• 他们上帝他们开口讲话告诉他们西半球贫穷国家继续进行传教活动

    They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.


  • 1913年讲座Raquette介绍了医疗传教活动的建立。

    In a lecture held in 1913, Raquette described the foundation of the medical mission.


  • 使国王贵族皈依基督教方面,奥古斯丁特别成功但是普通人皈依很大程度上归功于北部修士们传教活动

    He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility, but the conversion of the common people was largely due to the missionary activities of the monks in the north.


  • 因此我们接触了当地当前建立已经认可的仍然主导整个传教时期这个国家传教活动

    And thereby we touch upon the institutionalized mission that was now founded and which remained predominant for the mission in this country the whole mission period out.


  • 大规模活动作用之下,一些危险身体信号广为人知

    Some of the most worrisome body signs are already well known, thanks to extensive education campaigns.


  • 他们多数为门教徒,受活动索马里南部巴河传教士影响而信仰基督教。

    Most were Mennonites, evangelised by missionaries on the Juba river in southern Somalia.


  • 8月27日仁爱传教修女位于印度加尔各答特蕾莎修女的前举行纪念诞辰100周年活动

    On August 27, nubs belonging to the order of the Missionaries of Charity celebrated the 100th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s birth at her tomb in Kolkate, India


  • 其一传教活动表现出山东、山东人民态度两重性。

    First, female missionary expressed the dual nature of attitude towards Shari- tung, the people of Shantung.


  • 监理会的这些活动产生有利于传教影响

    These activities had good impacts on the missionary works.


  • 定期进行普及宣传活动利用医疗咨询各类媒体长期输液患者进行宣工作。

    Hold regular popularization and publicity activities, and provide publicity and education to the patients who need chronic transfusion through medical consulting and various mediums.


  • 负责策划、组织公司各类庆典联谊综合性文艺体育各类竞赛活动

    Take charge of planning and planning various company activities such as publicity and education, festive celebrations, entertainment sessions, sports and competitions.


  • 指出梅赛德斯·奔驰去年中国道路交通安全协会共同发起交通安全,从做起活动

    He noted that last year Mercedes-Benz joined efforts with the Road Traffic Safety Association of China to launch the "Road Safety Starts with Me" public education campaign.


  • 传教这些活动文化史意义蕴含着深刻的思想史意义

    These missionaries' activities namely had the cultural history significance, also had meaning of thinking history.


  • 联盟美国神教协会(AUA)募集资金资助传教计划,协办特殊活动征募可能成为执事的人。

    The League raised money for the American Unitarian Association (AUA), financed mission projects, coordinated special events, and recruited potential ministers.


  • 本文英文教会杂志《华西教会新闻主要参考资料辅以其他历史文献女性传教近代四川活动及其贡献历史局限性做详细的论述。

    Using "the West China Missionary News" as the main reference and supplemented by other historical documents in this paper, the women missionaries contribution to Modern Sichuan and his.


  • 传教医学活动取得可喜的成果,促进了西医学传播促进广州西医业的兴起

    Such missionary medical activities made great achievements, and also promoted the spread of Western medicine in China and the rise of Western medicine in Guangzhou.


  • 梅赛德斯—奔驰对公众活动包括设计发放海报、与报纸合作发表相关宣传文章,以及城市主要人群聚集地的广告牌上安排宣传交通安全内容。

    Our activities to educate the general public have included the design and distribution of posters, the placing of newspaper adverts and the posting of billboards in key city locations.


  • 以上传教活动考察构成本文第2的内容。

    Chapter 2 of this thesis is based on the research on the activities of above-mentioned missionaries.


  • 这样活动对于加强外来务工人员职业安全健康预防艾滋病有着重要意义

    This kind of activity for strengthening occupational safety and health of migrant workers and AIDS Prevention Education has an important significance.


  • 此外该县通过一系列课外活动强化预防艾滋病知识

    In addition, the county also adopted a series of extra-curricular activities to strengthen the knowledge of AIDS prevention education.


  • 画作中,我们看到十九世纪中叶外籍传教广州活动情况。

    From this picture, we can see the activities of foreign missionaries in Guangzhou in the mid-nineteenth century.


  • 第三研究告诉我们中文活字研制主要传教进行的,而且主要传教士的印刷出版活动中得到实际运用

    Chapter 3 tells us: the development of Chinese movable type is mainly carried out by the missionaries, but primarily and practically applied in the printing and publishing activities of missionaries.


  • 七七事变埃里克教徒身份在河北传教哥哥罗伯特肖张(枣强)医院负责人,埃里克参加救治伤兵接济难民活动

    After 1937, Eric worked in Siaochang(Zaoqiang) Hebei as a missionary, he also help wounded soldier and refugee as his brother Rob is superintendent of Siaochang Hospital.


  • 重要开展一连串活动促使市民观念上重视环境徖生工作

    But most important of all is that we have to launch a series of publicity and educational programmes to encourage our people to attach importance to the work relating to our environmental hygiene.


  • 西医学传入传教医学活动分不开。

    The introduction of western medicine into China was closely related to the medical activities of western missionaries in China.


  • 加强各种法制园地、阵地建设鼓励引导规范法制宣传教志愿活动

    We should strengthen the construction of various platforms and forums for legal publicity and education, encourage, guide and regulate the volunteering activities of legal publicity and education.


  • 昨日预防艾滋病宣活动荆楚飘动丝带我省启动

    Yesterday, the prevention of AIDS education activities of the "Red Ribbon Jingchu fluttering" in the province to start.


  • 昨日预防艾滋病宣活动荆楚飘动丝带我省启动

    Yesterday, the prevention of AIDS education activities of the "Red Ribbon Jingchu fluttering" in the province to start.


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