• 作为读者我们任务责任,就是鉴别挑选重组

    As readers, it's our duty, it's our obligation, to sort out and to reassemble.


  • 这个工具留下两个非常明显扩展作为读者练习

    I leave a couple of rather obvious extensions to this tool as an exercise for the reader.


  • 作为读者喜欢不同文字展现巨大差异。

    As a reader, I love the diverse range of texts I have the opportunity to read.


  • 什么中毒事实作为读者不能幸免以及

    What is intoxicating is the fact that you as the reader are not spared as well.


  • 作为读者依赖研究,研究者很好的决定

    As a reader, I depend on you, the researcher to make good decisions.


  • 作为读者我们有权进入互不相同完全对立世界

    We readers have unprecedented rights of access to complementary and contradictory worlds.


  • 作为读者一部分工作作者观点自己语言加以表述

    Part of your goal as a reader should be to put the author's ideas in your own words.


  • 我们看到什么作为读者以及如何塑造这个理想的方法?

    What do we see as readers, and how does methodology shape this vision?


  • 作为读者撒旦我们相似试图解构剖析尔顿诗歌力量

    Satan resembles us as readers as we attempt to dissect and to anatomize the power of Milton's poetry.


  • 作为读者译者应该理解阐释原文作为作者,译者应该读者相应的解读和阐释空间

    As the reader, the translator should understand and interpret the original text; as the re-writer, the translator should give the reader corresponding interpretive space.


  • 作为读者你挠挠头,看着如果说交互设计就是故事那么这些真实”的故事又是怎么来的呢?

    As a reader, just think to yourself: If interaction design is just about telling stories, then where do these "true" stories come from?


  • 作者因而使(作为读者我们通过人物眼睛并且使我们小说中的人物看见更多”。

    Thus we cansee through a character's eyes while being encouraged to see more than the character can see”.


  • 尽管同情那些出版商困境,毕竟作为作者我也经历了同样的遭遇,但是作为读者,我没有丝毫同情

    Even though I sympathize with the plight of publishers-and share it by association as a writer-as a reader, I am without pity.


  • 读者权利作为读者公民依法可以自由地享有图书情报机构提供各种服务获取文献信息权利。

    Reader's right is that the citizens, as the readers, enjoy the right of various service provided from library and information institutions freely to access document information.


  • 所以作为读者,对第四我们知道自己在哪代言者在哪,什么时候说话而且就是这时非常奇怪事情发生了

    So in the fourth stanza we as readers have no idea where we are or when it is the speaker of the poem imagines himself to be speaking, and it's at this point that something quite strange happens.


  • 这个过程中译者要把自己作为读者原文理解在另一种文化中表达出来,就会不可避免加入了自己的主观性东西

    In this process, the translator, acting the role of a reader of the source text and also a writer of the target text, will unavoidably add something subjective in his translation.


  • 费什来说,弥尔顿总是在提醒我们自身作为读者堕落我们不断激励着,屈从于自身的不确定,对信仰力量的犹疑。

    So for Stanley Fish, Milton is always reminding us of our fallen-ness as readers and we're continually being encouraged to submit all of our uncertainties and all of our doubts to the power of faith.


  • 索尔·贝(Saul Bellow)任何人都好的,让——作为读者——感到拥有直接进入他们思想入口而且在他们思想中发生事情引人入胜的。

    What he and Saul Bellow did better than anyone was make you feel that you, as a reader, had a portal directly into their minds, and that what was happening inside their minds was interesting.


  • 以防作为读者兴趣,希望加入其中来,我们制作了一个定制搜索引擎(Custom Search Engine),帮助你搜索那些女性执笔这样那样研究有所贡献的一些技术博客

    If you'd like to participate as well, or just in case you're interested - we've created a Custom search Engine of technology blogs written by women to help with this and any other research.


  • 作为中产阶级,Gaskell不得不以旁观者记者的身份接近工人阶级的生活小说的读者总是意识一点

    As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an outside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact.


  • 作为中国著名电视节目主持人,董卿目前主持着《诗会》读者文化节目。

    As a well known Chinese TV hostess, Dong Qing is now hosting two cultural shows, Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers.


  • 为了吸引年轻读者这本充满有趣故事简单语言作为特点

    Aimed to attract young readers, the book is full of interesting stories and features simple language.


  • 一名记者,你必须为不同的读者写作,所以你也需要能够变换自己的写作风格。

    As a journalist, you will have to write for different audiences, so you need to be able lo change your style as well.


  • 作为读者快速浏览页面的每一个所以我们很少看到一个树,准确完整地,观察树叶,质感,颜色形状

    Just as a reader skims quickly over the individual words on page, so we scarcely see a tree exactly and completely with regard to its leaves, branches, color, shape.


  • 如果超时发生了,那么逮住只猫射击任务留给了读者作为练习来完成。

    Getting a cat and shooting it if the timeout happens is left as an exercise for the reader.


  • 一个真正程序应该具有使用方法消息并且用户没有指定任何参数时提供某种形式的反馈信息这项内容作为练习留给读者

    A real program would have a usage message and provide some sort of feedback if the user didn't specify at least one argument, but I've left that as an exercise for the reader.


  • 作为一个读者得做出取舍

    As a reader, you face trade-offs with both.


  • 作为格尔达的忠实读者对此半信半疑:营养品行业真的欺诈行业吗?

    As a loyal Ben Goldacre reader I was dubious: surely the nutritional supplement industry is all a con?


  • 我们不再浪费时间解释如何文件转化HTML作为一个练习读者可以自己了解下面代码如何使用XML文件生成HTML。

    Instead of spending time explaining how to convert this file into styled HTML, it is left as an exercise for you to see how this code takes the XML file and generates HTML.


  • 我们不再浪费时间解释如何文件转化HTML作为一个练习读者可以自己了解下面代码如何使用XML文件生成HTML。

    Instead of spending time explaining how to convert this file into styled HTML, it is left as an exercise for you to see how this code takes the XML file and generates HTML.


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