• 深深地一口气出来吸,吐,想象身体所有紧张都随风而逝,轻飘飘溪流前进;继续深呼吸吸气,呼气,再吸气呼气,闭上你眼睛,想象自己正站在世界最雄伟的瀑布高处,任汹涌的水流带走你全部的紧张不耐烦,取而代之的是安宁、冷静和耐心。

    Take a deep breath in and breathe out, once again. Now imagine that the tension in your entire body melts away and you are flowing softly in the stream of serenity.


  • 呼气进入站立体式吸气时保持,呼气移动

    Exhale into each of the standing postures holding each inhalation and moving on the exhalations.


  • 身体两侧手臂呼气上身转向右边吸气收回转向左边

    With arms bent by your side, exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Inhale back to the center and twist to the left.


  • 吸气先后的时候身体前倾,气流和口水推动经由舌头勇往直前

    Lean back, and then throw your head and body forward when you spit, allowing both the air and the water to force your seed forward through the tunnel of your tongue.


  • 下次进行跑步或者体育馆其他有氧运动时,屏住呼吸3秒钟然后作下一次憋气突然吸气呼气——这样作会让你变得多么难受

    Next time you're running or doing something aerobic in the gym try holding your breath for 3 seconds and then suddenly inhale and exhale before holding it again - how much harder does this make it?


  • 缓慢吸气0呼吸片刻准备咳嗽动作

    Again the slow inspiration or the even 0 breath moment, the preparation coughs once more movement.


  • 时日也就不用提醒自己早上起床呼气吸气了。

    And then after a while, I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out.


  • 是的现在呼气把手身体俩吸气呼气。然后,弯腰触摸脚趾坚持住,重复

    Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out. Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat


  • 每天早上都会起床,煞整天专注呼气吸气。过些时日,我也就不用提醒自己早上起床呼气吸气了。

    Sam: Well I' m going to get out of bed every morning breathe in and out all day long, and then, after a while, I won' t have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out.


  • 每天早上都会起床,煞整天专注呼气吸气。过些时日,我也就不用提醒自己早上起床呼气吸气了。

    Sam: Well I' m going to get out of bed every morning breathe in and out all day long, and then, after a while, I won' t have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out.


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