• 只有人类能够环顾四周以及仰望夜空中的星星

    Only man can look around him and look up at the stars in the night sky.


  • 是否曾抬头仰望夜空思索星星为什么会一闪一闪呢?

    Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered why the stars twinkle?


  • 几百年前,当人们抬头仰望夜空时,认为地球一个黑色罩子包裹着。

    Centuries ago, human beings looked up at the night sky and imagined that a black globe enveloped the Earth.


  • 每当人们抬头仰望夜空之时,总会产生这样的疑问:宇宙只有我们人类吗?

    As LONG as people have looked up at the night sky, they have wondered whether humanity is alone in the universe.


  • 的童年乡下度过那时蓝,晚上仰望夜空看到无数星星

    My childhood was spent in the countryside. At that time the skies were clear. Looking up to the sky at night, I could see countless stars.


  • 所以仰望夜空的时候,仿佛所有星星。你,只有你,会看到的星星!

    And so it will be sa if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night... you-only you-will have stars that can laugh!


  • 妈妈爸爸办公室能够引发次关于关于工商业的谈论;仰望夜空浩瀚宇宙中的天体产生疑问

    Accompanying Mom or Dad to the office can spark a conversation on commerce and industry; looking at the night sky can inspire questions about celestial objects in the vast universe.


  • 光线那么雪地星星那么繁多,直教人不想抬头去仰望夜空。真正的星星反而太显眼

    The light was so bright, and there were so many stars sparkling in the snow, that the sky did not attract the eye, and the real stars were hardly noticeable.


  • 生活中的每一拥有感恩知足常乐。拥有感恩之心的即使仰望夜空感动

    Gratitude for life each have, can let me happiness consists in contentment. People with gratitude, even looking at the night sky, there will be a kind of touched.


  • 主持仰望夜空我们往往以为太空只是巨大空洞,有那么些闪闪恒星些许能辨的行星点缀其中

    Host: When we look up at the night sky it is easy to believe that space is just a giant void with some twinkling stars and a few recognizable planets.


  • 人类曾经抬头仰望夜空,寻找着自己星河中的位置现在我们只是着头,担心着如何在荒漠中生存。

    We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.


  • 午夜时分,我们查理斯河边找到了舒服地方仰望夜空看着源自古老彗星飘散而过的尘埃

    At midnight, we found a cozy spot by the Charles River and gazed upward, watching for the stray dust of an ancient comet.


  • 仰望夜空时,觉得呼啸而过的寒风滚落热泪凝结成了冰。但是没关系再没有什么可以烦恼了

    As she watched the sky she also could feel how her tears froze with the cold wind that was running, but it didn't matter, nothing truly mattered to her anymore.


  • 自从伽利略通过望远镜首次惊奇地仰望夜空已经400了,为了庆祝一事件,2009年命名国际天文学

    It is 400 years since Galileo gazed in wonder at the night sky through a telescope for the first time, and to celebrate the event, 2009 has been declared the International year of Astronomy.


  • 抬首仰望天空想象一下日月星辰仿佛闪烁跳跃的宝石

    Look up to the heavens and imagine the stars and planets are sparkling jewels dancing across the night sky.


  • 使我们夜空恢复以前我们祖先所仰望凝视的模样。

    It also restores our nighttime sky to the way it was when our ancestors gazed above.


  • 夜幕降临仰望星宿深邃黑暗夜空,一片化身星宿爱上星空墨色

    As night fell, looking at stars and deep darkness of the night sky, stars and one do not want to fall in love with the embodiment of the black sky.


  • 仰望着无夜空感受雪花到脸上,带着往年气息,冰冰的浸入每个毛孔不觉的激动

    I looked up to the bottomless sky, felt the kiss of the snow which brought the breath of before. The snowflake immersed every pores with cool, it made my heart a slender exciting.


  • 记住即使寂寞远方黑暗夜空下,一定有人一样,寂寞不同,仰望星空却是唯一

    Please remember: Even lonely, distant darkness of the night sky, and then the people will like lonely people, it is only looking at the night sky.


  • 初夏夜空总是那么迷人一边美酒一边欣赏音乐,一边仰望星空让人有些许的浪漫

    Summer night sky is always so charming, the wine side of goods, while listening to music while looking at the stars, always a certain sense of romance.


  • 悲痛欲绝的后羿,仰望夜空呼唤爱妻名字

    Hou Yi distraught, looking up at the night sky, calling his beloved wife's name.


  • 于是不由得抬头仰望——上次这样夜空应该还是去年中秋

    Consequently, just cannot help looking up into the night sky — oh, last time I did that could date back to last year's Mid-autumn.


  • 于是不由得抬头仰望——上次这样夜空应该还是去年中秋

    Consequently, just cannot help looking up into the night sky — oh, last time I did that could date back to last year's Mid-autumn.


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