• 光彩照人天使着一只有翼独角兽

    A glorious well-oiled angel rides on a winged unicorn.


  • 这会失去光彩照人机会,让你归于平庸。

    It robs you tof he chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.


  • 昔日光彩照人20飞机现在剩下完好的。

    Its once shinny fleet of 20 has been reduced to just two whole planes.


  • 就像黑夜光彩照人月亮,则默默无闻星星

    Glows you like the moon in the night, and I, is unknown to the public the stars.


  • 作为自豪指挥者,时刻让船保持一流状态光彩照人的外表。

    He's a proud captain of this old steamer, and makes sure that it's in tiptop shape and polished up.


  • 桑德灵厄姆家中设置六零英亩光彩照人的花园也许是最好的所有皇家花园。

    Sandringham House is set in sixty acres of glorious gardens, perhaps the finest of all the Royal gardens.


  • 拍摄这样泳装照片令人耳目一新,这提醒任何年纪穿上光彩照人的泳装

    It's a refreshing take on a swimwear shoot and a reminder that you can look great in a swimsuit at any age.


  • 我们必须克服须要中规中矩想法。这会让失去光彩照人的机会归于平庸

    We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.


  • 最近几年官员又担心,它光彩照人白色外观会因为日渐严重空气污染永久性暗。

    In recent years, officials have worried that growing air pollution could permanently darken the tomb's brilliant white exterior.


  • 在他人眼里,米歇尔就是光彩照人完美结合他们到来也白宫增添了些许浪漫气息

    They seem the perfect couple, full of glamour and bringing a dash of romance to the White House.


  • 推测惠普的大型促销活动上可能一位光彩照人主持人确保客户赫德见上一面

    Supposedly she was a glorified hostess at H-P sales events, making sure big clients got face time with Mr.


  • 纽兰·阿切尔童年时期第一次这里露面,那时她是个光彩照人漂亮小姑娘910岁的样子。

    She had appeared there first, in Newland Archer's boyhood, as a brilliantly pretty little girl of nine or ten, of whom people said that she "ought to be painted."


  • 大约1950年起到今天尼泊尔人民经历不断牺牲折磨多次表现出英勇敏锐光彩照人的一面。

    The Nepalese people have appeared sharp and radiant many times in the ordeals of sacrifices continuously from the time around 1950 till today.


  • 没有亲眼见过这样的景致,全凭想象,在脑海中形成这样画面,我一直照着光彩照人的样子;

    I have not seen this with my eyes, but only with my imagination, that makes pictures, that always wanted to paint you, shining;


  • 而且,应该一个领域中做一些不那么光彩照人工作,直到机会和能力之时,再解决那些重大难题

    Also, it is necessary to "cut one's teeth" on the non-glamorous parts of a field before one really has any chance at all to tackle the famous problems in the area;


  • 在转场时候,打量前排座位上包厢里看戏那些光彩照人的观众,纽约潜在的种种机会,有了一种新的认识

    Between the ACTS she studied the galaxy of matinee attendants in front rows and boxes, and conceived a new idea of the possibilities of new York.


  • 双方忽略真相,那就是9分钟长的Youtube录象光彩照人采访背后,真正的王1000是什么样的?

    They both are neglecting the truth, what Grace really is, beyond the 9 minute Youtube video and glorious interviews.


  • 英国首相托尼·布莱尔一年四季总是光彩照人秘密终于揭开了就是,比英国女人平均水平高出两倍的高昂的美容费用。

    The secret of Prime Minister Tony Blair famous all-year healthy glow has been revealed — his spends almost twice as much on make-up as the average British woman.


  • 而且论断可能受到欢迎比如有像维多利亚·贝克·汉姆这样光彩照人妈妈作证——已经丈夫大卫·贝克·汉姆生了三个儿子

    And his verdict will probably prove more popular with glamorous mothers such as Victoria Beckham - who has three sons with husband David.


  • 朋友百货金行看到那些琳琅满目,光彩照人各款K、白金镶嵌宝石、钻石首饰是否亲自一试怎样做出这些精美的首饰呢?

    Friends, do you want to try to make beautiful jewelry by yourself when you see many kinds of shining jewelry and diamond that set by platinum, white metal and K gold.


  • 然后,那位为他们提供丝线委托他们工作地方商人这些丝线染色交给另一个家庭——这一家人会用她们做成一光彩照人纱丽

    A local trader, who supplied the filaments and commissioned the work, will dye the thread, and supply it to another family of weavers. They will transform it into a bright sari.


  • 邦布尔先生自信自己能够胜任,喜滋滋地离开了幢楼房,满脑子装都是即将得到擢升一幅幅光彩照人的幻象,一路来到丧事承办人铺子门前

    Assured of his qualifications, Mr. Bumble left the building with a light heart, and bright visions of his future promotion: which served to occupy his mind until he reached the shop of the undertaker.


  • 车站远远坐落于死胡同巴赫街上华丽的立面被人字形山墙廊柱阳台装点得更为气派,车站建筑附近光彩照人的现代摩天大楼相比更显格调高贵

    Tucked away in a cul-de-sac off Bahnhof Street, its ornate façade embellished with gables and a pillared balcony, it stands with quiet dignity aloof from glitzy modern towers nearby.


  • 这份调查数据结果是2000名6-12的英国儿童产生的,人们担心,现在的孩子一味地追逐荧幕光彩照人的明星,从而忽略了人类历史重要人、,这种基本常识的缺失想起来就吓人。

    The figures emerged in a study of 2, 000 children aged six to 12 which revealed that while many know all about celebrities, there are worrying gaps in their knowledge of key events in history.


  • 这份调查数据结果是2000名6-12的英国儿童产生的,人们担心,现在的孩子一味地追逐荧幕光彩照人的明星,从而忽略了人类历史重要人、,这种基本常识的缺失想起来就吓人。

    The figures emerged in a study of 2, 000 children aged six to 12 which revealed that while many know all about celebrities, there are worrying gaps in their knowledge of key events in history.


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