• 我们怀着很高期望希望可以看到一些效果事与愿违

    "We had high hopes that we'd see some efficacy but we did not, " said Dr.


  • 曾经常常设想退休后自己过着安逸生活,事与愿违

    By my age I always imagined I'd be on the verge of retirement, comfortable with who I was.


  • 同时,继续日常工作事与愿违,不时一些棘手的事出现了。

    In the meantime, you continue to put in a hard day's work. But now and then a difficult situation comes up.


  • 但事与愿违半夜时候,一阵梦中惊醒肚子疼极了好像割一般疼痛

    Instead, in the middle of the night, a huge pain will I wake up from my dream and my stomach hurts, pain like a knife.


  • 今年本来是房地产市场预期反弹一年,但事与愿违看来我们只是处在房地产业萧条——续集开端

    And this was the year that real estate market was supposed to rebound. Instead, it looks like we are at the start of housing bust, part deux.


  • 事与愿违德克萨斯州斯维尔镇,法庭宣读后小时,迈克尔·理查德还是注射式方式处死

    But not so. In Huntsville, Texas, within hours of the court's announcement, Michael Richard was put to death that way.


  • 西方捐赠者希望国际上对热带风暴的救灾物资使得救援方面的合作更为广阔或许能使社会问题得以公开讨论,但事与愿违

    Western donors had hoped that international cyclone relief would crack open the door to broader co-operation on aid, and perhaps a dash of glasnost. There is little sign that it did.


  • 社会媒体使用看似容易用户指出,耗时,卫生信息曲解时则有可能事与愿违比如人们转发推特消息时。

    Using social media may seem easy but users say it is time-consuming and can backfire when health messages become distorted, such as when they are retweeted.


  • 交易员欧洲央行购买债券此举可能事与愿违

    The ECB also conducted purchases of bonds, traders said, but that may have backfired.


  • 相信我们很多都有这样愉快经历,以为努力投入工作就能收获成功的结果往往事与愿违

    This is a bummer for many of us who want to believe that putting in the work will yield successful results.


  • 英特尔或许设计低耗电芯片方面赶上苹果,如果事与愿违,英特尔失去近乎垄断的利润额。

    Intel might catch up in designing low-power chips, but if it didn't, it could lose its quasi-monopoly margins.


  • 场诉讼或是合并或是搬迁办公室可能一时看上去不错小心事与愿违

    A lawsuit or a merger or a shift to a new office space might seem like a good idea at the time — but be careful what you wish for.


  • 虽然对于迟来满足很多要说,这整周毫无娱乐的工作还是会不可避免的带来事与愿违的结果。

    While there's a lot to be said for delayed gratification, a long stretch of all-work-and-no-play will inevitably backfire.


  • 感兴趣捐助者蜂拥而来,这些项目干预措施通常短期的,因此往往事与愿违。 无论我们有什么样的应急需求,应由现有的卫生系统提供应急服务。

    You have a rush of interested donors, but usually these projects and interventions are short-term and, therefore, counterproductive.


  • 看似显而易见多数打算起来往往午睡时间过往往事与愿违

    This might seem obvious, but for most people it's really hard to wake up when you intend to, and longer naps can backfire.


  • 许多学生大学毕业时指望不久找到称心的工作常常是事与愿违

    Many students graduate from college in the expectation that they can soon land jobs after their own hearts; but in most cases things go contrary to their wishes.


  • 强硬路线方法现在看来事与愿违了。

    But the hard-line approach now seems to have backfired.


  • 有的压抑自己情绪度过困境最好方法事实上刚好相反——压抑自己情绪造成事与愿违的效果。

    Some people say that suppressing what you feel is the best approach when you're going through tough times, but it's just the opposite — suppressing your emotions can backfire.


  • 也曾经爱过自己遗憾事与愿违,两终究能在一起,又又甜的眼泪沿着脸颊流了下来。

    Bittersweet tears trickle down her cheek when she heard him say that he had loved her too and was sorry that things didn't work out between them.


  • 头脑里总是憧憬另一生活实际情况却事与愿违

    My mind is always longing for another kind of life, but get the opposite of what one wants.


  • 此前,荷兰警方尝试远程干预无人机操作系统迫使其自动着陆,结果却事与愿违因为无人机很容易彻底失控

    The Dutch police were looking at tech-based solutions like remotely taking control of drone operating systems, but forcing a drone to autoland could backfire as it could go completely out of control.


  • 有时候事情会如所愿,有时候则事与愿违坚持持。

    Sometimes % things work out just the way you want, sometimes they dont. You gotta hang in there.


  • 很多情况下,主办方允许赞助企业进行推广展示结果往往事与愿违,白白葬送演讲者听众

    Too often, organizers allow sponsoring companies to give promotional presentations, which is counter-productive. It can be the kiss of death for presenter and audience alike.


  • 同时应该引起注意是,影响变频调速节能效果因素很多如果盲目选用可能事与愿违

    But at the same time we should note that the impact of VVVF energy-saving effect of a number of factors, if blindly selected, is likely to backfire.


  • 同时应该引起注意是,影响变频调速节能效果因素很多如果盲目选用可能事与愿违

    But at the same time we should note that the impact of VVVF energy-saving effect of a number of factors, if blindly selected, is likely to backfire.


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