• 最近已经续约吉格斯,弗格森爵士他自己也会毫不犹豫的斯科尔斯续约1年。

    Having recently secured the services of fellow veteran Ryan Giggs for another season, Sir Alex says he would not hesitate in giving Scholes an extra 12 months at the club as well.


  • 忘记了自己有时

    He forgets he sometimes cries.


  • 感到很高兴,并想到的母亲多么希望看到在那里,并希望自己也在那里,而不是在她黑暗的卧室里。

    He felt happy and thought how much his mother would like to see him there and to be there herself instead of in her dark bedroom.


  • 在彼得曼看来,她们的追求合情合理已婚声称,要是自己年轻几岁,志愿超棒的“爹”。

    Their search makes sense to Biderman, who volunteers that, while now married, he would have made for an excellent sugar daddy in his younger days.


  • 有时我们也会规则进行谈判,只有个人提出自己准备好的原则清单

    Sometimes there were negotiations about the rules, but only once did the guy present to me a prepared list of rules of his own.


  • 有时候也会帮忙事情比如煮饭什么的大多数时候管好自己的事情。

    He sometimes does other stuff, like help with cooking or stuff, but usually he only does his own stuff.


  • 就算是世界上乐观适应性最强的偶尔变成自己消极思想牺牲品

    Even the most positive, well-adjusted person in the world still falls victim to his or her own negative thoughts now and again.


  • 即使工作因为自己可能失去工作的担忧家庭其它成员处在失去工作的风险中而忧虑”

    "Even if you have a job, you may be concerned about losing it or maybe you are worried about other family members who are at risk for losing a job," he says.


  • 它们的剧,莎士比亚他自己可能

    They were plays that people performed, That Shakespeare himself probably changed.


  • 小孩长大他自己为此感到羞耻,并且也会变得乖戾,”男孩的祖父

    They say the boy will be ashamed when he grows up and that he will be naughty, " the grandfather said.


  • 那个神话中的戒指可以给主人隐形能力所以柏拉图指出即使平时都正义有了这个戒指后也会变成一个小偷,因为知道自己抓住。

    That mythical ring gave its owner the power of invisibility, and Plato observed that even a habitually just man who possessed such a ring would become a thief, knowing that he couldn't be caught.


  • 尽管增派人手、希望加快自己工作进展,坚称担心计划最终推迟不是所考虑的问题

    While he had beefed up his staff and hoped to quicken the speed of his work, he insisted it was not his problem to worry ultimately about delays.


  • 随便询问位真正艺术家告诉真相不知道好点子来自哪里只是自己该做的,每天如此。

    Ask any real artist, and they'll tell you the truth: they don't know where the good stuff comes from. They just show up to do their thing. Every day.


  • 一个工作狂一样经常犯错。我接手了许多项目如果我能专心致志无论对自己还是研究院来说都是一件好事。

    "I'm just as workaholic and prone to errors as anyone else," he says.. "I have way too many projects, and it would probably be better for me and the academic community if I focused my efforts."


  • 任何个看到口袋里的叉子丢掉的人——尽管这把叉子是自己家里的,-也会觉得疯了。

    Anyone who spots him removing a fork from his pocket - a fork from home! - will consider him nuts.


  • 脾性暴烈自己床边放斧头防盗而且亲手把对方击倒法律解决问题,曾经用马鞭追捕

    He had a violent temper and kept a hatchet at his bedside for burglars and would knock a man down instead of going to law, and I once saw him hunt a group of men with a horsewhip.


  • 有意识地培养自己专业性特别注重欣赏的专业性。

    It was something he consciously developed in himself, and it was also something he recognised and appreciated in other people.


  • 共和党来说,明智的做法还是思考一下自己为什么痛失斯佩克特,作议员不仅在美国享有盛名,其观点为党内许多支持大商业的保守派所认同

    The Republican Party would be wise to think carefully about its loss of Mr Specter, one of America's best known senators, whose views are Shared by many old-line business-friendly Republicans.


  • 范龙佩经常发现凭着自己想法工作而且各国领导人通常也会签署同意委员计划

    Mr Van Rompuy often finds himself working with its ideas, and national leaders often end up endorsing its plans.


  • 天平男不羞于在公众场合表达自己情感一点害羞,就这样而已。 自由的表达感情感受然后感到生命之中不可或缺一部分

    He will express his emotions and feelings freely and will really make you feel like you're a vital part of his daily life and he'd be nothing without you.


  • 自己已经戒烟马上补充说偶尔也会烟瘾复发

    He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally fell off the wagon.


  • 沃德·哈斯·特洛是一名侦探偶尔也会梦到自己用枕头闷死卧床不起妻子

    There is Ward Hastroll, a detective who occasionally dreams of pillow-smothering his bedridden wife.


  • 如果总是喜欢自己外表自尊心可能受到打击,信心滑坡

    If he gets too focused on not liking the way he looks, a guy's self-esteem can take a hit and his confidence can slide.


  • 提醒应聘者必须雇主这样个信息:对工作本身同样有兴趣否则就很可能抹杀自己入选的机

    You risk killing your candidacy unless you tell an interested employer that you're equally interested in the job, he cautions.


  • 然而想得到一些东西运用自己小小的“阴谋诡计获得生存

    However, while he is ready to take what paying work that is available, he also USES his cunning to get what he needs to survive.


  • 然而想得到一些东西运用自己小小的“阴谋诡计获得生存

    However, while he is ready to take what paying work that is available, he also USES his cunning to get what he needs to survive.


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