• 每一个病例快速现场调查确保及时发现家庭成员卫生保健工作者中间发生病例群集极其重要。

    Rapid field investigation of each new case is essential to ensure timely detection of clusters of cases occurring in family members or health care workers.


  • “经期间痛”这个来自于德语中的“中间疼痛”两个词,由于发生两次月经之间。

    This is called mittelschmerz from the German words for "middle" and "pain" because it occurs mid-cycle.


  • 每年全世界25万起杀人事件发生10-29青年中间,占全球杀人总数41%。

    Worldwide some 250 000 homicides occur among youth 1029 years of age each year, which is 41% of the total number of homicides globally each year.


  • 如果这个处于中间宇宙只是在那里,什么也没有发生那么具有时间之箭这些宇宙究竟如何中间的多元宇宙中脱离呢?

    So if this universe in the middle is just sitting and nothing’s happening there, then how exactly are these universes with arrows of time popping off of it?


  • 如果应用程序能继续向下运行并且恢复以前可以幸运地忽略故障发生正在事情因为中间数据库保证数据完整性

    If the application does go down and come back up, it can be blissfully ignorant of what it was doing before the failure, since the middleware and databases guarantee data integrity.


  • 事件时间线一个短暂中间成果,以帮助提醒团队发生什么事情,通常作为回顾最终产出

    The timeline of event is a transient artefact that helps to remind the team what happened but it is not normally kept as an output of the retrospective.


  • 海鸥共四千只,被刚才发生吓得目瞪口呆;一霎时,魔鬼”的声音他们中间爆发,声势浩大,犹如大海上起了风暴

    There were four thousand gulls in the crowd, frightened at what had happened, and the cry DEVIL! Went through them like the wind of an ocean storm.


  • 由于共同特性这些被忽视的热带病才成为群组所有疾病几乎发生世界上热带地区十分贫穷中间

    The neglected tropical diseases form a group because of one Shared feature: all occur almost exclusively among very poor people living in tropical parts of the world.


  • 于是,处于中间部分的多元宇宙原地保持静止——那个中间的小区域似乎什么也没发生

    So, that center part is locally static -that little region there where there seems to be nothing happening.


  • 美国溺水死亡有45%发生人口经济上活跃阶层中间

    In the USA, 45% of drowning deaths are among the most economically active segment of the population.


  • 星云泡沫状,之所以如此,是因为附近恒星发生剧烈爆炸,产生辐射恒星尘埃云中间穿过,掏空了中间部位。

    This nebula is a bubble, and it's a bubble because intense blasts of stellar wind and radiation for a nearby star have cut through the dust and hollowed out the middle.


  • 作为人性唯一代表肯定不想受苦,躺乱石中间苟延残喘了好几再慢慢流血而亡,这样的悲剧还是不要发生为好。

    As representative for humanity, you do not want to suffer. No sense in bleeding to death over the course of several days pinned underneath a mountain of rubble.


  • 忽然造成了恐慌,两边的推搡中间人掉了下去然后发生了大规模的挤压

    This caused a sudden panic. The pushing caused those in the middle to fall to the ground, then [get] crushed.


  • 他们可能采取一些措施有效提高运输,比方发生洪水的河段建设跨河桥,撇开贪婪的中间

    They might also usefully improve transport by, say, building Bridges over rivers prone to flooding, which would cut out rapacious middlemen.


  • 于是,处于中间部分的多元宇宙在原地保持静止——那个中间区域似乎什么也没发生

    So, that center part is locally static - that little region there where there seems to be nothing happening.


  • 遥远过去发生事件记忆是保持不变的,那些发生中间时间段就会丢失不同程度的信息。

    The memories of events that took place in the distant past remain intact, whereas those that occurred at intermediate times are lost in a graded manner.


  • 罗伯特弗朗西斯卡以为我们之间已经发生会在任何人中间发生吗?

    ROBERT: Francesca, listen to me. You think what's happened to us happens to just anybody?


  • 日环食发生时候,月亮仅仅遮挡住了太阳光晕中间部分,在外侧留下可见的光环。

    During an annular eclipse, the moon covers only the central part of the sun's disk, leaving a ring of sunlight still visible.


  • 日全食发生时,月球运行到地球太阳的正中间,并在地球圆形影子

    During a total solar eclipse, the moon passes completely between Earth and the sun, casting a circular shadow over the planet.


  • 这种情况中,信任证书中的通用可以防止中间攻击的发生

    This is where the chain of trust and the common name on a certificate can prevent this from occurring.


  • 如果镜像细胞的生长状况的确不如正常细胞,就会知道中间的确发生什么不同寻常的事情。

    If the mirror cells aren't exactly as healthy or fertile as the normal ones, he'll know something weird is going on.


  • 市场中正发生的雇员中间上演。

    What's happening to markets is also happening among employees.


  • 2004年1首次报告h5n1人间病例以来,在卫生保健工作者从事活动专业人员中间报告发生病例

    Since human cases of H5N1 were first reported in January 2004, no cases have been reported in health care workers or in professionals undertaking culling activities.


  • 实验表明事件真正发生我们大脑体验到事件的发生中间大约有80毫秒时滞

    Experiments have shown that the lag between things happening and us experiencing them is about 80 milliseconds.


  • 无论黑洞里,现在在地球上,还是那个处于中间什么也发生的多元宇宙,都没关系,都会是这样

    That's true if you're inside a black hole, here on Earth, in the middle of nowhere, it doesn't matter.


  • 小小的山谷遗弃幽暗古老树木中间孤独而寂寞地聆听着那些树木的众多舌头长时间悄声议论着在这里发生为人事情。

    The dell was to be left a solitude among its dark, old trees, which, with their multitudinous tongues, would whisper long of what had passed there, and no mortal be the wiser.


  • 中间边缘(我们将边缘视为层次转换发生地点),可能会存在其他组件代理服务器等

    At the edge of the middleware tier (an edge is considered as a point where transition from one tier to another takes place), there are most likely found other components, such as proxy servers.


  • 爆炸发生上午大约5时30分,面部中间玻璃所保护

    The explosion took place at about 5:30 A.M. I had my face protected by a large board in which a piece of dark welding glass had been inserted.


  • 远东地区成问题,在那些地区,发生一天中间时段。

    This is more of an issue in the far east, where the leap second occurs in the middle of the day, and when one is inserted at the end of June and hence often on a working day.


  • 远东地区成问题,在那些地区,发生一天中间时段。

    This is more of an issue in the far east, where the leap second occurs in the middle of the day, and when one is inserted at the end of June and hence often on a working day.


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