• 这项研究如何以及什么卫组织建议不同

    How and why does this differ from the advice from the WHO?


  • 一生虚度日子就如影儿经过知道什么有益呢?

    For who knows what is good for a man in life, during the few and meaningless days he passes through like a shadow?


  • 也许也是什么视觉艺术家合作部分原因。

    Maybe this partly accounts for why you have collaborated with visual artists.


  • 亨利·特里·克斯问道什么之相适应的措施少之少?

    So why, asks Henry Tricks, is it doing so little to adapt?


  • 就是清单2什么清单1中的原始代码有所不同原因

    This is the reason why Listing 2 was slightly different from the original code in Listing 1.


  • 思考之前的努力做了什么、没有什么与这些条目对照

    Think about previous efforts and relate what worked and what did not work against these items.


  • 什么用户接受他们需要结果有关不仅仅文档化的需求

    What matters is that customers receive the results they need, not just what was documented as a requirement.


  • 简言之一切正常时,备用服务器正在做什么如何那个服务器DB2 获得许可很大的关系。

    Quite simply, what the standby server is doing when everything is running just fine has a lot to do with how DB2 on that server is licensed.


  • 我们希望确保技术问题熟练地解决,我们也希望业务人员可以最大程度地把握开发什么何时开发的问题。

    We want to make sure that technical things are done proficiently, but we also want to maximize the control that business has over what is produced and when it is produced.


  • 许多款式显得过时,也是为什么2005年同期相比生产利润今年上半年狂跌46%。

    Many of its models also look long in the tooth, which largely explains the 46% drop in operating profits in the first half of this year, compared with the same period in 2005.


  • 第二个子表达式 (\s)表示“查找任何空格字符匹配的字符串,我们回过来看什么匹配”。

    The second subexpression, (\s), just means "match any whitespace character and let us refer back to what was matched.


  • 简单地说,一切 正常时备用服务器正在做什么如何那个服务器DB2 获得许可很大的关系。

    Quite simply, what the standby server is doing when everything is running just fine has pretty much everything to do with how DB2 on that server needs to be licensed.


  • DrCohen推测可能资源奇缺不可预料时有什么生存相关因素,不是合同有效银行系统这些原因。

    Dr Cohen speculates that it may have something to do with survival when the arrival of resources is scarce and unpredictable, rather than the subject of contracts and an efficient banking system.


  • 当下喜剧演员就是座宝库可是什么舞台银幕上喜剧演员相比,女喜剧演员却如凤毛麟角呢?

    There's a treasure trove of great women comics right now, but why so few, compared with the number of funny men on stage and screen?


  • 在把有机食品得一文不值时候,是否什么身体健康息息相关的正当理由值得我们建立一个标准选择生物动力食品呢?

    Given that organic food has been rubbished of late, is there any reasonable health imperative to step up a level and choose biodynamic?


  • 四个游戏G20峰会什么关系?

    What have these four games to do with the G20 summit?


  • 通过安娜相处明白了意味着什么

    With Anna he learned the meaning of love.


  • 这个主要设计100多年爱迪生取得专利的设计相比什么变化

    The basic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago.


  • 别人问题相比自己的问题算不得什么

    My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's.


  • 父母孩子谈论我们今天什么”、“上周做了什么去年做了什么”时,他们引导孩子构造一个谈论过去框架

    When parents talk with children about "what we did today" or "last week" or "last year", they guide the children's formation of a framework for talking about the past.


  • 从小双语环境长大孩子必须关注社交线索明白什么环境下什么交流该使用哪种语言

    Young children being raised bilingual have to follow social cues to figure out which language to use with which person and in what setting.


  • 并不确切地知道在那里什么似乎幽默诗歌有关

    I'm not exactly sure what she does there, but it seems to be related to humorous poems.


  • 传感器电路濒临故障NASA专家们意识他们必须什么否则将永远探测器失去联系

    Sensors and circuits were on the brink of failing and NASA experts realised that they had to do something or lose contact with their probe forever.


  • 一个论文测验中,怎么介绍论文的内容知道什么一样重要

    How you present the content in a test essay is as important as what you know.


  • 一个便于取用的闪电转换器”,材料科学家们就可以弄清强大电流物质相遇时会发生什么

    With a lightning "switch" at their fingertips, materials scientists could find out what happens when mighty currents meet matter.


  • 去除食物中的脂肪,食物尝起来好像少了什么

    When fat and salt are removed from food, the food tastes as if is missing something.


  • 歌有什么不同

    How is writing poems different from writing songs?


  • 他们确实狩猎会种植粮食作物、饲养绵羊我们知道什么有这么狩猎相关。

    They did hunt and they also raised cereal crops and kept sheep, but we don't know why so many of the paintings are of hunting scenes.


  • 地面高度水位什么明显区别

    There wasn't enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level.


  • 你们阅读时候,希望你们思考一下什么这种想法那个时代读者有关

    When you are reading, I want you to think about that and why that kind of thought would be relevant to the readers of his time.


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