• 随后肯尼亚进行的研究使罗伯逊确信非洲的看法有些太笼统。

    Subsequent research in Kenya convinced Robertson that she had overgeneralized about Africa.


  • 必须使环境游说确信采取实质性行动降低排放量

    He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions.


  • 他们最初计算风洞比例模型实验使他们确信需要强风就能提起33.5柱子

    Their initial calculations and scale-model wind-tunnel experiments convinced them they wouldn't need a strong wind to lift the 33.5-tonne column.


  • 类群之间差异每个类群内部相似性使大多数生物学家确信生命只有两个树干

    The differences between the groups and the similarities within each group made it seem certain to most biologists that the tree of life had only two stems.


  • 年的行业经验,以及使用技术的失败尝试,使确信,检查牛的最好方法是让一名男子骑在马上。

    Years of experience in the industry—and failed attempts to use technology—have convinced him that the best way to check cattle is with a man on a horse.


  • 这些风险使确信为了确保二进制代码完整性必须一次性编译打包以便部署多个环境

    These risks convince me that in order to ensure binary integrity, I must compile and package once so that I can deploy to many environments.


  • 声明试图使银行确信美国信用评级降低,并不会影响监管方要求银行为防止可能亏损而预留资金数量

    The statement sought to ensure that banks understood the downgradewould not affect the amount of money that regulators require banks to hold ontoagainst possible losses.


  • 需要了解使自己确信,除此之外,此时此刻世界没有重要的东西。

    That you need to understand and be reassured that nothing more important is going on in your world.


  • 粮农组织确信一项关键解决方案改善管理以便使水得到有效利用

    FAO is convinced that one key solution is to improve water management, so that water is more efficiently used.


  • 确信这么许多理由其中一个明显的理由使修改(就像我一会儿要的修改那样)不费吹灰之力

    I'm sure there are lots of reasons for doing this, but an obvious one is that it makes changes like the one I am about to make trivial.


  • 简言之,这些方法本质总是使确信代码内部的不变量确保代码块中的任何类型强制转换成功

    In short, the moral to this story is to always convince yourself that the invariants inside a code block ensure that any casts in the block will always succeed.


  • 鼓励卫生保健工作者确信他们了解自己艾滋病毒状况以便他们避免使自己面临暴露风险

    Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.


  • 企业可能会开始囤积原材料因为数据使他们确信复苏就要开始

    Businesses may be stockpiling raw materials because they have been convinced by the data that recovery is on the way.


  • 通过使安装具有可回归性,就可以确信任何时候,我都可以可靠地以低廉代价把开发任何版本安装某个客户机器上

    By keeping installation in the regression suite, I'm assured at all times that I can reliably and inexpensively relocate any version of my development to a customer's machine.


  • 如果没有别的办法,谷歌应使投资者们确信这笔丰厚的现金不会愚蠢交易而化为乌有

    If nothing else, it would assure investors the cash won't get blown on a silly deal.


  • 确信完全属于捏造使头脑中的夜晚夜晚”想法更加密集化了。

    And while I'm sure that's a complete fabrication, it did wonders to intensify the "night of nights" idea I had in my head.


  • 同样试着说出幻想确信可以自己方式使实现

    Also, try voicing out your fantasy to him, and you can be assured that he will go out of his way to make it a reality.


  • 在震一次会议上一些成员使公众确信没有任何危险

    Following a committee meeting just a week before the quake, some members of the group assured the public that they were in no danger.


  • Matthews经验使确信生成整个工作负载统计数据能够带来更好结果因为调和了所有冲突的统计数据。

    Matthews' experience has convinced him that generating new statistics on an entire workload produces better results because it reconciles all conflicting statistics.


  • 支持者看起来确信8个成员国得到所需帮助尽管使提议通过所需的有效多数票变得越发困难。

    Proponents look sure to get support from the eight member states required, although getting it past a qualified majority vote will be tougher.


  • 尤瑟夫恐惧杀人使确信杰宁拥挤破旧难民营需要更多的演出技术,而不是更少

    The horror of Yousef and his murders convinced him that the teeming, dilapidated refugee camp in Jenin needed more stagecraft, not less.


  • 在国外希望使世界确信中国崛起不会其他国家形成任何威胁

    Abroad, he wants to convince the world that China's rise poses no threat to other countries.


  • 将为开发团队带来信心,使他们确信自己正确时间,采用正确的解决方案,处理正确的问题。

    This gives the development team the confidence they are building the right solution to the right problem at the right time.


  • 所有说服力,”吉尔伯特写道,“试图使确信已经在这里了。”

    "It takes all my persuasive powers," writes Gilbert, "to try to convince her that she is already here.


  • 怎么的,”乔纳森觉得纳闷,“世界上难办怎么倒是使只鸟儿确信自己自由的,而且可以亲自加以证明只要他肯略微花费时间练习练习?”

    "Why is it," Jonathan puzzled, "that the hardest thing in the world is to convince a bird that he is free, and that he can prove it for himself if he'd just spend a little time practicing?"


  • 乔布斯最后的事了解健康使眼色使他的股东确信点点头知道还有以后生活使科技出版社并未参与这个秘密

    Jobs' final thing was to compartmentalize his health and assure shareholders with winks and nods that there would be life after him, even if the tech press wasn't in on the secret.


  • 消息称莎拉·一个她自己有争议的枪手代笔进一步使确信,佩林与亲自的巴拉克·奥巴马大相径庭。

    Further confirmation that Palin is not Barack Obama, who writes his own books, comes with the news that she used a ghostwriter, who is arguably even more controversial than Palin herself.


  • 一次,同样的经历使确信利比亚人欢迎外部介入

    This time my reporting persuades me that most Libyans welcome outside intervention.


  • 我们使有关方面开始确信市场竞争已经相当充分之前尽己所能,保持合作,促成问题的解决。

    We will keep on cooperating and addressing this as much as we can, until we can convince them first of all that this market has been very competitive.


  • 认为样子实际的样子可能会一些相似性这些吻合使确信真的看到了那个国家

    There might be enough similarity in what you think is there and what is actually there to convince you that you really saw that country, but it would be coincidence.


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