• 一个的面具有六个相等正方形相等的正三角形

    A cuboctahedron has as faces six equal squares and eight equal regular triangles.


  • 所有伟大意大利浪漫主义诗人

    It's the ottava rima in which all of the great Italian romance epics poets had been written.


  • 组蛋白 H3H2AH2BH4 共同构成真核生物核核心

    Histone H3 along with H2A, H2B, and H4 form the eukaryotic nucleosome octamer core.


  • 我们需要就是这里来,把我们的“满。

    And all we need to do is go over here now and fill up our octets.


  • 因此基本上这里展示这些立方中一共有,位置,需要它们满才得到一个完整立方

    So, basically what he's showing in these cubes is that there are eight spaces that need to be filled up to have a full cube.


  • 那么如果我们讨论的是氢原子目前我们遇到规则唯一例外。

    So, if we're talking about hydrogen, that's our one exception so far to the octet rule.


  • 因此规则普适的规则,对于所有原子来说都是。

    So, the octet rule is a general rule that you'll for all of the atoms.


  • 了,这些染色男性胚胎女性胚胎的唯一区别。

    For a few weeks, these chromosomes are all that differentiates male embryos from female embryos.


  • 但是每个原子现在电子或者说周围有一个填

    But that each individual fluorine atom has eight electrons, or full octet around it.


  • 这种上涨新兴经济影响更大例如中国印度,因为这些地方将近四分之一消费支出食品上面,欧洲,该比例则只有分之一。

    This matters more in emerging economies such as China and India, where food eats up a quarter of consumer spending, than in, say, Europe, where it accounts for half that.


  • 这个团队正在计划2011年春季这样口袋大小的立方卫星搭载俄罗斯弹道火箭上发射升空。

    The team is planning to launch eight of these pocket cubes packed inside a launcher on a Russian ballistic missile by spring of 2011.


  • 那个员工上来,竟然是个一面眼睛,只有一面上有

    The clerk was sent for and turned out to be an octahedron with an eye in each face and a mouth in one of them.


  • 一项研究中,科研人员推断亨利X染色遗传障碍罕见血型是导致状况频发罪魁祸首。

    In a new study, researchers propose that Henry had an X-linked genetic disorder and a rare blood type that could explain many of his problems.


  • 日本首相福田康夫表示领导人星期三中国印度巴西主要新兴经济的领导人讨论了这个目标

    Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda says the leaders discussed that goal with leaders from major emerging economies, Wednesday, including China, India and Brazil.


  • 非洲商业法规化组织负责监督执行商业法规(一般商业法、安全交易法、公司法仲裁法债务回收法、破产法核算法、货物公路运输法)。

    OHADA oversees eight business laws (general commercial, secure transactions, company law, arbitration, debt recovery, bankruptcy, accounting and transportation of goods by road).


  • 已没有几个发达经济情况如此良好了,相比之下,美国月份经济前景确实光明

    Very few developed economies are in so good a position, however, and relative to the outlook in August things are downright sunny.


  • 就是所谓规则,是路易斯,1902,年提出来的。

    So this is the idea of the octet rule that Lewis came up with way back in 1902.


  • 我们同样实现了

    And, we have achieved octet stability in the same way.


  • 巴西目前是世界经济;21世纪第二个结束之前,巴西超过英国法国意大利成为第五大经济

    It is now the world's eighth-largest economy and could overtake Britain, France and Italy to become the fifth-largest by the end of this decade.


  • 十六日星期一公布数据中国成为世界第二经济

    CHINA has become the world's second biggest economy according to data released on Monday August 16th.


  • 此外,这次峰会谈得比较一个话题集团如何继续适应形势问题,这个组织始建于1975年,创始国是世界六个发达经济

    And, there was much talk about the continued relevance of the G8 - a group originally established in 1975 to include then the world's six most developed economies.


  • 那时起,Seeman其他一些化学家开始向人们展示他们可以DNA构造极微小的东西。例如头发1000立方

    Since then, Seeman and other chemists have shown that they can use DNA to build really simple shapes such as cubes or octahedrons that are 1, 000 times thinner than a human hair.


  • 那时起,Seeman其他一些化学家开始向人们展示他们可以DNA构造极微小的东西。例如头发1000立方

    Since then, Seeman and other chemists have shown that they can use DNA to build really simple shapes such as cubes or octahedrons that are 1,000 times thinner than a human hair.


  • 伊尔·库特fedorov莫斯科MAKS航展曾表示:“如今的窄市场不好混的,也是最大的市场。”

    Irkut's Fedorov said in August at the MAKS air show in Moscow: "This narrow-body market is the toughest, but it is also the biggest."


  • 其他候选国中东欧以前计划经济,于2004年5其后加入欧盟所有热切渴望加入欧元区

    The other eight potential members are former planned economies in central and eastern Europe (CEE) that joined the EU on or after May 2004. All are keen to adopt the euro.


  • 如果我们继续第三,判断一下填所有“需要多少个价电子,结果应该就是乘以就是十六个

    And if we go on to step three where we figure out how many we would need for full octets, it's just going to be 2 times 8, so we have 16.


  • 佩特拉钻石公司发言人詹姆斯·邓肯31日表示:“这些钻石南非开普省处矿井内发现的,最大的一颗重达136克拉,是洁白钻,犹如颗橙子一样

    These gemstones were found in a mine in Cape Town, South Africa. The largest stone is a 136-carat clean white octahedral one which is as large as an orange.


  • 因此我们“,排满所有的价壳层我们总共需要电子

    So in terms of total numbers that we would need to complete our octets and fill our valence shells, we would need 18 electrons.


  • 因此我们“,排满所有的价壳层我们总共需要电子

    So in terms of total numbers that we would need to complete our octets and fill our valence shells, we would need 18 electrons.


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