• 然而不必享受好处成为和尚或者一个术士

    However, you dont have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits.


  • 毁灭者阿特留斯,最后一个牛头人法师或者这个世界上术士

    Artorius the Doombringer, the last mage of the tauren, or maybe the first warlock of the world?


  • 例如如果连接一个术士角色家庭,家庭会因为术士不能怪物掉。

    For example if you connect as a warlock to a character who had familiars, the familiars will be dropped since warlock cannot have familiars.


  • 英里钱德勒访问zukanov的小客栈,得知其他人害怕认为一个术士

    Miles and Chandler visit Zukanov"s doss-house and learn that the other occupants were frightened of him and regarded him as a warlock."


  • 比如说,如果一个术士点满了5点“灾祸”技能,那么对暗影箭法术急速”计算基于“2.5不是“3”的施法时间。

    Spell haste is calculated based on modified casting speed; for example, with the warlock's Bane talent, the spell haste would be calculated with 2.5 second Shadowbolts rather than 3 seconds.


  • 那么炼金术士还是化学家呢?

    Would you rather be an alchemist or a chemist?


  • 魔兽世界游戏迎来第五个生日已经不仅仅只是一个让玩家在其中化身为术士战士兽人精灵角色扮演类网络游戏了。

    World of Warcraft marks its fifth birthday as something more than just an online role-playing game where users become wizards, warriors, orcs and elfs.


  • 但是同时也是一个富有魅力表演家,身上带着一点江湖术士而且喜欢让人来劲的场面。

    But he was also a charismatic showman with a touch of the charlatan about him, and he loved a good spectacle.


  • 几个世纪以来,科学家都在尝试基本金属变为贵金属常见变成黄金——甚至现代科学萨克·牛顿也是一个炼金术士

    For centuries, scientists have tried to turn base metals into precious ones, most commonly lead into goldeven Isaac Newton, the father of modern science, was an alchemist.


  • 鉴于皇家科学院现在负债状况,或许一个炼金术士适合这份工作的人选

    Given the debt, though, perhaps an alchemist would be the most appropriate person for the job.


  • 兼职术士转行心理学家了一篇报告认为人们可能拥有能窥视未来潜在能力

    The report - by a part-time magician turned psychologist - suggests that people may have latent psychic powers which allow them to sense future events.


  • 他们父亲一个公认炼金术士可能他们的天赋来自

    Their father was a well recognized alchemist, which is probably where their knack for it comes from.


  • 如果你想有一个关于享受旅途快乐提示,你可以阅读炼金术士》这本或者另外一本《美食、祈祷恋爱》,学习意大利人那种从“无为”中获取快乐心态

    Or read the magnificent book “ Eat, Pray, Love” and follow the Italian mentality of ”Il Bel Far Niente (The Joy of Doing Nothing)”.


  • 也许可以嵌入战斗苏亚雷斯可能不错术士灵魂之目标应该不会首位

    You might be able to snag a battle rez, or maybe a nice Warlock gave you a Soul Stone, but your goal should be not to die in the first place.


  • 炼金术士没有理会人们对进一步疏远,他成立了一个极端分子联盟寻找外星人存在的真凭实据,借此改变世人对他的理论看法

    The alchemist ignored' the further alienation and built an alliance of extremists to get physical proof of the alien and to alter the world's view of his theory.


  • 术士进入竞技场的时候,他们可以他们宠物那里获得一个灵魂

    Warlocks will now be properly credited a Soul Shard from their pet when they enter an Arena.


  • 不过扮演一个兽人术士进行不同的体验时,我询问获得兽人宠物任务在哪里,却告知游戏里存在,这就是所要表明的。

    Well I played an Orc Warlock just to get a different view and asked where the quest was to get the Orc's pet. I was told this was not in the game yet, and that's my point.


  • 有的传说中,曾经一个试图解开宇宙之谜的伟大炼金术士,但最后却因为自己傲慢受到诅咒。

    There are stories that say he was once a great alchemist who tried to unlock the secrets of the universe and was cursed for his arrogance.


  • 德国传说中的一个魔术师炼金术士灵魂卖给魔鬼换取力量知识

    A magician and alchemist in German legend who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for power and knowledge.


  • 接下来我们野外冒险里我们一个可怕不死术士面对面感染着它脚下的每一寸土地

    Next, on our wild adventures, we come face to face with a gruesome Undead Warlock, who taints the very earth he stands on.


  • 认为一个很有名望术士并不喜欢谈论过去

    I think he used to be a sorcerer of great renown, but he doesn't like to talk about his past.


  • 意味着组队希望具有治疗能力的人物加入,或者找厨师在战斗间歇烹调一顿大餐,或者炼金术士提供药水

    This means when partying you'll more than likely want a First Aid character in your party, a cook to cook during your down time and an Alchemist to supply your group with potions.


  • 看起来一个大家都可以接受结果,术士诗人可以仔细考虑做好长期的打算并且给予他们一定的自由选择多样法术

    That seemed to be a good compromise between forcing sorcerers and bards to make long term decisions for their spells and allowing them freedom to select multiple new spells in a timely fashion.


  • 占星术及其标志语言一个炼金术士他们作品很大的帮助物质精神文明盐渍。

    Astrology and its language of signs were of a great help for alchemists in their works and brining about the spiritualization of matter.


  • 黑龙可以免疫任何魔法效果但是一个有经验聪明术士能够消除那种优势

    Black Dragons are immune to any magical impact but an experienced and wise Warlock can cancel that advantage.


  • 一变化非常应该不会影响术士总体伤害输出上升可观的水平

    This change is very small and shouldn't impact overall Warlock DPS to a noticeable degree.


  • 现在术士场战场比赛最后死亡时候,他们可以他们宠物那里获得一个灵魂

    Warlocks will now be properly credited a Soul Shard from their pet when they are dead at the end of a Battleground match.


  • 现在术士场战场比赛最后死亡时候,他们可以他们宠物那里获得一个灵魂

    Warlocks will now be properly credited a Soul Shard from their pet when they are dead at the end of a Battleground match.


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