• 行政宾客提供免费下午晚间休息场所会议室

    It provides afternoon tea, night rest area and conference room free of charge for guests in the executive lounge.


  • 一不小心陌生人找出住所,你的学校还有你的休息场所

    If you're not careful, strangers can find out where you live, where you go to school and where you spend your free time.


  • 我们也依然需要星巴克们,不仅仅是因为咖啡或是一个舒适聚会休息场所

    We still need the 'Starbucks's, not only for the coffee or a pleasant place for gathering and break.


  • 星巴克故宫里非常游人欢迎的休息场所但是开始便招来了不少批评

    Starbucks was a popular resting spot for palace visitors, but attracted criticism from the start.


  • 完备的后勤服务舒适休息场所免去员工后顾之忧营造一个温馨的家园

    Self-contained logistic services and comfortable rest sites have excused the staff from fear of disturbance in the rear and built up a large warm homestead.


  • 喷泉位于学校繁忙十字路口之一旨在为人提供休息场所所在社区做了重要贡献。

    Located at one of the busiest crossroads of the university, the fountain was designed to be inhabited and contributes significantly to the public realm of the community in which it is located.


  • 名棒球队员各自休息场所迅速跑到场上,离开能遮挡夏日骄阳的地方,站到自己防守位置

    Nine players sprint from their respective dugout, leaving the protection from the summer sun, taking their defensive positions.


  • 有助于空间功能集聚此外还这儿的员工提供了一个愉快的休息场所他们可以尽情地放松,天马行空地交流

    This will serve to the gathering function of the space, furthermore provide a pleasant place for workers where they can just relax and enjoy a stimulating conversation.


  • 乙方在租赁期间解决司机休息场所停车场,负责用车期间所发生燃料费、停车费、过江以及过桥过路费

    Party B shall offer the resting place and gas oil cost and parking lot to the driver and all the toll and parking charges during the using of the vehicles shall be borne by Party B.


  • 作为增加城市绿化新型手段屋顶花园改善城市的生态环境为人们提供良好生活休息场所方面具有很多优势

    As a new method of increasing urban greening, the roof garden possesses many superiorities in aspects of improving urban ecological environment and providing good living and resting places.


  • 动物园准备了座带着羊齿植物以及人行步桥的户外庭院,休息场所有着常年恒温的空调以及竹子迎接这对熊猫的到来。

    The zoo has prepared an outdoor enclosure decorated with ferns and a footbridge, a sleeping area with all-season air conditioning and bamboo to welcome the two pandas.


  • 为了使所有游客都感到舒服游乐园所有的休息场所商店餐厅洗手间(休息室)以及游行演出场所禁止吸烟

    For the comfort of all our guests, smoking is not allowed in all waiting areas, stores, dining areas, rest rooms and locations designed for parade and stage show viewing.


  • 试想一下,一个国家人们趋之若鹜的的唯一休息场所足球场,而且办事都是斐济时间进行的。有更好的休闲去处吗?

    What better place to rest than a country where the only place people hurry is on the football field and things are done in "Fiji time"?


  • 这位新当选剑桥联合会娱乐部门主管保证说“会在艰苦考试期间将剑桥联合会变成一个有趣休息场所”,并称跳钢管缓解压力很有好处

    Newly-elected Juan, the Union Ents Officer, promised "to turn the Union into a fun refuge during a tough exam term" and said the classes could help with work-related stress.


  • 关闭这些工作场所不可能的,因为有些扮演着特定角色无法长时间连续休息

    It is impossible to shut these workplaces down because there are people who play specific roles and cannot take a long continuous break.


  • 混合空间概念正在逐渐普及,建筑物入口处开始咖啡休息融合变成进行非正式会谈场所

    The notion of mixed space is gaining ground as building entrances merge into coffee rooms or sitting areas where informal meetings can take place.


  • 如果看上去似乎所有休假期离开痛苦工作场所进行精神健康休息那么这可能因为受到了职场暴力。

    If it seems like all of your paid time off is being used for mental health breaks to get away from the misery of your office, it could be because you're being bullied.


  • 调节的架子可以作为游乐场所他们可以不同高度交错架子之间来跳去,或者上面休息

    The adjustable shelf system also works as the playground for his cats. They can jump in between shelves, which are staggered at different heights, and rest on them.


  • 沿着主要高速公路线路特别是洲际公路的国家体系许多工程建筑结构已经用来提供休息场所

    Much engineering and construction work has been done to provide rest stops along major expressway routes, especially the national system of interstate highways.


  • 休息时间网吧游戏厅场所不能太晚

    Time to rest in the net cafe, halls and other places can't play too late, etc.


  • 希望位置设置广场散步道构成市民休息交流场所

    Want to set the location near the lake and marina square, constitute the exchange of public rest areas.


  • 酒店大堂设有咖啡吧提供时尚饮品休息会友商务洽谈理想场所

    Hotel lobby has a coffee bar, to provide fashionable drinks, rest, friends and the ideal place for business talks.


  • 很多公共场所都有长凳或者椅子供逗留休息聊天

    Most public places have benches or chairs, which encourage people to stop, rest, and talk.


  • 社区中心一个人们可以聚集充满活力街道当地社区民众能够会面购物游玩休息娱乐场所

    The Village Center at Dameisha is a coming together of people and their environment in a vital street where the local community can meet, shop, play, relax and be entertained.


  • 由于住宅人们休息主要场所因此住宅室内环境和光环境有着举足轻重作用。

    Because of residential building is the main location for peoples rest, thus the residential indoor sonic and photic environment is significant.


  • 也是由于这个原因作家同任何艺术家一样,找不到休息场所,找不到伙伴活动使自己得到安逸

    For this reason also the writer, like any other artist, has no resting place, no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, no judgment from outside which can replace the judgment from within.


  • 上级贵宾休息采用私营餐饮设施会议聚集场所全部一个弯曲上限如下建筑物外部皮肤抽象

    The upper level VIP Lounge incorporates private dining facilities, meeting areas and gathering Spaces, all abstracted by a curved ceiling which follows the external skin of the building's shell.


  • 上级贵宾休息采用私营餐饮设施会议聚集场所全部一个弯曲上限如下建筑物外部皮肤抽象

    The upper level VIP Lounge incorporates private dining facilities, meeting areas and gathering Spaces, all abstracted by a curved ceiling which follows the external skin of the building's shell.


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