• 这样的,魔杖尾羽凤凰还把尾羽给了魔杖,这是仅有的两根。

    It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather-just one other.


  • 不能指望挥动一下魔杖,便一切又平安无事了。

    You can't expect me to just wave a (magic) wand and make everything all right again.


  • 想像一下可以挥舞魔杖来提高世界农作物产量降低成本使用更少的矿物燃料种植庄稼并且减少由此带来污染

    Imagine you could wave a magic wand and boost the yield of the world's crops, cut their cost, use fewer-fossil fuels to grow them and reduce the pollution that results from farming.


  • 最后GTD不是使目标变为现实魔杖

    Let me just conclude by saying that GTD is no magic wand that will make your goals come true.


  • 罗琳笔下巫师魔杖指着另一个巫师说道武器”!

    When one of Rowling's wizards points a wand at another wizard and says "Expelliarmus!"


  • 冲向大街的时候要记得手中没有握着根魔杖,所以不要怪全世界都没有邀请吃晚饭------本书讲到的交际技巧只有需要它们的时候才会派上用场。

    You are not getting a magic wand to rush out into the street with and have the world inviting you to dinner—these are connecting skills to be used only when you need them.


  • 罗琳笔下的巫师魔杖指着另一个巫师说道武器”!

    When one of Rowling's wizards points a wand at another wizard and says "Expelliarmus!" a stream of light bursts forth, causing the target's wand to fly out of reach.


  • 语言魔杖一下嘴唇这样我们就可以交谈了。

    I will touch your lips with the wand of speech, so we may talk with each other.


  • 总之,待会儿就会看到梅洛普甚至不肯举起魔杖拯救自己的性命

    In any case, as you are about to see, Merope refused to raise her wand even to save her own life.


  • 使魔杖造成的伤害提高5%。

    Increases your damage with Wands by 5%.


  • 不错如果来的,别的魔杖愿意执行命令并且执行得很好。

    Yes, if you won it, it is more likely to do your bidding, and do it well, than another wand.


  • 自从魔杖汉格顿墓地击败了伏地魔之后,相信这么

    I have been sure that he would try, ever since your wand beat Voldemort's in the graveyard of Little Hangleton.


  • 高智商怪兽知道怎么使用这些东西,些小矮人魔杖困住

    Intelligent monsters know how to use them and a puny gnome is a lot less puny if it zaps you with a wand of lightning.


  • 恐怕知道些什么仍然魔杖有关吗?

    I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Is this still something to do with wands?


  • 没有人自愿么?”伏地魔,“让我来看看……卢修斯觉得不再需要魔杖了。”

    "No volunteers?" said Voldemort. "Let's see... Lucius, I see no reason for you to have a wand anymore."


  • 并且帮了我们很多忙,大概没有注意到吧!”赫敏,“魔杖注定招来麻烦——”?

    "And it's helped us rather a lot, in case you hadn't noticed!" said Hermione. "Whereas the wand would be bound to attract trouble -"?


  • !”哈利大喊虽然举起魔杖,却想不出一个咒语,“不!不是我们我们没有杀死——”。

    "No!" Harry shouted, and though he had raised his wand no spell occurred to him. "no! It wasn't us! We didn't kill you -".


  • 告诉女主人大地儿子保证安全条件魔杖留在橡树下。

    Tell your mistress, Son of Earth, that I grant her safe conduct on condition that she leaves her wand behind her at that great oak.


  • 魔杖系统解决问题是“”。允许定制调色经验适应特定面部结构

    This dual wand system solves the problem of "one-size-fits-all." it enables you to customize your toning experience to suit your particular facial structure.


  • 邓布利多用魔杖敲了敲一个瓶塞了出去打着旋儿记忆冥想盆,说道:“先来,哈利。”

    Dumbledore tapped a bottle with his wand, the cork flew out, and he tipped the swirling memory into the Pensieve, saying as he did so, "After you, Harry. ""


  • 魔术师用魔杖碰了碰公主嘴巴到:“现在开始,不能说话,也笑出来了!”

    He touched her mouth with a wand. He said, "From now on, you can't talk. You can't laugh."


  • 只有到了霍格·沃茨魔法学校才能魔杖那时就要开始真正学习魔法了。

    You only get a wand when you enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That's when you start learning magic. '.


  • 哈利总是魔杖的行为,”赫敏,“其实使发生的!为什么这样坚决不肯自己的能力负责呢?”

    "Harry, you keep talking about what your wand did," said Hermione, "but you made it happen! Why are you so determined not to take responsibility for your own power?"


  • 但是怎么知道,”哈利,“那些魔杖——死亡棒命运杖——不会同一魔杖,身披不同名字流传许多世纪呢?”

    "But how do you know," said Harry, "that those wands - the Deathstick and the wand of Destiny - aren't the same wand, surfacing over the centuries under different names?"


  • 杀了吧!”那个老人要求道,“不会的,不可能赢的!魔杖绝不会永远不会的——”?

    "Kill me, then!" demanded the old man. "you will not win, you cannot win! That wand will never, ever be yours -"?


  • 本人的魔杖,”哈利朝着胡桃木魔杖点了一下头,“应该是令人信服的。”

    "And you'll be using her actual wand," said Harry, nodding toward the walnut wand, "so I reckon you'll be pretty convincing."


  • 神仙教母神仙教母?当然魔杖到哪儿了?忘了,我把收起来了(魔杖出现)?

    Godmother: You fairy godmother? Of course. Where's that wand? I... oh, I forgot, I put it away. (a wand appeared)?


  • 此时赫尔墨斯眼前出现了,一边用魔杖他,一边说道:“这下承认处置人类处置蚂蚁方式没什么两样吧?”

    Then Hermes appeared to him, and struck him with his wand, saying: "and now do you not admit that the gods judge men in the same way you judge the ants?"


  • 稀奇的注定要使用这根魔杖,而另一根魔杖主人留下了道疤痕。

    Mr. Ollivander: It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that sc…


  • 稀奇的注定要使用这根魔杖,而另一根魔杖主人留下了道疤痕。

    Mr. Ollivander: It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that sc…


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