• 这场交战逐步扩大全面战争

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.


  • 这次冲突可能演变全面战争

    The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.


  • 银河系中,有许多害怕这场冲突上升全面战争尔·帕廷坚信危机通过谈判来解决

    Many in the galaxy feared that the conflict would escalate to full-scale warfare, but Palpatine was adamant that the crisis could be resolved by negotiation.


  • 两个能够全面战争互相威胁超级强国,同时在技术工业上也是先进国家,并非出于偶然。

    It is not by accident that the two most powerful nations, capable of threatening each other with total war, are also the most advanced technologically and industrially.


  • 当天使之间冲突最终爆发全面战争时候米迦勒受命领导光明子民对抗黑暗的子民。

    When a smoldering conflict between the Angels and the Faceless broke into open war, Michael was appointed to lead the children of Light into battle against the children of Darkness.


  • 真实区域数量减少来自同一地理区域另一全面战争游戏个令人眼花缭乱空间有待认识

    While the number of actual territories are reduced from the number that would be crammed into the same geographical area in another Total War game, that's a dizzying amount of space to consider.


  • 大致说来大概公元前一千二百年,爆发了以地中海周围我们所知各种文明攻击对象全面战争

    Roughly speaking, about 1200 B. C. , we hear of general attacks that are going on around the Mediterranean against the various civilizations of which we know.


  • 以色列前线处于战争中,一方面应付零散而肮脏的加沙战争,另一方面则是对黎巴嫩展开的大规模、杀伤性全面战争

    Israel is at war on both fronts. It is fighting a small dirty war in Gaza and a big, destructive, high-tech war over the skies and off the coast of Lebanon.


  • 帝国全面战争自诩全面重写ai,机器具有宽广战略战术智能,陆地大海战役地图上提供让人敬畏对手

    Empire: Total War will boast a full re-write of the ai with a wider range of strategies and tactics, providing a formidable opponent on land, sea and on the campaign map.


  • 指出这个短语迅速进入内战历史学家词典现在使用更加广泛超过了比以往常用的“全面战争”(total war)这个词汇。

    The phrase, he noted, quickly entered into the lexicon of Civil war historians and is now employed much more widely than "total war," which used to be very common.


  • 指出这个短语迅速进入内战历史学家词典现在使用更加广泛超过了比以往常用的“全面战争”(total war)这个词汇。

    The phrase, he noted, quickly entered into the lexicon of Civil war historians and is now employed much more widely than "total war," which used to be very common.


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