• 无意中听到他们谈话只言片语

    I overheard a fragment of their conversation.


  • 琼斯先生拒绝没有法律界同事们陪同下和他们谈话于是警官离开了

    Mr. Jones refused to talk to them except in the company of his legal colleagues, whereupon the police officers departed.


  • 走近几处人群他们谈话

    He drew near to many groups and listened to what they were saying.


  • 正在他们谈话时候上课响了

    While they were talking, the bell rang.


  • 他们谈话的声音很低语气真挚

    They were speaking in low but earnest tones.


  • 他们谈话电视液晶电视,通常也叫做平板电视。

    The specific kind of TV they are talking about is an LCD TV, often referred to as a flat screen TV.


  • 不能阻止人们谈话可以影响他们谈话内容

    You will never keep people from talking. But you can take actions to influence the content of what they say.


  • 最棒现成的用户可以他们谈话得到反馈

    And best of all you'll have existing users you can hopefully go talk to to get feedback.


  • 认为自己义务和他们谈话反馈容易这样才能很好地服务他人

    I think it was my job to have those conversations feedback is hard, but I don't think people are well served.


  • LJ在他们谈话翻阅一张报纸,看到母亲(特工Hale所杀)葬礼布告

    While they talk, LJ flips through a newspaper and sees a notice for the funeral services being held for his mother, who was shot by Agent Hale.


  • 任何努力中的一个的额外因素就是确定新的机遇没有解决问题然后召集他们谈话

    One big Extra in any endeavor is to identify new opportunities or unsolved problems, and then convene conversations around them.


  • 一个治疗师一直病人一起花园里,跟他们谈话激发他们提出建议。

    A therapist is always present in the garden with the patients, speaking with them, provoking them to think and making Suggestions.


  • 穆塔基表示索拉纳这个代表团采取方式以及他们谈话实质内容新的气氛”创造了条件。

    Mottaki said the approach adopted by Solana and the delegation, as well as the substance of their talks has paved the way for what he called a "new atmosphere."


  • 他们谈话时候,两位牧师兄弟有一个雨伞树篱中仔细地搜寻着,拨拉出来一样什么东西

    During their discourse one of the clerical brothers probed the hedge carefully with his umbrella, and dragged something to light.


  • 工作的内容用来帮助犹太人他们谈话帮助他们应付犹太人的冲突犹太人火车站迷失方向事情。

    She was assigned a job to help Jews by talking to them and helping them cope with shock and disorientation at the train station.


  • 沃尔福威茨早些时候会见公民社会代表一样,议员们也提出了教育质量问题,作为他们谈话主要议题

    As with the civil society representatives who Wolfowitz met earlier, the parliamentarians raised the quality of education as a major subject in their talks.


  • 奥运梦想警官要求他们谈话记录员记录的有关这场会见的描述上签了字,然后我们就礼貌道别了。

    My Olympic dreams were dashed. The police asked me to sign their note-taker’s account of the meeting, and we politely said our goodbyes.


  • 一个简单测试(谢谢Debbie !),在他们谈话看看是否需要引起爱人注意倾听是什么

    A simple test (thanks, Debbie!) is to see if you need to get your partner's attention before talking for them to hear what you say.


  • 帐篷与帐篷之间上了木板这样上面行走就不会陷入地。我们周围几个小时,跟他们谈话,最后我们身上还是沾满了泥。

    Boards had been laid down between the tents so that you could walk without sinking into the mud, but after a couple of hours of wandering around and talking to people, we were covered in it anyway.


  • 研究人员得到回答问题如果实验者继续无视他们,与他人瞎扯淡长达10分钟这些参与者打断他们谈话百分比会是多少。

    The question the researchers wanted to answer was what percentage of people would interrupt if the experimenter kept ignoring them by talking to the other person for 10 minutes.


  • 他们谈话婴儿啼哭打断了。

    Their conversation was interrupted in midstream by the baby crying.


  • 他们通过设他们谈话讨论增加乐趣

    They spiced their conversations and discussions with intrigue.


  • 初步谈话中,老师他们介绍学习内容没有教授”。

    In a preliminary talk, the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered, but does not "teach" it.


  • 受试者心理学实验室里谈话,不知道他们眼部行为正在通过单向视觉屏幕观察

    Subjects sit and talk in the psychologist's laboratory, innocent of the fact that their eye behavior is being observed from a one-way vision screen.


  • 他们悄声地谈话

    They were talking in whispers.


  • 人们——即使是那些谈话侃侃而谈的人——经常他们第一次演讲感到恐惧

    Peopleeven those who are wonderful talkers in a conversational setting—are often terrified over the prospect of giving their first speech.


  • 人们——即使是那些谈话侃侃而谈的人——经常他们第一次演讲感到恐惧

    Peopleeven those who are wonderful talkers in a conversational setting—are often terrified over the prospect of giving their first speech.


- 来自原声例句

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