• 文学家将这种不可见物质通俗地称为物质

    Astronomers nicknamed this unseen mass dark matter.


  • 所以物理学家提出星系不可见物质晕圈所包围。

    So physicists proposed that the galaxies are surrounded by halos of invisible matter.


  • 人们认为物质将近宇宙四分之一质量不可见物质组成的。

    Dark matter is thought to be an invisible substance that makes up almost a quarter of the mass in the universe.


  • 如果要让宇宙停止扩大必须要有超过可见物质密度70可见物质存在。

    If the expansion of the universe is to stop there must be enough invisible matter in the universe to exceed the luminous matter in density by a factor of roughly 70.


  • 使宇宙停止扩张必须有足够不可见物质远远超过发光物质密度大约是70

    If the expansion of the universe is to stop, there must be enough invisible matter in the universe to exceed the luminous matter in density by a factor of roughly 70.


  • 要么就是存在不可见物质填补引力足,要么就是引力理论出了错,即引力宇宙尺度产生的作用一样。

    Either there was some huge but unseen mass that was doing the job, or gravitational theory was wrong and gravity worked differently on cosmic scales.


  • 遥远星系团碰撞进行观察后,发现了一个不可见物质的核心,然而其中没有星光闪烁的星系,目前理论难以解释的。

    Observations of a distant galaxy cluster collision reveal a core of invisible matter devoid of glittering galaxies-something that is hard to explain by current theories.


  • 研究人员们表示物质究竟包含什么对于他们结果起着非常关键的作用,因为根据他们的理论星系位于更大的球状结构——星系的包围之中,而星系晕是由可见物质构成

    The researchers said the inclusion of dark matter is likely crucial to their results, because theory predicts that galaxies sit inside larger spheres, called halos, of the invisible stuff.


  • 物质一种可见形态存在物质,它构成了宇宙大部分质量

    Dark matter is an invisible form of matter that accounts for most of the Universe's mass.


  • 想象一下物质,那些神秘可见东东银河系里相对可见的比重的10:1,这种观点1930年首次提出没有个人相信

    Take dark matter, the mysterious, invisible stuff that outweighs the visible stars and galaxies by a factor of 10 to 1. When it was first proposed in the 1930s, nobody believed it.


  • 物质一个长期存在神秘实体某种可见普遍存在的物质,它们通过引力揭示自己的存在。

    Dark matter, a mysterious entity of longer standing, is some invisible but common substance that reveals itself only through its gravitational pull.


  • 即使是作为贺卡图像或者窗上装饰天使都履行着他们作为可见世界可见世界之间以及物质世界与精神世界之间的信使媒介者这个古老职责

    Even as images on cards, or as ornaments hanging in a window, angels perform their age-old function as messengers and mediators between the seen and unseen, or material and spiritual, worlds.


  • 推测可见物质宇宙总质量的25%,存在的间接证据主要是由于观察到其施加星系恒星引力作用。

    Much indirect evidence for dark matter — supposedly 25 percent of the mass in the universe — comes from observing its invisible gravitational effect on visible galaxies and their stars.


  • 其实,物理学家对物质存在确信无疑,最早上世纪30年代天文观察显示出保持时刻运转星系稳定聚集在一起远非一般性物质所能;换句话说,一个星系的可见部分一定牢牢嵌在一种可见的光晕上的;否则,它就会在运转过程中四分五散。

    Physicists are pretty confident dark matter exists. Astronomical observations first made in the 1930s show there is not nearly enough ordinary matter to hold galaxies together as they spin round.


  • 物质一种发生作用物质因而可见但是物质又是确实存在的,可见物质之间产生的引力效应证实了这一点。

    Dark matter is a form of stuff that does not interact with light, so cannot be seen, but makes its presence felt by exerting a gravitational pull on normal matter.


  • 这些物质有强大可见力量无处在,我们需要思想的突破努力确定这些

    It is the powerful but invisible force that exists everywhere and requires some leap of imagination on our part, some effort, to identify.


  • 有些地方定义特征过去遗留下来物质文化特性,业已消失或不可见的。

    Where some defining characteristics are left over from the past or cultural preferences, others have disappeared or remain invisible.


  • 潜伏宇宙不可见神秘物质已经科学家们苦苦追寻多年了

    Dark matter's status as a mysterious and invisible lurker in the universe has frustrated scientists for years.


  • 这种新型相机利用红外线36英尺(1到2米)范围内对人眼可见从而避免多种物质带来的错误反馈。

    The new camera, which USES infrared light that is invisible to the human eye at a distance of three to six feet, is intended to avoid many of these complications and false positives.


  • 这种”,对于我们当然可见的,所以我们眼睛物质依然是视而见。

    This "light" is, of course, invisible to us, and so the dark matter remains dark to our eyes.


  • 发现一种横跨可见物质世界不可见物质世界粒子开辟物理学的新天地。

    To uncover a new particle that straddles our visible world and theinvisible world of dark matter would unlock a new realm of physics.


  • 可能由于物质引力太小足以形成恒星因此对于我们来说永远可见

    This could be because smaller clumps of matter have too little gravity to form stars and therefore never become visible to us.


  • 可见物质运动显示,它们只过像是未知物质组成的可见海洋飘流的残骸。

    The motions of this visible material reveal that it is mere flotsam on an unseen sea of unknown material.


  • 宇宙中分布着可见恒星气体尘埃宇宙间绝大多数物质可见的。

    The universe is populated with visible stars, gas and dust, but most of the matter in the universe is invisible.


  • 尽管他们对于人们不可见这些物质分布地球大气任何地方来自于自然界还被人们制造。

    Though often invisible to humans, such particles are present everywhere in Earth's atmosphere, and they come from both natural and human sources.


  • 意味着这些看起来最小星系更为明亮相邻星系所包含的不可见物质多得多。

    This implies that the seemingly smallest galaxies have a lot more invisible dark matter than do their more luminous neighbors.


  • 意味着这些看起来最小星系更为明亮相邻星系所包含的不可见物质多得多。

    This implies that the seemingly smallest galaxies have a lot more invisible dark matter than do their more luminous neighbors.


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