明戈正在潇洒地弄潮。

    Peruvian surfer Domingo Pianezzi rides a wave with his alpaca Pisco at San Bartolo beach in Lima.


  • Hannah33岁表兄sybMundy同Hannah一起受欢迎的塔斯马尼亚海滩冲浪就是Hannah的腿鲨口中解救了出来

    Hannah's cousin Syb Mundy, 33, who was surfing with her at a popular Tasmanian beach, was hailed as a hero for punching the shark to free Hannah's leg from its jaws.


  • 冲浪的话可能更好海滩但是这个海滩游泳涉水行走绝佳地点

    There may be better beaches for body surfing, but this was on the very high end of swimming and wading spots.


  • 31布里斯本冲浪乔纳森·比尔德腿部但是努力的游海滩

    Surfer Jonathan Beard, 31, of Brisbane, was bitten on the leg but managed to paddle to shore.


  • 划船皮划艇冲浪站立式划社区住户最爱他们通过皇家环路海滩共用水域

    Paddling, canoeing, surfing and and stand up paddle board are all favorites of the locals in this community of their Shared access to the water from the Beach at Royal Circle.


  • 世界上成百上千的地方可以看到兰色巨浪白色海滩冲浪板身着时髦泳装的帅男靓女们。

    Hundreds of places in the world have huge blue waves, white sand beaches, and beautiful young people carrying surfboards.


  • 29岁的布伦达·谢里丹(BrendanSheridan)来自美国,如今在大东海海滩经营着一家只有个房间的小店出售出租冲浪板,他中国人冲浪很难。

    Getting Chinese to try the sport can be a challenge, says Brendan Sheridan, a 29-year-old American who sells and rents surfboards from a one-room shop near Dadonghai Beach.


  • 即使那些极少数喜欢的澳大利亚人敢于穿上新潮的冲浪海滩甲板短裤沙滩T恤衫防护头盔

    Even those rare Aussies who don't like the water are not afraid to step out in the latest surf and beachwear: board shorts, beach sandals, t-shirts or halter tops.


  • 指南包括顶部冲浪目的地日落海滩昆士兰州黄金海岸澳大利亚马里布加利福尼亚州瓦胡岛夏威夷

    This guidebook includes top surfing destinations ranging from Sunset Beach and the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia to Malibu, California and Oahu, Hawaii.


  • 指南包括顶部冲浪目的地日落海滩昆士兰州黄金海岸澳大利亚马里布加利福尼亚州瓦胡岛夏威夷

    This guidebook includes top surfing destinations ranging from Sunset Beach and the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia to Malibu, California and Oahu, Hawaii.


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