• 遗失这份文件是个严重事件

    The missing of the document was a grave circumstance.


  • 封信遗失严重事件

    The missing of the letter was a grave circumstance.


  • 意味着美国今后年中发生严重事件风险正在聚集。

    This means the risk of something serious happening in the us in the next two or three years is significant.


  • 仪式然后一个重要的,特殊严重事件学生生命

    And the ceremony then, he says, should be an important, special and serious event in students' lives.


  • 国际航空术语把这种严重事件正式归类控制中的飞机进入只能险险避开地带”。

    The serious incident is officially classified in international aviation terms as "controlled flight into terrain only marginally avoided".


  • 相反,拉发现2010几乎没有哪件严重事件比得上2002,2003年2007年的洪水肆虐。

    Instead, Lall found that there were relatively few severe events compared to such flood-ravaged years as 2002, 2003, and 2007.


  • 上海日报“安排演出现场安保人员人群规模吓了一跳”,但是并未有关更多严重事件谣言做出评论

    Shanghai Daily said that "security at the show was taken by surprise by the size of the crowds," but doesn't comment on the rumors of more serious problems.


  • 今夏世界杯足球赛南非努力世界展示一个更安全友善面孔严重事件的发生保持最低水平

    During the football world Cup this summer, South Africa worked hard to present a safer, friendlier face to the world and serious incidents were kept to a minimum.


  • 我们没有更多的细节可以提供需要你注意的是,一起严重事件,而处理这件事唯一可能就是关闭台服务器

    We are limited as to the details we can provide to you, but note that this was a critical matter and the only available option to us was to immediately deactivate the server.


  • 但是如此严重事件出现多年肌钙蛋白t可能存在心脏病发作发现水平心脏压力的一个寂静信号

    But years before such a serious event occurs, troponin t may be present at much lower levels than are seen after heart attacks, a quiet sign of a heart under stress.


  • 63岁菅直人以耿直著称上个世纪九十年代中期,时任厚生省大臣勇敢揭穿医疗使用HIV污染血液严重事件

    Known for his quick temper, Mr. Kan, 63, gained national attention in the mid-1990s when as health minister he exposed the use of blood tainted with H.I.V..


  • 如果这些报道根据的,那么事件将可能导致关系严重恶化。

    If the reports are well-founded, the incident could seriously aggravate relations between the two nations.


  • 政府昨天事件严重受挫

    The government will be severely bruised by yesterday's events.


  • 这些事件尚未造成各国政治联系严重破裂

    The incidents have not yet caused a major rupture in the political ties between countries.


  • 全球变暖使国内生产可能愈加频繁地受到罕见天气事件严重影响。

    Global warming has raised the possibility that domestic production could be seriously affected by rare weather events more often.


  • 严重大规模珊瑚白化事件之一发生1998——也是有史以来最热的年,2010年一样,也是厄尔尼诺现象的一

    One of the worst mass bleaching events in history occurred in 1998 — which was also one of the hottest years on record, and like 2010, an El Nio year.


  • 维尔纽斯杀戮事件快速引发了迄今为止严重危机

    The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet.


  • 全球变暖增加国内农产品频繁受到罕见天气事件严重影响的可能性

    But global warming has raised the possibility that domestic produce could be seriously affected by rare weather events more often.


  • 这份报告强调了渔船搁浅石油泄漏意外事件这些事件南极生态系统构成了严重威胁

    The report also highlights incidents of fishing boats being involved in groundings, oil spills and accidents, which posed a serious threat to the Antarctic ecosystem.


  • 今年严重客户雇员资料泄漏事件使得管理者们匆忙仔细检查他们复杂的信息系统业务流程,以寻找可能存在的安全隐患。

    Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.


  • 一系列周期性物种灭绝事件里,白垩纪晚期恐龙菊石灭绝仅仅其中一个比较严重事件

    The late Cretaceous extinction of the dinosaurs and ammonoids was just one of the more drastic in a whole series of such recurrent extinction episodes.


  • 福田敬二说:“一个非常严重事件,需要给予密切监测。”

    "This is an event which is serious," said Fukuda. "This is something, which requires close monitoring."


  • 严重疾病事件日趋显著世界需要更大程度的公开性。

    Greater openness demanded by a world in which serious disease events are increasingly visible.


  • 唯一严重不利事件奎宁名患者患了致命尿

    The only serious adverse event was seen in a patient in the quinine group who developed fatal black water fever.


  • 试图调低防备计划,使其迎合严重事件存有问题。

    Attempts to dial down preparedness plans to suit a less severe event were problematic.


  • 但是我们应该会看到多人被感染,会有更严重事件发生,包括死亡

    But we should expect to see more people infected, and more severe cases coming up, including deaths.


  • 报告了65例严重不良事件病例,其中22死亡

    A total of 65 serious adverse events were reported, 22 of which were fatal.


  • 去年全球性大型研究发现珊瑚的确有能力严重灭绝事件恢复比如1998年的厄尔尼诺现象

    Last year, a major global study found that coral reefs did have the ability to recover after major bleaching events, such as the one caused by the El nino in 1998.


  • 去年全球性大型研究发现珊瑚的确有能力严重灭绝事件恢复比如1998年的厄尔尼诺现象

    Last year, a major global study found that coral reefs did have the ability to recover after major bleaching events, such as the one caused by the El nino in 1998.


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