• 经济增长必要的,除非我们想让世界穷人深陷贫困的沼泽,或使其他所有人的生活水平停滞不前。

    We need economic growth unless we condemn the world's poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else's living standards.


  • 埃及面包危机只是一个深层问题表象而已。埃及停滞工资水平没有跟上生活开支的增速。

    In Egypt, the bread crisis is a symptom of a larger problem - one of stagnant wages that have failed to keep up with the cost of living.


  • 大家莫莱森极感兴趣,1953年莫莱森的生活开始停滞关于莫莱森,人们总是有很多问题,问题之一照镜子发生些什么

    People were fascinated by H. M., for whom life came to a standstill in 1953, and one of the questions they always asked about him was what happened when he looked in the mirror.


  • 大家莫莱森极感兴趣,1953年莫莱森生活开始停滞关于莫莱森,人们总是有很多问题,问题之一照镜子发生些什么

    People were fascinated by H.M., for whom life came to a standstill in 1953, and one of the questions they always asked about him was what happened when he looked in the mirror.


  • 生活哪个领域因为需要决定停滞不前了吗?

    Do you have areas in your life that are stalled because a decision needs to be made?


  • 好消息如果感到生活停滞不前,希望某些方面看到巨大改进那么你也可以做一些根本性改变极大改善生活

    The good news is that if you feel stagnant or need to see massive improvement in some area of your life, then you, too, can use radical change to dramatically improve your life.


  • 存在连续性撕裂了;情感行为固定程序被叫停了生活中止停滞直到外力驱使下进入新的轨道

    The continuity of being is lacerated; the settled course of sentiment and action is stopped; and life stands suspended and motionless, till it is driven by external causes into a new channel.


  • 其他国家看来,该国商品价格太高导致外贸停滞引起生活质量下降

    This, and goods too expensive from the view of other countries, will cause trade to cease, resulting in lower standards of living.


  • 有机会稍作休息的时候,你可以重新审视自己选择可能性,这样绝对能找到生活加速方法,从而度过停滞期。

    When you take a break and reconsider your choices and possibilities, you will definitely find new ways to accelerate your progress and conquer stagnation.


  • 过去了,灾后重建工作停滞不前,居民生活穷困潦倒。

    One year later, reconstruction work has achieved little progress, while people, since the earthquake, have always been living in tents without decent life they deserve.


  • 想想看生活实际GDP不断下降长期停滞经济环境是种什么样感受

    Consider what it will feel like to live in an economy in which real GDP is experiencing little or no long-term growth.


  • 即便官方数字正确的,通货膨胀影响使生活水准停滞不前,GDP增长消费者开支前景不容乐观。

    And even if the official Numbers turn out to be right, the prospects for both GDP growth and consumer spending look dire as living standards stagnate because of rising inflation.


  • 如果没有制定目标习惯只是自己停留世俗的普通的生活中,你正面临着停滞不前不足为奇了。

    If you don't have a habit of setting goals, and instead just leave yourself to daily mundanes, it's not surprising you are experiencing stagnation.


  • 几百万生活苏联七十统治之下,在这个停滞不前国家重负之下受到了压抑。

    Millions of individuals lived and suffered under the seventy-year reign of the USSR, crushed under the dead weight of a stagnant empire.


  • 一个制定决策方法可以制定不变的、我们生活每天制定的决策,而无需停滞,或因为恐惧而失去勇气。

    It's a way of making decisions where you can flow through the constant stream of decisions we must make every day of our lives, without getting stuck, without being paralyzed by fear.


  • 如果没有竞争社会停滞不前,人民生活水平不会提高

    If there is no competition, the society will remain stagnant, the lives of the people level will not increase.


  • 事实上我们一个风险,那就是很可能我们自己的生活或者我们爱人的生活成为停滞破坏性力量

    In fact, we are at risk for becoming a stagnant and destructive force in our own lives and in the lives of the people we love.


  • 芬兰人似乎生活未来,而世界其他地方人们只能停滞不前,对芬兰人表示惊讶

    Finland, it seems, is living in the future, and the rest of the world can only sit back and marvel.


  • 我们不能牢记生活中的每一是因为我们应该生活美好时刻这些美好的时刻不能停滞过去错误未来期望上。

    It is because we are meant to live in the moment, the wonderful moment which can't be bogged down in our past mistakes or in our future expectations.


  • 已经不能允许生活停滞不前

    I have no longer have tolerance for the stagnation in my life.


  • 没有高科技度假可以减轻一点糖尿病心脏病癌症前景一个停滞不前生活等待你回家。

    Take that tech-free vacation that can relieve you from the prospects of diabetes, heart attacks and cancer that can wait for you back home, in a stagnant life.


  • 知道重要事情以及该如何利用大部分停滞时间,你可以让生活得到巨大改变。

    By knowing what's important to you and making the most of your dead time you change your life dramatically.


  • 即使生活并不完美可以朝着一个自己热衷的目标进取。如果不为之努力,你可能会停滞不前。

    Even if your life isn't perfect, you can always build towards a goal you're passionate about.


  • 冬天过后我们生活显得陈旧无味,停滞不前

    After winter, our lives often feel stale and stagnant.


  • 反复无常持续性做事没有连贯性凡是不能一气呵成停滞不前,或半路退缩,或安于现状影响正常生活工作

    Capricious endurance is bad, the work have no consistency, who can't form a coherent whole, or stagnation, or halfway retreat, or is the status quo power affect normal life and work.


  • 但是人口增长却使得生活水准停滞不前

    But, population increases lead to no increase in living standards.


  • 但是人口增长却使得生活水准停滞不前

    But, population increases lead to no increase in living standards.


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