• 失业统计数据不大趣味

    Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.


  • 关于维生素C争论近期不大可能解决

    The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.


  • 坦白说,认为儿子不大可能通过考试

    To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.


  • 不大可能诉诸诽谤法

    It is unlikely that libel laws will be invoked.


  • 坦诚相告,认为儿子不大可能通过考试

    To be frank with you , I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.


  • 付钱混了进去,不大可能理直气壮地要自己

    Having bluffed his way in without paying, he could not plausibly demand his money back.


  • 他用筷子不大熟练。

    He's not very skilful with his chopsticks [at using chopsticks].


  • 不大电影。

    He seldom goes to the cinema.


  • 不大电影。

    He seldom goes to cinema.


  • 健康饮食脂肪高糖饮食组的体重差异

    Bodyweight was not hugely different between the groups eating a healthy diet and those on high fat and sugar diets.


  • 这些印刷机意义不大说明它们微不足道一文不值

    These presses are of little significance, indicating that they are trivial and worthless.


  • 女孩平时不大唱歌,可一旦起来就唱得非常好听

    The girl seldom sings. When she sings, she sings beautifully.


  • 同样这些物品信息对外行访客来说往往意义不大

    Similarly, the information accompanying the objects often made little sense to the lay visitor.


  • 碰巧欧洲使用安全剃须刀不大可能使美国人触电身亡。

    As it happens, a razor that is safe in Europe is unlikely to electrocute Americans.


  • 这位年长些的宇智波很容易屈从弟弟请求实际上年纪也不大

    The older Uchiha could easily submit to his brother's request, in fact, he was not old.


  • 老是刮风花草灌木长不大

    The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.


  • 出演三个反响不大动作片

    He has acted in three forgettable action films.


  • 过去女孩子岁数不大出嫁了

    In the olden days the girls were married young.


  • 不大流露内心自我

    She doesn't reveal much of her inner self.


  • 神志清醒不大清楚自己在哪儿

    He wasn't very lucid, he didn't quite know where he was.


  • 总是赌注不大可能获胜的马上。

    She always wagered on an outsider.


  • 估计机会不大

    I'd assess your chances as low.


  • 我们不得肆炒作这部影片吸引金融家们。

    We had to hype the film to attract the financiers.


  • 这儿有点不大对头。

    There's something fishy going on here.


  • 几个星期这里组织情况不大了解

    I've only been here a couple of weeks and I don't really know the set-up.


  • 有时候怪里怪气的—觉得他脑筋不大正常。

    He behaves very oddly at timesI don't think he's quite all there.


  • 我们权限不大

    Our powers are limited in scope.


  • 英国队接力赛战胜美国队希望看上去不大

    Britain's prospects of beating the United States in the relay looked poor.


  • 希望得到份工作不过认为机会不大

    He's hoping to get the job but I don't fancy his chances.


  • 法语讲得流利美中不足的是发音不大好。

    She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her down.


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