• 城市陷入火海,日本全国财富5%化为灰烬。

    City engulfed in flames, 5% of Japan's national wealth into ashes.


  • 国会预算办公室上周报告收入最高1%富人所占的全国财富比例过去三十年翻了一番有余

    The Congressional Budget Office reported last week that the top 1% of earners had more than doubled their share of national wealth over the past three decades.


  • 乐施会报告分析了来自瑞士信贷数据发现英国富有10%人口掌握全国超过半数财富其中最富有1%人口所掌握财富大约占到了全国财富总额四分之一(23%)。

    Thee charity's report analysed data from Credit Suisse and found that the richest 10% of the UK population own over half of the country's total wealth, with the top 1% owning nearly a quarter(23%).


  • 事实上谈论最有钱的1%的人或者最穷的那10%的到底在全国财富占有多少之类的事情

    You're basically talking about what slice of all the national wealth belongs to the richest one percent or the lowest 10 percent, that sort of thing.


  • 即位开始巩固自己统治使全国上下都能享有卡塔尔的巨额财富影响力华盛顿伦敦甚至更远区域

    Since then he has consolidated his rule, spread his country’s vast wealth across the realm, and made his influence felt far afield, in Washington, London and beyond.


  • 全国财富离不开纺织业其相关产品,顿提生产黄麻佩斯利制造丝线柯克·沃尔制作毛毯

    All over the country fortunes were being made in textiles or related products. In Dundee the product was jute, in Paisley it was thread, in Kirkcaldy carpets.


  • 直到18世纪众议院议席分配不能反映全国人口财富真实分布

    By the 18th century the distribution of House of Commons seats did not reflect the real distribution of population and wealth across the country.


  • 富达集团指出,全美5%富有拥有全国55%以上财富

    Fidelity noted the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans hold more than 55 percent of the nation's wealth.


  • 可以通过建立一个全国财富基金来实现,基金来源是全民所有资产,然后基金份额无偿均分给每一个人。

    This can be done by putting these assets into national wealth funds and distributing the funds' shares to citizens at no cost.


  • 尽管半个世纪以来财富迅速增长,根据全国调查幸福感几乎没有什么增加。

    And, although wealth has been soaring over the past half a century, happiness, measured by national surveys, has hardly budged.


  • 令人遗憾是,迄今为止私立学校大规模地被排除在更大范围全国辩论之外。这个辩论是通过阶级财富特权的问题- - -一种有毒非常英国化的混合物而来讨论教育的。

    Alas, the private sector has until now been largely excluded from a broader national debate about education by questions of class, wealth and privilege-a toxic and very English mix.


  • 美国1%最有钱家庭拥有全国私人财富的34.6%(译者注:注意是私人财富),最底层80%的家庭(主要是工薪阶层)只拥有14.9%。

    While the top 1% of American households holds 34.6% of all privately-held wealth, for example, the bottom 80% (made up of salary workers) holds 14.9%.


  • 无论中西,历史上的行政建筑往往是集当时某一地区甚至全国财富,由代表最高设计技术水平的工程人员经过相当长的建设周期实施建造的。

    In history, it always took the designers with the highest art and technique abilities a quite long period to build administration buildings, spending the whole country's wealth.


  • 这个目标不一定非常令人吃惊的事,比如大笔财富建立全国乃至世界范围内的连锁事业或是本热门畅销书

    This goal doesn't need to be something extraordinary, such as amassing an enormous fortune, creating a nationwide or even a global business chain, or writing a bestseller.


  • 曩昔全国代表年夜常常偏重财富捐助者,公司华盛顿地游嗣魅者。

    In the past, national conventions have too often focused on wealthy donors, corporations, and Washington lobbyists.


  • 媒体同时发起了一场全国辩论质疑母亲智慧前述高校财富NBA

    The media, meanwhile, launched a national debate that questioned him, his mother and the wisdom of foregoing college for the riches of the NBA.


  • 经济总量全国7.8%浙江聚集了全国30%的百强县席位,浙江省县域财富八成来自30个百强县。

    There are 30% of Chinese hundred strong counties in Zhejiang that its economy gross occupies 7.8% in China, and 80% of the fortune of Zhejiang comes from thirty hundred strong counties.


  • 经济总量全国7.8%浙江聚集了全国30%的百强县席位,浙江省县域财富八成来自30个百强县。

    There are 30% of Chinese hundred strong counties in Zhejiang that its economy gross occupies 7.8% in China, and 80% of the fortune of Zhejiang comes from thirty hundred strong counties.


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