• 某些人来说,决定社会党候选人身份参加星期天选举完全背叛

    For some, his decision to become a Socialist candidate at Sunday's election was simply a sell-out.


  • 学校进步迅速,十八优等生身份肯塔基大学毕业

    Moving rapidly through school, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age 18.


  • 瓦西里先生无党派人士身份成功说服大量选民支持观点

    Mr. Vassiliou, standing as an independent, succeeded in convincing a significant number of voters of his argument.


  • 叶芝扮演了一种不自然的舞台身份需要服装同样戏剧化神话化的方式看待

    Yeats takes on self-consciously staged identities, requiring costumes, and he sees other people in similarly theatrical and mythic terms.


  • 议会中演说家的身份大放异彩

    He also shone as an orator in Parliament.


  • 2007年,应届毕业生身份进入这个行业时,情况并非如此

    That was not the case in 2007 when he entered the industry as a fresh graduate.


  • 身份脱颖而出——既是名技术专家,又是一名企业领导人同时还是一位能人们曾经非个性化实用小玩意着迷

    He stood out in three ways—as a technologist, as a corporate leader and as somebody who was able to make people love what had previously been impersonal functional gadgets.


  • 美国现代总统制度发展始于安德鲁·杰克逊1829年民主党领袖身份掌权,一直任职1837年。

    The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837.


  • 作为交换,向客户保证高于市场价格收购每一动物牛崽提供与欧盟类似直达客户电子身份识别系统

    In exchange, he guarantees an above-market price for each animal and a calf-to-customer electronic ear tag ID system like that used in the European Union.


  • 据说,此人正在周日集团下的一家报纸a Sunday newspaper)谈判销售自己家庭故事此人身份处在保密阶段,保护年轻女儿

    The man - whose identity is being kept a secret to protect his young daughter - is now said to be in negotiations to sell his family's story to a Sunday newspaper.


  • 不幸的是,第二才赶到,试图记者身份注册,但是新闻界会谈专题讨论会上受欢迎

    Unfortunately, he showed up on the second day and attempted to register as a journalist, when the press was no longer welcome in the talks and workshops.


  • 将成为某种虚伪、装腔作势的傀儡,徒老爷身份示人耳。

    He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib.


  • 但是知道一个特定年龄男人放在荧幕上不仅演员身份养活自己,而且产生一些幻想:乔治·克鲁尼50岁了。

    But what I do know is this: Put a man of a certain age up on the big screen and he's not only viable as an actor, but might generate some fantasies: George Clooney is 50.


  • 去年暑假曾声称参议员身份投票反对总量管制与排放交易方案而实际上议会中却赞成票。

    Last summer he said he would vote against a cap-and-trade scheme as a senator, though he had voted for the plan in the House.


  • 2003年,开始研究生身份参与乔治城大学交流文化核技术项目研究虚拟社区内人类行为

    He began studying human behavior in virtual communities as a graduate student in Georgetown University's Communication Culture and Technology (CCT) Program in 2003.


  • 学会了荷兰,荷兰语复杂的,1696年,土耳其战争发生的时候,或者其中次战争时,大使馆军人身份匿名了西欧。

    He learned Dutch — and Dutch is a very difficult languagein 1696, while the Turkish war went on, or one of them he went off to Western Europe incognito as an embassy soldier.


  • 1979年,第一中国参加篮球比赛内尔斯·霍金森没有想过,有朝一日美国大运代表团副团长的身份再次来到中国。

    WHEN Nels Hawkinson made his first trip to China in 1979 to play basketball, he had not expected to return some day as deputy head of the U.S..


  • 问及回国可能扮演什么角色时,坚称只有需要的时候,或许会顾问身份回国。

    Asked about the exact role he would take if he went back, he insisted that he would only return if needed, perhaps as an advisor.


  • 但是高等法院撤销了对判决责令未成年人身份重审

    But a higher court threw out his conviction and ordered that he be tried as a juvenile.


  • 非官方身份努力说服哈马斯停止袭击色列平民

    He said he would try to convince Hamas to halt attacks against Israeli civilians, but in an unofficial capacity.


  • 这个1971年播出的节目鲁尼首次自己身份出现电视上,为此,赢得了第三个作家协会

    The 1971 program was Rooney's first appearance as himself on television and won him his third Writers Guild Award.


  • 并未确认男子身份,该男子已经联邦调查局携带数学教学武器的名义起诉

    He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.


  • 这种礼节性回答可能意味着奥巴马峰会保持适当距离顾问团队观察员身份参与会议。

    'Etiquette might suggest that Obama keep the summit at arm's length and let his team of advisers act as observers.


  • 年前一个高度辉煌业绩从公司隐退,大约年后行政总裁的身份回到处于困境中的公司,并没有显示出重现往日成功迹象

    But nearly two years after returning as chief executive to the troubled firm he had left on a high two years before, he shows no sign of repeating his earlier success.


  • 格雷今年已61岁,上个月伦敦海军舰长的身份出席祖父113岁的生日聚会

    Gray, 61, attended his grandfather's 113th birthday party on board the HMS President in London last month.


  • 这种礼节性回答可能意味着奥巴马峰会保持适当距离顾问团队观察员身份参与会议。

    Etiquette might suggest that Obama keep the summit at arm's length and let his team of advisers act as observers.


  • 教练的角色出现的管理者——身份不仅仅老板——能够帮助员工取得优异的成绩同时们的团队也能表现胜过

    Managers who act as coaches-and not just as bosses-can help employees achieve outstanding results as their organizations perform better than ever.


  • 2001年kpn的首席执行官身份到任时,这个荷兰运营商已经尝到泡沫的苦头。

    When he arrived as chief executive at KPN in 2001, the Dutch operator had been wrecked by the bubble.


  • 30岁时,经济学教授身份获得了哈佛终身聘用。

    At 30, he won tenure as an economics professor at Harvard.


  • 侦探小说创始人身份闻名同时因身为心理惊悚小说的开山人而被人熟知

    He is known as the inventor of the detective story, and has also been widely recognized as the inventor of the psychological thrillers.


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