• 的话使我从恶梦中解脱出来。

    His words freed me from my bad dreams.


  • OCL查询语言使开发人员基础XML数据模型解脱出来,允许他们重点放在应用程序对象模型上(也是他们非常熟悉的部分)。

    The OCL queries free developers from the burden of the underlying XML data model and allow them to concentrate on the object model of their application, which they usually know very well.


  • 他们一次一次的生死帮助众生轮回之苦中解脱出来使我们大部分重生轮回之外。

    They live and die again and again to help others be free from Samsara, while most of us are reborn out of attachment to Samsara.


  • 他们游戏我们的游戏目的并非别的只是游戏者以快乐并且显然是想使我们暂时生活痛苦解脱出来

    Their play, and ours, appears no other purposes than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.


  • 可能感觉轻松点,使面部颈部肩部肌肉更加放松,缓解许多内在压力和紧张,并且担忧想法解脱出来。

    The chances are you will feel a little lighter, have more relaxed face, neck and shoulder muscles, let go of some inner stress and tension and disconnected from any worrying thoughts.


  • 意味着解决办法只剩一个:漫长、缓慢没劲孤独的灵魂拷问进程使我们我们拖入糟糕境地的、堆积如山的债务解脱

    Which means there is only one solution left: a long, slow, boring, lonely, soul-crushing process of digging out from under the piles of debt that got us into this mess.


  • 父母潜移默化地使产生自己负面情绪想法病人无法解脱

    My patient could not escape all the negative feelings and thoughts about himself that he had internalized from his parents.


  • 或者在一起毫不相关的事,为了注意力使你烦恼的事中解脱出来

    Or just get together with someone you love and talk about something else entirely, just to take your mind off whatever is haunting you, give it a break.


  • 一切终成为难以解脱梦,一个使常常惊醒的梦。

    But it all ended up with a dream, a dream I can't get rid of from it, a dream always woke me up.


  • 为了使我们自己已知解脱任何努力有害因为努力仍然是已知的。

    To free ourselves from the known, any effort is detrimental, because effort is still of the known.


  • 曾经有一段时间,作家们可以通过演讲之类的兼职赚钱马克·吐温(Mark Twain)就是通过巡回演讲使自己破产困境中解脱出来。

    Time was when authors could make money from sidelines such as public speaking; Mark Twain pulled himself out of bankruptcy by going on the lecture circuit.


  • 死亡使我们解脱不幸。

    Death frees us from ills.


  • 死亡使咱们解脱不幸。

    Death frees us from ills.


  • 如何使更加快乐,如何过去的阴影痛苦解脱出来,如何从总体上改善他人关系以及你的生活

    Then think of the benefits of forgiveness — how it will make you happier, free you from the past and the pain, improve things with your relationships and life in general.


  • 交通路线的开辟使片街区拥堵交通解脱出来附近街道夜晚作为步行街,人们可以街道旁享受美食。

    New transport routes will be created to free the area from heavy traffic and nearby roads will be pedestrianised by night, allowing cafes to spill out onto the street.


  • 使我们机会国际格局形成概念虽然我们那时刚刚一场大伤元气的战争中和国内极度痛苦的十年中解脱出来。

    It also gave us a chance to shape a new concept of international order even while emerging from a debilitating war and a wrenching decade at home.


  • 使敌意怨恨拒绝的恐惧解脱

    Free yourself from hostility, resentment, fear of rejection.


  • 觉得任何话语如此柔弱无济于事无法使如此巨大悲痛中得到解脱

    I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming.


  • 总之科学我们自然束缚解脱出来,使我们生活得更加轻松舒适

    In short, science frees us from the bondage of nature. It has made our lives easier and more comfortable.


  • 燕麦有助解脱焦炙。燕麦中富含维生素b,而维生素b有助于平衡中枢神经系统使舒适下来。

    Oats help to get rid of anxiety. Oat is rich in vitamin b, vitamin Bhelps to balance the central nervous system, so you quiet.


  • 使人们解脱时间空间手艺约束完成多个对象直接交流

    Make it out of time, space and technology constraints, implementation among multiple objects communicate directly.


  • 人类基因组计划成果使生活癌症心脏病阴影中的人们又重生解脱希望

    As a result of the Human Genome Project, there will be new hope of liberation from the shadows of cancer and heart diseases.


  • 试样王水分解、泡塑富集分离金,硫脲解脱,以硝酸-硫酸破坏硫脲,氟化氢胺- EDTA掩蔽等干扰元素碘化钾使之析出,以淀粉指示剂,用硫代硫酸钠进行滴定

    Conceal disturbing elements like iron, copper, lead with hydrogen fluoride amine-EDTA, add the potassium iodide to separate iodine, and take starch as indicator, titrate with sodium hyposulfite.


  • 一个可以直接输入频率键盘使得以从手动的繁琐中解脱出来。

    It had a keypad that allowed me to enter station frequencies instead of manually scanning to try to find stations.


  • 审计电算化使审计人员繁重计算复核、审核工作中解脱出来,提高了审计效率

    The audit computerization frees auditors from the tedious and heavy computation and checking. The practice of computer audit can make auditing more efficient.


  • 是以摆脱人生苦痛追求人生解脱超越悲观意志论,王国维的“解脱游戏文艺观中体现,使文学观念向审美超越层面迈进。

    Another one kind which based on break away from pain and pursue transcendent , can called pessimistic voluntarism , reflect concertratly in "absolve" and "recreation" of Wang Guowei's theory .


  • 是以摆脱人生苦痛追求人生解脱超越悲观意志论,王国维的“解脱游戏文艺观中体现,使文学观念向审美超越层面迈进。

    Another one kind which based on break away from pain and pursue transcendent , can called pessimistic voluntarism , reflect concertratly in "absolve" and "recreation" of Wang Guowei's theory .


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