• 将来他们必须生活在一起,他们不得不驯服自己心中过于自信野兽

    The future numerous times they have to spend together, they have to tame the beast over-confident.


  • 必须饮酒作诗聊以自娱然而也许不得不感谢悲惨政治生涯否则我们将会失去笔诗歌的巨大财富

    He had to attain fun by drinking wine and writing poems. However, maybe we have to thank his miserable political life, or we will lose a great fortune in poetry.


  • 不得不需要他们;你必须得在见到他们的时候认出他们,难得多。

    You also have to want them; you have to recognize them when you see them, and that's much harder.


  • 但是如果不得不他们合作的话,你必须喜欢他们

    And if you're going to have to work with someone, you have to like them.


  • 现介绍这个咨询委员会我们不得不医疗费用打交道,也就是说我们必须找到开始的途径。

    About that advisory board: we have to do something about health care costs which means that we have to find a way to start saying no.


  • 现介绍这个咨询委员会我们不得不医疗费用打交道,也就是说我们必须找到开始的途径。

    About that advisory board: we have to do something about health care costs, which means that we have to find a way to start saying no.


  • 我们必须大堆活让步,自然的事情,我们不得不一些事情拖延以后来做,或者干脆做。

    Given the amount of stuff we all have to do, it's just natural that we have to put off some things to a later time or just not do them at all.


  • 将耗费大量精力因为不得不收集大量地区数据信息必须熟知具体文化差异

    This takes a lot of effort because you have to collect large amounts of locale data information and you must be familiar with detailed cultural differences.


  • 财政责任必须突然获胜意味着美国人不得不选择较节俭生活

    Fiscal responsibility would have to suddenly triumph, which would mean Americans would have to choose to live humbler lives.


  • 今后25年中谷物生产不得不增加将近50%,其中增产大部分必须来自土地其他已经在利用的自然资源

    Only in the next 25 years cereal production will have to increase by nearly 50 percent and much of this production increase must come from the land, water and other natural resources already in use.


  • 我们必须考虑等式两端,我们不得不达成一项所有各方都会同意的协议

    We have to look at both sides of that equation and we have to make a fair deal that's agreeable to all of them.


  • 决策者必须信心跳跃不得不他们足够舒服跨越大步

    It is a leap of faith that your decision makers must make, and you are going to have to get them comfortable enough to make that big step.


  • 联合国粮农组织估算2050年粮食产量必须增加一半肉类的产量不得不翻番

    The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reckons grain output will have to rise by around half but meat output will have to double by 2050.


  • 同时我们不得不付钱人帮我们账户,我们必须为期一年协议然后,我们发现,还要交月费

    And meanwhile, we had to pay to get our bank account set up, we had to enter into a one-year agreement, and then we found out there was a monthly fee.


  • 约翰逊意思这样:近视程度不得不四肢着地的趴在地上可以看到那些对于植物学家来说必须看到的东西。

    What Johnson meant was that with his shortsightedness he'd have to creep along the ground on all fours to be able to see those things that it is necessary for a botanist to see.


  • 一些俗务日常杂事不得不的。我们必须账单。我们必须打扫房屋清洗衣物

    Some mundane, everyday tasks have to be done. We have to pay our bills. We have to clean our homes and our clothes.


  • 由于欧洲足联要求温布利决赛举行前周就必须做好准备,足协不得不今年足总杯决赛提前

    The FA has had to bring this year’s final forward because of Uefa’s requirement that Wembley be available to it two weeks before the Champions League final.


  • 以色列其他选择要是我们必须使用其他选择,我们在不得不使用其他选择首先设法和平途径

    Israel has other options, and if we have to use those other options, it's better to say that we first of all tried a more peaceful path before we had to use the other ones, "said Regev."


  • 我们知道合适方案必须提前计划好的(提供可靠设计架构),由于预算期限的问题,我们常常不得不牺牲质量

    We know that part of the equation should be to think ahead (providing a solid design and architecture), but quality is usually compromised because of budget and deadline concerns.


  • 因此边缘每1.8必须中心的点50英寸,使不得不同样时间里覆盖不到五分之一距离

    So the point on the edge must rotate much faster to cover that 50 in. in 1.8 seconds than the point near the center, which has to cover less than a fifth of the distance in the same time.


  • 一些没有任何事不得不搞清楚自己为何指控,方百计提出抗辩具体的罪名可以提示一些他们必须解释清楚的问题)。

    Someone who has done nothing wrong is left wondering what he is accused of, and struggling to provide a defence (the guilty have some idea of what they must explain away).


  • Coyle:“我们必须要说一下质量问题图书馆不得不摘要索引提高质量。”

    We have to ask the quality question,” Coyle said, recalling that libraries had to work with abstracting and indexing vendors to improve quality.


  • 美国可能不得不2020年开始全面使用CFLs和LEDs灯,到那时在美国出售所有一般用途的灯泡必须产生45流明的亮度。

    They may have to do so by 2020, when all general-purpose bulbs sold in America will have to produce 45 lumens per watt.


  • 突然间人们不得不登录Web站点的时候提供这样信息即是什么、想什么方式购买,Web站点必须维护这些信息。

    Suddenly, people had to register with a Web site and provide information about who they are, what they want to buy, and how they want to buy it, and Web sites must maintain that information.


  • 想象一下你们必须从数学上来考虑这样你们不得不这点开始将所有mi求和

    Imagine that you had to do this mathematically, that you actually had to do an integration of all these elements mi from this point on.


  • 英雄就是那些了他们不得不而又是必须事情,不论结果怎样

    Heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.


  • 如果不得不把手机放在手边必须说明你的原因并且向他们解释清楚会对他们完全专注除非某个特别的信息或者电话

    If you absolutely must have your smartphone handy then tell people why, and explain that unless that particular message or call comes through, they have your complete attention.


  • 如果不得不把手机放在手边必须说明你的原因并且向他们解释清楚会对他们完全专注除非某个特别的信息或者电话

    If you absolutely must have your smartphone handy then tell people why, and explain that unless that particular message or call comes through, they have your complete attention.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定