• 碰撞力量大量碎片喷射大气粒子落下之前天空会变暗几年

    The force of collision spewed large amounts of debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies for several years before the finer particles settled.


  • 他们发现新的气溶胶颗粒——悬浮大气颗粒——可以这个高度形成

    They also found that new aerosol particles - ultrafine particles suspended in the atmosphere - can form at these heights.


  • 批量生产工作流程第2粒度使得可以直接融合合并的工作流程

    The better granularity of Step 2 in the bulk-production workflow allows it to fit directly into the merged workflow.


  • 数据网格定义可用架构时实现粒度集合每个设备可以关联一个名为区域物理位置

    For finer granularity in defining your data grid a high availability architecture, each appliance in a collective can be associated with a physical location, called a zone.


  • 然而卫星仪器通常很难实现近地面空气颗粒物精确测量

    Yet, satellite instruments have generally struggled to achieve accurate measurements of the particles in near-surface air.


  • 一个以法的勇士,名叫基利杀了儿子玛西和管理王宫押斯利甘,宰相以利加拿

    Zicri, an Ephraimite warrior, killed Maaseiah the king's son, Azrikam the officer in charge of the palace, and Elkanah, second to the king.


  • 这一过程效率取决于吸收材料的表面积,我们可以通过将液态吸收剂水雾的形式喷入空气,就轻松的扩大接触面积

    The efficiency of this process depends on the surface area of the sorbent, and an easy way to increase the surface area is to spray a liquid sorbent into the air as a fine mist.


  • 因此XML文档粒度基于索引访问得到的好处越大

    Therefore, the finer your XML document granularity, the higher your potential benefit from index-based access.


  • 如果稠密黏液可以稀释浓度的,气管、支气管向上推送,咳嗽不会发生

    If the thick mucus could be diluted into a more WATERY consistency, it would be wafted upward by the tiny hairs in the wind pipe, bronchioles, and the lungs. Coughing would not occur.


  • 不要害羞与我们一同分享生命的那些魔法时刻吧,试着花时间感恩

    Please don't be shy, share some magical moments from your own life and take a moment to be grateful for them.


  • 很小孩子哭声不时房里的某处传到餐厅嘈杂显得高而

    At intervals the cry of a very young child, which was somewhere in the house, rang through the noise of the dram-shop.


  • 大多数巫医证实是骗子,他们利用一些不可查手部技巧,在繁杂的仪式来完成整个骗术。但是并非所有的巫医都是骗子。

    Many of these shamans have been discovered as fraudulent, proving the use of slight of hand tricks and passing them off as legitimate procedures, but that isn’t the case for all of them.


  • 一丝发抖声音空气到没有,周围便死一般静

    A faint, tremulous sound vibrated in the air, then faded and died away. All around was deathly still.


  • 问题就在于:大多数卫星仪器无法那些地表和悬于大气层颗粒物区分清楚。

    The problem: Most satellite instruments can't distinguish particles close to the ground from those high in the atmosphere.


  • 他们同一个电子邮件诈骗采用多个不同的标题,比较不同标题得到的反馈率,内容用语进行调,以便下一次行动。

    They may use different subject lines in the same E-mail scam, comparing the response rates and then fine-tuning the language in the next round.


  • 平静天空新月持续朝着金星靠近,金星明亮厚实的月牙形让山脉的地平线轮廓分明

    In steady skies the slender Moon is still sliding toward Venus, the bright planet's compact crescent just clearing the mountainous horizon.


  • 显然翅膀最大的功臣,那么鸟的骨头应该也会帮助它们飞行减负吧!

    Well, having wings obviously helps. And bird bones are hollow and seem delicate, which should help lighten the load.


  • 颗粒物——小于2.5微米颗粒——躲过鼻子气管绒毛的保护作用。

    Fine particulate matter - particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers - can evade hairlike projections in the nose and trachea that trap larger particles.


  • 这样课程任务线程粒度细的层次上了解并行计算

    It was in such a course that I was introduced to parallel computation at a much finer level of granularity than the task or thread.


  • 所以看到原始的残骸质地页岩,肯定是有什么把他们搬到了这里这种情况下,冰川正起到了这个作用。”补充说道

    "So when you find coarse boulders embedded in fine deposits, something must have rafted it therein this case, an iceberg," he added.


  • 图形符号它们执行语言匹配机会小。

    The finer details are used in the graphical notation, the less chance there is that they match with the executable language.


  • 物为素就要用调面饼,或是油的无酵薄饼

    And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.


  • 物为素祭,就要用调面饼,或是抹油的无酵薄饼

    If you bring a grain offering baked in an oven, it is to consist of fine flour: cakes made without yeast and mixed with oil, or wafers made without yeast and spread with oil.


  • ALICE通过人类头发500直径80纳米纳米颗粒甚至获得更多

    ALICE squeezes even more out of the aluminum by using nano-scale particles with diameters of 80 nanometers, or 500 times smaller than the width of a human hair.


  • 由于当前用户可以是不同成员这样定制portlet内容需求也会相应不同,因此这种定制往往还不够

    Often this customization is not granular enough because of a requirement to customize the content within a portlet based on the groups of which the current user is a member.


  • 医院病房里这些嗷嗷待哺女婴包括胳膊得像树枝21个月大的女婴和一个有着大大的空洞双眼的1岁女婴,瘦骨嶙峋。

    The starving girls in this hospital ward include a 21-month-old with arms and legs the size of twigs and an emaciated 1-year-old with huge, vacant eyes.


  • 最好方法避免AlphaImageLoader完全使用优雅降解 PNG8哪些IE

    The best approach is to avoid AlphaImageLoader completely and use gracefully degrading PNG8 instead, which are fine in IE.


  • 功能刚刚被添加最新版本GoogleEarth提供雷达雨滴实时的天气景象

    Just added to the latest version of Google Earth, the feature offers a live view of the weather, from radar to raindrops.


  • 由于查询引入了更粒度OrderMethod现在出现了重复这里日期数据

    The Order method values now repeat due to the introduction of another level of granularity in the query, in this case, the Date data.


  • 由于查询引入了更粒度OrderMethod现在出现了重复这里日期数据

    The Order method values now repeat due to the introduction of another level of granularity in the query, in this case, the Date data.


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