• 迪恩·马丁漠不关心一个

    Dean Martin: not caring so much, just a cool guy.


  • 指向中年助手递给中年一个麦克风。

    She pointed to a middle-age man and her aides handed him amicrophone.


  • 儿童中,发病率统计几年150跃升今天每110个孩子患者。

    Among children, the prevalence statistics have jumped from one in every 150 a few years ago to one in 110 kids today.


  • 从未如此场景,”说道,“我看到有25压着,一大堆在一起。

    I have never seen anything like it,” he said. “I saw 25 people piled on top of one another, a huge heap.


  • 从未如此场景,”说道,“我看到有25压着,一大堆在一起。”

    "I have never seen anything like it," he said. "I saw 25 people piled on top of one another, a huge heap."


  • 有关出版新闻机构德国年轻还给了这个惊讶的收信一个新的通讯地址而且答应回信

    The German gave his surprise correspondent a new address to write to and promised to write back when he received his letter, the Associated Press news agency reports.


  • 由于他们勇气胆魄毅力我们伊拉克一个改变未来机会我们如今成功地伊拉克留给他们。

    Thanks to their courage, grit and perseverance, we have given Iraqis a chance to shape their future, and we are successfully leaving Iraq to its people.


  • 我们刚刚我们自己培养本地年轻一个五年合同心底坚信将成为这家俱乐部伟大队长

    We have just given a five-year deal to a local lad we've raised ourselves, and who has it within him to be a great captain of the club.


  • 实际上项目执行某个工作时,项目经理仍然可以决定是否一个角色或者同时执行多个角色

    When actually performing this work in a project, a project manager can still decide whether to assign one person per role or to have that person perform several roles at the same time.


  • 第二天一早,当他们教室时候,教授让他们一个教室考试,他耸耸肩,一找了一个教室,坐定后,开始了他们的第一

    Each shrugged and went to two different parts of the building. As each sat down, they read the first question.


  • 评价回应工作养老金部长伊恩•邓肯•史密斯提出的请求。 史密斯希望“英国的年轻一个机会不要依赖外来劳动力”。

    They were responding to a plea from Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s to ‘give our young people a chance, and not fall back on labour from abroad’.


  • 其实一些调解者想出办法,即地区海外以色列制造出更加艰难的国际环境迫使以色列巴勒斯坦一个稳定国家唯一办法。

    Indeed, some mediators think a rougher environment, both in the region and overseas, is the only way that Israel will be pressed towards giving Palestinians a proper state.


  • 对于伊拉克问题,还需要在保持立场坚定(美国必须在2007年全年维持伊拉克驻军)的同时,为所犯的错误诚恳进行自我批评——他还欠美国伊拉克一个解释

    With Iraq, he has to mix resolution-america surely must keep its troops there throughout 2007-with contrition: he owes Americans and Iraqis a frank explanation of the mistakes made.


  • 卡伦是个变性变成吸引的

    Karen said she is a transgendera man who wants to be a woman and is attracted to women.


  • 债权同意一个喘息的机会。

    His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite.


  • 这个中间如果找到一个买主提成5%。

    The broker will get 5% if he finds a purchaser.


  • 悉尼先驱晨报》有这样一则头版标题:“对不起大多数澳大利亚想要一个共和国。”

    The Sydney Morning Herald carried the headline: "Sorry Ma'am, Most Australians Want a Republic."


  • 某些地区14角逐一个岗位

    In some areas, 14 people are chasing every job.


  • 许多电影的构思源自某图片- - -比如,纤弱男孩一个巨型脑袋的外星一个虫眼生物之类。

    Many of his movies are born from an image - of a spindly boy, a giant-brained extraterrestrial, a bug-eyed creature.


  • 开始会议之前,首先要选择会议主持一个记录一个计时员。

    Start the meeting by choosing a facilitator, a recorder, and a timekeeper.


  • 首诗描述一个与众不同,她拥有此般至高无上的……不是母亲,

    This poem describes one person; a woman unlike any other, for who could possess that level of love… who else, but a mother?


  • 需要一起吃午饭然后海滩之后晚饭,他几乎所有那里某种方式获得力量年轻的,年老的,甚至动物

    There would be a big group of people; one would go to lunch, then go to the beach, have dinner afterwards, and from everyone possible, young, old, even animals - he would somehow get their energy.


  • 挪威法罗一个冰岛就要处死

    A Norwegian, a Faroese and an Icelander are about to be executed.


  • 这个年轻一个专家直接回到工作很快暴露更多爆炸当中

    But this young man, a bomb-disposal expert, went straight back to work and was quickly exposed to several more blasts.


  • 不再需要中间一个非营利组织帮助达到他们效果

    People don't need a middleman, a nonprofit, to create the impact they want to see.


  • 要知道他杀许多爱着他是那么的无情、过分并怯懦。

    He knew he had killed a man, one loved by many, in a heartless, shocking, cowardly stabbing.


  • 之前,由于李先生当事——西部重庆犯罪分子作证前年年底的一次类似指控中被判有罪

    Mr.Li was previously convicted on similar charges after one of his clients, a convicted gangster from the western city of Chongqing, testified against him late last year.


  • “既是这样,”沙威又说,“请原谅多话,我分内应做的事,今天没有看见一个

    "Then," resumed Javert, "you will excuse me if I persist; it is my duty; you have not seen a certain person--a man--this evening?


  • “既是这样,”沙威又说,“请原谅多话,我分内应做的事,今天没有看见一个

    "Then," resumed Javert, "you will excuse me if I persist; it is my duty; you have not seen a certain person--a man--this evening?


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