• 欧洲建筑商联合会拥有逾35万家建筑公司会员

    The European Builders Confederation has a membership of over 350,000 building companies.


  • 期货交易所会员期货经纪公司会员期货经纪公司会员组成。

    The membership of a futures exchange shall be made up of those members which are futures brokerage firms and those members which are not futures brokerage firms.


  • 巴西软件公司协会成立于19年前巴西软件业主要机构。目前700多个公司会员巴西软件业85%。

    Abes, which was set up 19 years ago, Abes is the main Brazilian body for the sector and has more than 700 associated companies, representing 85 percent of the sector.


  • 成为一家美国公司会员因为需要法律事务方面专家意见

    He wanted to affiliate with a U.S. firm because he needed expert advice in legal affairs.


  • 公司可以员工办理健身房会员鼓励他们参加关于健康饮食健康生活讲座

    Companies can give workers gym memberships, or encourage participation in lectures on healthy eating and living.


  • 大部分正规公司网站都会一项隐私保证声明,把它们如何使用会员和客户那里收集到个人信息解释清楚

    Most reputable companies or websites will have a privacy statement that explains clearly how they will use the personal information that they collect from their members or customers.


  • 罗尔,为了保证成功公司应该重点关注那些记录可查,真正可以增加会员收入联营机构。

    To be successful, Birol says, companies should focus on consortia that have a track record of actually increasing revenue for their members.


  • 取而代之是,提出建立合作会,会员可以私人保险公司谈判保险覆盖范围

    Instead, he proposed creation of cooperatives in which members could negotiate coverage with private insurance companies.


  • 公司高速增长正是得益于广泛吸收会员电子邮件地址信息,使他们能够知道哪些联系人使用这个网站

    The firm has been able to grow so fast precisely because it has sucked in E-mail addresses from new members, enabling them to see which of their contacts are also on the network.


  • FINRA会员公司也曾呼吁自律监管机构提供真正意义上透明度,但对于这些呼声FINRA理事会大多只是口头敷衍了事。

    FINRA's own member firms called for real meaningful transparency from this self-regulatory organization and largely received lip service from FINRA's board in response.


  • 所有会员通过联系航空获取关于优惠奖励调整的信息……”航空公司表示

    "All members will be advised about changes to the accrual of benefits and rewards through communications with JetBlue..." the airline says.


  • 79美元公司就会会员提供大多数商品无限制快递服务。

    In return for a fee of $79 a year, the company provides members of the programme with unlimited express shipping on most goods.


  • 高尔夫故里苏格兰自从17世纪以来这项运动就在那儿盛行。全世界古老高尔夫俱乐部在那里:爱丁堡高尔夫会员荣誉公司

    The home of golf is Scotland where the game has been played since the 17th century and naturally the oldest golf club in the world is there: the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers.


  • 外界认为,惠普董事会员支持阿波台公开考虑是否出售公司个人电脑业务

    Directors are said to support Mr Apotheker's public musing about whether or not to sell the company's PC business.


  • 成为a公司会员一个很好的选择尤其那些喜欢外出的初来乍到者来说更是如此。

    Being a member of AAA is a good option especially for new comers who are very comfortable getting around.


  • 今年早些时候,纽约银行梅隆公司一直试图成为一家清算会员

    Bank of New York Mellon has been trying to become a so-called clearing member since early this year.


  • 不仅如此,这些网站还经常举办会员活动比如高端公司合作伙伴赞助的直升机飞行、参观葡萄园航海旅行,等等。

    What's more, the sites host frequent member events, like jet rides, vineyard tours and sailing trips, sponsored by high-end corporate partners.


  • 会员包括专注于企业营销的市场传播公司

    Among its members are marketing communications agencies that are largely or exclusively business-to-business-oriented.


  • Parlay非营利标准组织,于 1998 年成立会员很多公司组成。

    Parlay is a non-profit standard body that was established in 1998. It consists of numerous companies.


  • 财富50强美国高端公司经理人俱乐部会员至少要有480亿利润资格加入

    The Fortune 50 is an exclusive club of the top companies in the United States with a minimum entry point of $48 billion in revenue.


  • 协会处在一个微妙的位置因为部分会员——大约有1300个公司实际上——对于招标结果非常满意

    The society is in a delicate position given that some of its members - about 1,300, in fact - are pretty happy with the outcome of the tender.


  • 69个公司作为插件提供者另外还有13个合作会员公司

    There are sixty-nine companies serving as add-in providers, and another thirteen associate member companies.


  • 1公司绝对酌情拒绝任何会员申请而无须提供理由;

    The Company may in its absolute discretion reserve the rights to reject any application to register as a Member, without the need to give any reason.


  • 因此那些公司全体员工提供健康俱乐部会员身份明智决策。

    It therefore is sensible of those major corporations to offer health club memberships to all their employees.


  • 因此,决定能否成功上市的因素是,律师管理人员能够作为一个开放式公司不是一个会员绅士俱乐部运营

    For law firms that do decide to go public, success will depend on their managers' ability to run them as public companies, rather than members-only gentlemen's clubs.


  • 有些公司提供过款体育馆会员资格(尽管上面点税)。

    I think this is true of many benefits. Some companies offer paid gym memberships (though you may have to pay taxes on this).


  • 有些公司提供过款体育馆会员资格(尽管上面点税)。

    I think this is true of many benefits. Some companies offer paid gym memberships (though you may have to pay taxes on this).


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