• 读数经常不成功或者两个等于0,0,不能用的数据

    Frequently, the read will be unsuccessful or both values will be equal to 0, 0, which is unusable data.


  • 小子告诉,你是个无赖,不能用的剃须刀也拿来叫卖

    Sirrah! I tell you, you're a knave, To cry up razors that can't shave.


  • 如果一个一直面带微笑可能是在推销不能东西。

    If a man smiles all the time, he's probably selling something that doesn't work.


  • 其他所有的功能还没测试也许以前不能功能现在也可以了!

    All other I'm not tested, maybe we have other working previously not working!


  • 将澄清器不能去除显著缺陷转移玻璃板不能用的进口

    A substantial number of defects not removed by the finer are diverted to the unusable inlet and distal edges of the sheet.


  • 强调消费者在国外应该磁条甚至店员告诉不能用的时候。

    But she emphasized that customers should be able to use their magnetic stripe CARDS abroad, even if a clerk tells them they cannot.


  • 事实上,可能希望保持数个数据快照以在快照不能用的情况下救急

    In fact, you will likely want to keep a couple of snapshots worth of data around just in case the last snapshot was not useable.


  • 购买前一定要清楚知道到底要买什么。如有可能,把不能用的零件带上便于对比。

    You can buy parts at a swap meet for much less than pretty much anyplace else.


  • 即使是制作不能看起来简单模型比如一只鞋底,这也是复杂过程

    Even making a non-working model of what might seem to be a relatively simple thing, like a new sole for a shoe, is in fact a complex process.


  • 就像我们以前说的那样,把不能方案的一部分改变之后有时就产生了伟大的方案。

    As we noted earlier, changing just one aspect of an unworkable solution can sometimes make it a great solution.


  • 起下钻时,被确认所有损坏的,不能用的材料必须清楚的记号、汇报甩掉

    All damaged or unusable tubulars and materials identified during the trip will be clearly marked, reported and laid down.


  • 有趣这些条目没有无线连接不能尽管已经下载一个文件夹中。

    The entries, interestingly, aren't accessible over wireless, but are instead located in a side file that's downloads when you buy the book.


  • 接手公司一团糟过时的配方,几乎不能用的呼叫中心九个饱受折磨特许经销商

    The company he took over was a wreck: ancient recipes, a barely functioning call center, nine long-suffering franchisees.


  • 如果2004年后就接触的话或许用的不过并不意味着你就不能简历上写它。

    Probably not very well if you haven't touched it since 2004, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't include it on your resume.


  • 一些素食主义者竭力避免任何动物产品不过一些肉食者他们认为在某些方面也是不能用的东西。

    Many freegans are vegans and thus refrain from eating any animal products, but there are some "meagans" who consume meat that would otherwise remain unused.


  • 有一点值得注意伐树锯木料的工作必须加快了因为湿木料不能,必须经过一时间木料才能干燥

    It was important that the trees should be quickly felled and cut up, for they could not be used while yet green, and some time was necessary to allow them to get seasoned.


  • 到了最后关键阶段,就是决定保留那些场景的时候,那些不能用的场景多半是因为节奏太快了我们对此十分清楚

    Up to the very, very end all the decisions we had to make about which scenes stayed, and which scenes weren't working were just so fast, we were just so clear.


  • 想一想使后退按钮历史堆栈会发生什么浏览器返回上一次查看页面原来不能用的前进按钮突然之间变得了。

    Consider what happens in your browser history when you use the Back button: the browser returns to the last viewed page, and the forward button, which was previously disabled, lights up suddenly.


  • 相反认为许多成功公司在采取以下策略:为产品开发或者一把的杀手锏特色通常这些杀手锏都被打包到一个几乎不能用的体验里,为了尽快的发布给尽可能

    Instead, I believe successful companies are setting out to provide one or a handful of killer features, often wrapped in a barely serviceable user experience, to as many people as quickly as possible.


  • 一定剂量的苯丙胺是确证动物有毒的,因此不能人类

    It has proved toxic at some doses in animals and so cannot be used in humans.


  • 使互联网时间不能面对面社会接触因此心理学推测,大量使互联网会导致抑郁

    Time spent using the Internet cannot be spent in face-to-face social contact, so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression.


  • 付出代价的,因为一种脆弱的农作物不能机器采摘,否则腐坏所以必须手工拖运非常耗钱的。

    There is a price to be paid in that it is a delicate crop that cannot be lifted by machine or it will be bruised and rot, so has to be hauled by hand which is expensive.


  • 惩罚永远不能复仇工具只能所说纠正或者我们所说的让罪犯改过自新。

    Punishment can never be used as an instrument of revenge but only for what he calls the correction or what we would call the rehabilitation of the offender.


  • 进步不能全球平均水平衡量我们改善非洲人民卫生状况方面如何来衡量。

    Progress will not be measured by global averages. It will be measured by how well we improve the health of the African people.


  • 作者得出结论,持续在家工作状态不能这些观念来解释因为事实上,在家工作的女性其他职业女性并没有太大区别

    The authors conclude that the persistence of homework cannot be explained by appeal to such notions, for in fact, homeworkers do not differ sharply from other employed women.


  • 由于婴儿不能语言表达填写调查问卷自然观察法间接技巧作为判断他们看到听到感觉到什么等等主要手段

    Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth.


  • 不能用某一群体的语言与他们交谈时,这一点尤其正确。

    This is especially true if you can't speak to the members of the group in their language.


  • 然我们不能用同一种语言交谈,但我们的交流是通过试图打败对方来实现的——在绘画、游戏,甚至在吃饭方面。

    Although we couldn't speak to each other in the same language, our communication was made by trying to beat each other—at drawing, at game, even at eating.


  • 不能太多时间辩论这件,他另有要事

    He can't spend too much time arguing with you about this matter. He has other fish to fry.


  • 不能太多时间辩论这件,他另有要事

    He can't spend too much time arguing with you about this matter. He has other fish to fry.


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