• 法兰固定螺栓采用外露式,便于更换橡胶板

    Using exposed upper flange fixing bolt which makes it convenient to replace rubber plate.


  • 之后拿出一个工具,把录音机磁带连接闹钟

    After that, he took out a tool box and connected his tape player with the new tape to his alarm clock.


  • 来自公元前3000年左右的苏美尔雕刻陶土提供了已知最早例证带顶棚雪橇被安装四个实心轮子

    A tablet engraved about 3000 B.C.E. provides the earliest known example from Sumer, a roofed boxlike sledge mounted on four solid wheels.


  • 玻璃杯一路磕磕碰碰的,碎了不少

    This box of glasses has been bumped about all the way here and quite a few pieces are broken.


  • 尼克在了工具

    Nick leaned back against my toolbox.


  • 某处大约有15个僵尸到了一旁歇班出租车车顶引擎盖后备

    At one point, about 15 zombies crawled on the roof, hood and trunk of a parked, off-duty taxi.


  • 如果的院子足够大,就需要使用割草机收集或者至少割下来的草集中成堆。

    If you have a small enough yard use a bagger attachment for your mower or at least rake up the clippings after.


  • 这些塑料袋包住物品放在行李各个袋子中,不要放在衣服

    Place these bags of products in various pockets of your suitcase, and not on top of your clothes.


  • 兹曼站脚凳,正在真空管清理其中一个水族馆

    Bozeman was up on a footstool, cleaning one of the aquariums with a vacuum tube.


  • 如果坚定不移地要逆流而的话,它后备足够空间布鲁克林跳蚤市场的收获柯尔特54瓶子

    But if you're adamant on bucking the trend, there's plenty of storage space back there for your Brooklyn Flea finds and empty bottles of Colt 54.


  • 我们将用于用户邮件DASD分布这些挂载

    We distributed the DASD for the user mail boxes over these mount points.


  • 某处,大约有15个僵尸到了一旁歇班出租车车顶引擎盖后备

    At one point, about 15 zombies crawled on the roof, hoodand trunk of a parked, off-duty taxi.


  • 安装在外燃料台摄像机向世人展示了航天飞机爬升太空全过程,其间没有出现任何可能造成机体损伤保温泡沫其他剥离物的迹象

    A camera mounted on the shuttle's external tank provided dramatic views of the climb to space with no obvious signs of foam insulation or other debris that might have caused any damage.


  • 型水母毒液世界致命剧毒的之一所含毒素攻击心脏,神经系统皮肤细胞

    The box jellyfish's venom is among the most deadly in the world, containing toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells.


  • 美国宇航局新的燃料容易泡沫脱落地方进行改装,同时安装加热器防止泡沫胶结

    On the new tank, NASA has reconfigured the struts and fittings where foam was prone to peeling off, and installed heaters to prevent ice from forming.


  • 放在办公桌子东西只有电话电脑收件除了你正在使用或处理文件还可能有一张特别照片

    All you want on the surface of your desk is your phone, computer, inbox, and maybe a special photo in addition to the documents you are working with at the moment.


  • 摄像机一个检查小组捕捉到了只蝙蝠图像,紧紧地贴在发现号15层燃料,当时正在进行灌注燃料(超低温液氢和液氧)的程序。

    Cameras and an inspection team spotted the bat clinging to the side of Discovery?s 15-story external tank as it was being fueled with propellant ? super-cold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.


  • 钢铁硬木材纸板聚碳酸酯亚麻制品所有东西都焚化中转移出来了。

    Everything from our steel, hardwoods, and cardboard to our lexan and linen is diverted from the incinerator.


  • 土星燃料LCROSS主体分离主体就像本次航天任务大脑,同时也携带摄像机感应设备

    The Saturn fuel tank will detach from the body of the main LCROSS unit - which, stuffed with cameras and sensing equipment, ACTS as the mission's brain.


  • 猎犬片荨麻窥视过去,看到采掘场中心四个人影他们正坐在所有秘密据点必不可少道具——一个牛奶

    The hound peered through a clump of nettles, and spotted four figures sitting in the center of the quarry on that indispensable prop to good secret dens everywhere, the common milk crate.


  • 房间底板两个床垫一个纸板放着电视机隔壁厕所里还飘出阵阵臭气

    The room had two mattresses on the floor, a TV set on a cardboard box and a strong stench from the lavatories next door.


  • 喜欢已经发生的这种事实,她经常它们地板起来然后放到垃圾

    She didn't like the fact that it happened, and would often pick up the bottles from the floor and drop them in the bin.


  • 一路拽着沉重行李,让苦不堪言。 而子里一半全是没用的东西。

    I suffered the misery of dragging around a heavy suitcase, half the contents of which I never even used.


  • 一计划中,反质子收集起来巨大燃料,该燃料实际就是环绕飞船周围长达几百无重量云团

    The antiprotons in this scheme would be gathered into a vast fuel tank, a nearly weightless cloud hundreds of meters long surrounding the craft.


  • 公司可以在包装的板条这种芯片发射讯号可以用来辨识真伪

    This allows firms to tag boxes and crates with chips which send out signals identifying them as authentic.


  • 当然没有意识到那样向后倒木工工具没有什么两样。

    He didn't realize, of course, that that would be very much like falling back full-length on a kit on carpenter's tools.


  • 我们可以看到中间不在线图中央-实际位于左手框中,这意味着数据集中歪斜

    We can see that the median is not in the center of the boxplot - in fact, it is positioned slightly to the left hand side of the box, indicating that there is a right skew in the dataset.


  • 拄一拐杖,颜料肩膀

    He carried a stick in each hand and slung his box of colours over his shoulder.


  • 据说,这些生活澳大利亚北部沿海型水母世界海洋生物

    The box jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp, lives off the waters of Northern Australia and is the most poisonous sea creature in the world.


  • 据说,这些生活澳大利亚北部沿海型水母世界海洋生物

    The box jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp, lives off the waters of Northern Australia and is the most poisonous sea creature in the world.


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