• 中间站着一个牧羊人拐杖上

    In the middle a shepherd was standing, leaning on his crook.


  • 公牛狮子嘴下逃生出来一个牧羊人山洞里。

    BULL, escaping from a Lion, hid in a cave which some shepherds had recently occupied.


  • 祈祷兄弟姐妹努力团结一体牧羊人一个教学

    Pray Brothers and Sisters and endeavour to be united in One Body, under One Shepherd, One teaching.


  • 一个牧羊人羊群抄近道穿过溜冰场然而那些害怕不想穿过

    A shepherd leading his flock decided to take a shortcut across the rink. The sheep, however, were afraid of the ice and wouldn't cross it.


  • 认为一个牧羊人生活平静很放松可能又是也会无聊。

    I think a shepherd's life is peaceful and relaxing, but maybe it's boring sometimes.


  • 摩西成为父亲丈夫还成为一个牧羊人,牧养他岳父羊群

    Moses settled down to become a husband, a father, and a shepherd taking care of his father-in-laws sheep.


  • 祖母从前波斯国王儿子,儿子爱上了一个牧羊人女儿

    There was a king of the Persians, said my grandmother, and he had a son, and this son fell in love with a shepherd's daughter.


  • 赫尔墨斯装扮成一个牧羊人来到阿古斯面前,魔力的歌,讲乏味故事睡觉然后杀死了

    Having garbed himself as a sheperd, Hermes lulled[2] Argus into sleep with his magic[3] songs and boring stories, and killed him.


  • 帕里斯是达山上一个牧羊人金苹果判给了阿罗狄蒂,因为答应得到世上美丽女子的爱。

    A shepherd on Mt Ida, Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite because she had promised to obtain for him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.


  • 将希伯莱再度联合起来扫罗武士兼农夫,他的继任者大卫,则是一个牧羊人

    The frist king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-farmer named Saul, who was succeeded by David, a shepherd boy.


  • 抬头望去陡峭斜坡上个牧羊人着羊群歌唱,附近一位年轻姑娘正弯腰一种当地野生绿色蔬菜

    Above them, on a steep slope, a sheep herder sang to his sheep. Nearby, a bent-over young girl picked moroho shoots – wild green vegetables.


  • 盖伯瑞尔·奥克有头脑,性格父亲带大成为一个牧羊人以后设法足了多塞特的诺科姆租下自己的农场

    Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill, in Dorset.


  • 下午,快结束时,意识到卡斯特桥没有哪个农场主需要农场经理甚或一个牧羊人,他决定第二一个集市去碰碰运气

    But when he realized by late afternoon that none of the farmers at Casterbridge wanted a farm manager, or even a shepherd, he decided to try his luck at another fair the next day.


  • 任何一个牧场里的只要从事驱赶、打烙印、阉割培育牧羊人兽群,都可以这个名字。

    Any man can lay claim to that name if he lives on a ranch and works—drives, brands, castrates, or nurtures—a cattleman's herd.


  • 其中故事埃塞俄比亚牧羊人惊讶地发现山羊吃了一些红色咖啡浆果后行为变得异常活跃

    One story has it that an Ethiopian 2 goatherd was amazed at the lively behaviour of his goats after chewing red coffee berries.


  • 现在终于看到非洲牧羊人父亲一个堪萨斯州年轻母亲儿子,入主了这个世界上具权力办公室

    And now it has seen the son of a goatherd in Africa and a young mother from Kansas ascend to the most powerful office in the world.


  • 传说咖啡果实公元850年一个埃塞俄比亚牧羊人发现的:他注意山羊当地某种灌木红色果实之后便活蹦乱跳起来。

    As legend goes, coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush.


  • 咖啡山羊发现。一千年以前非洲半山腰,一群山羊吃下了一种红色的咖啡果子,在夜里兴奋异常以至于牧羊人不能入睡。

    A millennium ago on a mountainside in Africa, a herd of goats kept a shepherd up at night after feasting on red coffee berries.


  • 座冷战时期经典水泥雕像——一个黑色德国牧羊人铁链树上

    A German shepherd molded from concrete and painted in shades of brown and black, a classic piece of cold war kitsch, was tethered by a metal chain to a tree.


  • 双子座意味着双重征候故事描绘了它的象征性,亚伯一个尊敬上帝兄长好人牧羊人,而的兄长农耕者该隐谋杀了他。

    Gemini is a dual sign and is symbolically portrayed in the story of Abel, a good man and keeper of sheep, who was respected by God and his brother Cain, a tiller of the ground who murders his brother.


  • 那些野猪已经星期过东西了,牧羊人窝里,它们上来撕成碎片。

    The wild boars had not been fed for a week, and when the shepherd was thrust into their don they rushed at him to tear him to pieces.


  • 就在这时一个英格兰口音走过相同价钱牧羊人同意了,他把装起来,把过去

    Just then, a man with an English accent walked up and made the same offer. The shepherd agreed, pocketed money and handed over the dog.


  • 不要一个追随别人愿景思想的牧羊人新的模式新的形式,新的思维就是我们需要贡献的东西

    Don't just be a shepherd following somebody else's vision and ideas-new models, new forms, new thinking - that's what we need from you.


  • 提供很多在心中的山区寺庙房屋一些僧侣实践岛屿许多牧羊人岛屿放牧,“佛教成为一个独特的景观

    Provided a lot of people once in the heart the mountain temples, and houses, some monks practice on the island, many shepherds to island grazing, "buddhist mountains" has become a unique landscape.


  • 牧羊人我们几乎一无所知,”·答道。这是一个有着一张红脸大大的个子快快活活的

    'we know almost nothing of her, shepherd,' answered Jan Coggan, a big, cheerful man with a red face. 'she only arrived here a few days ago, when her uncle died.


  • 牧羊人我们几乎一无所知,”·答道。这是一个有着一张红脸大大的个子快快活活的

    'we know almost nothing of her, shepherd,' answered Jan Coggan, a big, cheerful man with a red face. 'she only arrived here a few days ago, when her uncle died.


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