• 特殊情况下人格主义要说两者死亡是分开的。

    But in the abnormal case, the personality theorist needs to say, or so it seems to me, the two deaths come apart.


  • 清代红学价值关怀主要表现方面:元代以来大为流行的“文学传统,一是儒家正统的人格主义

    The researches on A Dream of Red Mansions in Qing Dynasty had two topics:the literary tradition of "commandment and persuasion"that was prevalent from Yuan Dynasty and the personalism of Confucianism.


  • 本文试图以人格主义思想为其创作精神,结合陀思妥耶夫斯基文学作品阐述陀思妥耶夫斯基的个体人格思想。

    Based on Dostoyevsky s individual personality and combined with his literature works, this paper expounds his individual personality ideology.


  • 亚洲人人格观念中,个人主义独立自我不是理想的。

    In the Asian concept of personality, there is no ideal attached to individualism or to the independent self.


  • 他们发现给出功利主义答案(将胖子)的人和人格上呈现精神病态权术主义倾向、觉得生命毫无意义的人之间有着很强的联系

    They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas (push the fat guy off the bridge) and personalities that were psychopathic, Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless.


  • 有趣的是,研究人员带有A人格特质完美主义雄心勃勃的人似乎可能出现这种症状。

    Anecdotally, researchers say that people with traits associated with the "Type a" personality - such as perfectionism or ambition - also seem to be more vulnerable.


  • 第二个层面,他们要求针对问卷设计具有马基雅维利主义病态人格特征陈述,表明自己的认同程度。

    For the second, participants were asked to rate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with statements designed to assess the personality traits of Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism.


  • 不仅因为全然支持目的论点(成为工作最多人格学家),而且进一步谈论同步性与神秘主义的连结。

    Not only does he fully support the teleological view (as do most personality theorists), but he goes a step further and talks about the mystical interconnectedness of synchronicity.


  • C一个男子主义人,传统守旧体魄强健是整个人格系统保护者

    C is a he - and he is a chauvinistic, conventional, strong male. He is the protector of the system.


  • 文章通过侠义英雄主义具体剖析,认为取其精华对青少年人格的完善个性培养积极的现实意义

    Through the idiographic anatomy to heroism and take out it's distillate in the paper will have active meaning to perfect the hobbledehoy's personality and cultivate their individuality.


  • 李贽个性主义文学观念主张文学“尚”,丝毫不扭曲掩饰自然表现真实人格情感

    The literature conception of LiZhi's individualism, advocated the true reflection, i. e., without any distortion and pretension of the personality and feelings.


  • 抑郁人格易感性研究主要围绕依赖-自我批评,社会性依赖-自主以及完美主义概念展开。

    Research on personality vulnerability to depression is focused upon the concepts of dependency-self-criticism, sociotropy-autonomy, and perfectionism.


  • 因此人格同一性人格,既可以被物理主义学者接受可以二元论者接受。

    So, the personality theory of personal identity can be accepted by physicalists, and it can be accepted by dualists.


  • 本文分析人本主义心理学健康人格理论基础之上,对人本主义健康人格进行了阐述,指出塑造现代人格价值。

    On the basis of analyzing the theory of humanistic health personality, this paper interprets its content and points out its enlightenment to model the modern personality.


  • 人格权在理论实践中的私权化,系由民法形式逻辑结构需要以及团体人格塑造原因引起,反映一种狭隘的民法实证主义观念

    This is mainly because of the necessity of formal logical structure of civil law and the shaping of organization personality, which reflects a narrow civil positivism view.


  • 论文通过疾病文化隐喻解读,总结时代人格的自恋主义特征,观照当代人的心灵迷宫,烛照辨识那些黑暗歧路之处,以助困顿的灵魂找到出口

    The purpose of this study is to find out exit in labyrinth of the era's personality through lightended the dark and confusing infinite loop.


  • 完美主义作为人格特质自尊烦恼心理都存有一定影响

    The perfectionism as one kind of personality characteristic has certain influence to the self-esteem and the worry.


  • 内容包括贤妻良母主义、男女平等塑造女性健全的人格等等。

    It deals with virtuous wives and good mothers, equality between men and women and how to have a noble character, and so on.


  • 思想史而言,人格模式之意义表现促使圣人平民化,倡导一种现实主义人格内容

    As for ideological history, the importance of personality model lies in the content of spurring wise men into common people and initiating a realistic personality.


  • 人们熟悉个人主义不同,超个人主义强调个人超验性、人格能动性

    Unlike the ordinary individualism that people have been familiar with, transcendental individualism emphasizes the transcendental nature, personality and dynamic quality of an individual.


  • 罗马当今民法法律塑造始终受到理性主义哲学传统影响,近代人格概念的承认亦然。

    From Roman law to civil law in history, the laws all put person into shape under the influence of rationalism traditions, and so is the acceptation of personality right concept.


  • 大众文化后现代主义文化实践西方社会消费方式产生了较大影响导致了消费社会中人格异化

    The masses culture is the cultural practice of the postmodernism. It affects the style of the masses consumptions in the west society. And it leads to alienation of masses personality.


  • 近代以降,民法人格保护,更是理性主义与非理性主义两种进路缠绕博弈。

    Since recent epoch, rationalism and irrationalism struggle to abolish each other in the protection of personality right.


  • 世纪世纪末官场现实主义小说中依附人格批判剖析即成为主导倾向

    In the officialdom realism novels at the beginning and the end of this century, criticizing and analyzing the personality of depending on others have become a leading trend.


  • 人本主义健康人格人本心理学的集中反映

    The humanism healthy personality is the person conscienceNeo-Confucianism concentrated reflection.


  • 完美主义大学生普遍它作为人格特质思维方式个体不同情境中表现出来的种相对稳定心理特征

    The perfectionism is very common in the college students, as one kind of personality characteristic and a thinking mode, it is a stable psychological feature which exists in the different situation;


  • 作为一种心理健康关系密切人格特质完美主义一直备受临床心理学家关注

    Perfectionism as a personality trait having a close relationship with mental health has been receiving a good deal of attention by clinical psychologists.


  • 圣于中国人人格理想既有理想主义的青岛招聘网天空可以自由翱翔妥协于现实世界上很多规则障碍

    Nine, " God in heaven, St. to the ground" is the Chinese Personality Ideal: both a sky idealism, can fly not reconciled to the real world many rules and barriers;


  • 洛克经验主义立场出发反对笛卡尔作为心灵实体自我观,提出了近代关于人格”的经典定义

    Locke opposed the idea of ego as the spiritual entity and raised a classical definition about personality from empirical standpoint.


  • 洛克经验主义立场出发反对笛卡尔作为心灵实体自我观,提出了近代关于人格”的经典定义

    Locke opposed the idea of ego as the spiritual entity and raised a classical definition about personality from empirical standpoint.


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