• 总是一封信即使仅仅为了责备没有一封信。

    She always writes me once a month, if only to scold me because I haven't answered her last letter yet.


  • 国旅游日定于519日,正是他开始《徐霞客游记》的日子。

    China Tourism Day is set on May 19th, the date when he started The Travels of Xu Xiake.


  • 这些收入报告起始于2006年9份开始的案例研究。 我看看通过博客到底能否赚钱,这个博客来做测试样本是很合乎逻辑的。

    to see if money could be made by blogging and using this blog as a test


  • 注意由于头一次关于价格对租金比率文章这里有很多相关的文章。

    Note: Since I first wrote about price-to-rent ratios in January, there's been a flood of articles about them.


  • 奥斯特而言,黑暗中的男人过程不同于以往,四个时间以前任何本书都快

    The process of writing Man in the Dark was, Auster says, unusual for him. It took just four months, faster than any other book he's written.


  • 网址中的提供了有用的语境--网址知道文章什么时候的,或许大概记得内容什么

    The year, month, and slug provide useful contextjust by looking at the URL alone, you know when it was written and perhaps have a rough idea what it is about.


  • 第一没有钱入帐的,但只要4篇文章有戏了。

    The first month is free and if you write only 4 articles, you will be in the plus.


  • 微软研究院那些家伙们已经正式明天(55日)才会发布然而篇文章时候美国的各个地方都不是55日,嘿!其他的一些地方却是55日。

    Officially the folks at Redmond had said the release would be available tomorrow (May 5), and while it's not May 5 anywhere in the US at the time of this writing-hey, it's May 5 somewhere.


  • 现在31岁这个再过几天32岁了(代码时,3),算法造成错误结果

    I'm currently 31, but I'll be 32 later this month (as I wrote this code, it was March) and my algorithm gives me the wrong result.


  • 1962年6告诉朋友说:“开始了。”真正作。我看看

    By June 1962 she could tell a friend: "I'm writing again." Really writing. I'd like you to see some of my new poems.


  • 正如去年那样:我和一些人,尤其是我,原本寄望于那些借款机构出于自利,也会保护他们股东资本的。所以(事情出来之后)我们都震惊得不敢相信

    As I wrote last March: those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder's equity (myself especially) are in a state of shocked disbelief.


  • 所有就是2008年1015关于贫困blog……并且任何你喜欢的方式

    All you have to do is blog about Poverty on Oct. 15, 2008... and do it in any way you like.


  • Dyson于2007年前沿网站的一篇短评迫使改变能源使用气候变化看法

    In August 2007, Dyson wrote an essay for Edge that forced me to change my thinking about energy use and climate issues.


  • 正在这些内容312日)为了安慰正为日本灾难不安心情,日本目前反应器安全的。

    I am writing this text (Mar 12) to give you some peace of mind regarding some of the troubles in Japan, that is the safety of Japan's nuclear reactors.


  • 此信是要就我2007年825日你们菲利普大街上的商店里购买羊毛衫进行投诉的。

    I'm writing to complain about the recent purchase of a woolen sweater from your department store on Philip Street, on August 25, 2007.


  • 2009年的5开始博客是在我们开始这种冒险行为以后一点的时候。

    I started the blog in May 2009, a little over five months after we got started on this adventure.


  • 死亡的时间2043年的915日,这篇文章的时候,我这个星球上还剩12275天的生命了。

    Mine is September 15, 2043 and that means – as I write this – I’ve got 12, 275 days left on this planet.


  • 本党众多成员923日在份报纸上发表,信中预言取消大学学费承诺会被最终文件

    A letter from many of its members, published in a newspaper on September 23rd, predicted that a pledge to abolish tuition fees would appear in the final document.


  • 日记里著名最后部分于1912年329日,所有探险者死于野外,而这时距离他们的食物补给仅有11英里的距离。

    The famous final entry was written on 29 March1912, the day all five explorers died of exposure - just 11 miles from the next depot of food and fuel.


  • 以下在考察纳街(Nakai)南通国家保护区日记的摘要。这次考察是世界银行2007年2派出监督的工作一部分。

    Below are excerpts from the diary she kept during her trip to the Nakai Nam Theun National Protected Area as part of a World Bank supervision mission in Feb. 2007.


  • 账号微博大部分去年12发布的,Pashto语言的,阿富汗本国部分地区使用的一种语言。

    Most of the tweets on the account, which was created on December 19, are written in Pashto, the native language in parts of Afghanistan.


  • 实际上刚开始篇评论时我有意忽略anki缺陷因为认为还处于的初级研发阶段

    In fact, when I originally wrote this review, I was more likely to forgive Anki of its bugs since I thought it had only been in development for six months.


  • 2007年1至2008年5买了38家公司股份报告进行评论推荐股价后再抛出股票

    Between January 2007 and May 2008, Wang bought shares in 38 companies, wrote reports on them, and then unloaded the stocks after his recommendations helped lift their share prices.


  • 9阅读量最高文章2002年。

    One of the top-read articles in September 2009 was written in 2002.


  • EVE AHEARN 6毕业于达特茅斯大学篇文章的时候已经搬出父母家开始工作了。

    EVE AHEARN graduated from Dartmouth in June. Since writing this, she has moved out and begun her job.


  • 3个之内掌握一种语言——

    Within three months I'd have mastered a new tongue - writing, speaking, reading and listening.


  • 3个之内掌握一种语言——

    Within three months I'd have mastered a new tongue - writing, speaking, reading and listening.


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