• 打电话投诉观众使总机应接不暇

    Viewers jammed the switchboard with complaints.


  • 申请这个工作的求职信使我们应接不暇

    We have been deluged with applications for the job.


  • 科技日新月异时代过多的信息使人人应接不暇

    In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.


  • 一个多小时里,好几百崇拜者打去电话,交换台应接不暇

    Hundreds of fans jammed the switchboard for over an hour.


  • 穿过伦敦的中心,沿着河岸也有许多画廊、市场、商店和活动,让你目不暇接。

    Running through the heart of London, there are also many galleries, markets, shops and activities to keep you busy along its banks.


  • 知道鼓励班上每个人大量资料希望你们应接不暇

    I know I encourage everyone in class to look at a substantial number of sources, but I don't want you to get overwhelmed.


  • 插科打诨一段又一段的对话观众不暇接,根本没有时间认真思考

    The audience is bounced from gag to gag and conversation to conversation; there is no time for audience reflection.


  • 有些父母自己孩子密密麻麻、不暇日程表依据,来说明那些数据胡扯

    There are the parents who cite their own children's hectic schedules as anecdotal proof that the data are nonsense.


  • 叶绿素虽然已经进化得极为精巧捕捉阳光中的能量,但有时也应接不暇特别是干旱低温缺乏营养情况下

    Chlorophyll, although exquisitely evolved to capture the energy of sunlight, can sometimes be overwhelmed by it, especially in situations of drought, low temperatures, or nutrient deficiency.


  • 顾客很多售货员应接不暇

    There were so many customers that the shop assistants couldn't attend to them all.


  • 为什么如此重要超负荷活动时,你自顾不暇

    Listen to why this is so important: when you're overloaded by activity, you can only think of yourself.


  • 不过,大量沮丧不已旅客已经使这些机场应接不暇了。

    But they, too, are now overwhelmed with hoards of frustrated would-be passengers.


  • 但是这个满目疮痍、血淋淋的年代事实就让我不暇

    But the era, its ruins, and its blood overwhelm us with facts.


  • 充满令人不暇奇景的美丽世界里亲身体会这些并不难。

    It's an absolutely amazing, brilliant, beautiful world out there filled with dazzling wonders that are readily available for you to experience.


  • 自从创建Web日志发生趣事都快让应接不暇了。

    These types of fortuitous things that have happened have just exploded for me since I created the web log.


  • 这么网友支持同志你好’活动,都应接不暇了,”回忆到。

    "There were so many Netizens supporting Smile for Gay that I could not handle this on my own," he recalls.


  • 英镑开始欧元失去些许竞争优势因为欧洲麻烦也应接不暇

    Sterling is beginning to lose a bit of its competitive edge against the euro as Europe's troubles pile up.


  • 拥有几百种基因完整列表,是否就消防软管喝水一样让人应接不暇

    Having a full list of a few hundred, is that going to be like drinking from a fire hose?


  • 当今网络计算机病毒不但种类繁多而且更新速度之快更是令人目不暇接。

    In the network the sorts of computer virus are various and we can not catch the speed of its renewing.After comparing many kinds of virus, in order to be close to reality, I choose the "Worm."


  • 苹果公司的音乐盛会充满着如此众多闪亮的小玩意儿劲爆消息,总让人应接不暇

    Apple's music event was so full of shiny gadgets and awesome news that your head might still be spinning.


  • 应接不暇心惊肉跳抢劫剧情现实世界渐行渐我们慢慢了解游戏规则

    We start learning the rules of Cobb's game on the fly during this breathless introduction, where reality recedes ever further with each new twist in the heist scenario.


  • 返回华盛顿,又回到了一段十分典型化的生活,这时,应接不暇一连串事件发生了。

    I returned to Washington to a whole series of those all-too-typical days when everything happens at once.


  • 需求过剩,以致于kfc门店应接不暇很多店都没有食品供应了,消费者对此非常不满

    Demand was so great that KFC stores were overwhelmed and many ran out of food, causing consumer backlash.


  • 工厂应接不暇,而此时离圣诞购物高峰期只剩下2个月时间徐梅必须中国额外产能

    The factory could not cope. With only two months to meet the Christmas rush, Ms Xu had to find extra capacity somewhere in China.


  • 工厂应接不暇此时离圣诞购物高峰期剩下2个月时间,徐梅必须中国额外产能

    With only two months to meet the Christmas rush, Ms Xu had to find extra capacity somewhere in China.


  • 可以使用许多社区成员应接不暇工具特性根据经验,最好从简开始然后慢慢完善它。

    You can choose from a plethora of tools and features to inflict upon your community members, but as is so often the case, it's better to start small and work your way into greater complexity.


  • 2009年上半年客户彬彬有礼地推迟雇佣找上门来的申请者,现在介绍工作的人因任务繁重而应接不暇

    In the first half of 2009 clients would politely put off hiring candidates brought their way; now headhunters are overwhelmed with genuine assignments.


  • 2009年上半年客户彬彬有礼地推迟雇佣找上门来的申请者,现在介绍工作的人因任务繁重而应接不暇

    In the first half of 2009 clients would politely put off hiring candidates brought their way; now headhunters are overwhelmed with genuine assignments.


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