• 因为看,的眼睛灼痛

    My eyes burn from staring at the needle.


  • 取来线起来

    He took a needle and thread and sewed it up.


  • 观众安静落地的声音也听得见。

    The audience was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.


  • 这根手指上轻轻扎一下。

    I'm going to give your finger a little prick with this needle.


  • 下来穿下了钮扣

    I sit down, thread a needle, snip off an old button.


  • 进去痛得龇牙咧嘴。

    She grimaced as the needle went in.


  • 粗布上来来回回地穿进穿出。

    She passed the needle through the rough cloth, back and forth.


  • 护士胳膊

    The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.


  • 他们很多护士背部

    They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back.


  • 大头上扎

    Prick holes in the paper with a pin.


  • 手指了。

    She pricked her finger on a needle.


  • 他们拿着注射走近时,的呼吸急速加快。

    I hyperventilate when they come near me with the needle.


  • 房间在地上都听到

    The room was so still that you could have heard a pin drop.


  • 高大的冷杉一根根从树上下来。

    The huge fir trees dropping their needles one by one.


  • 掉在地上听见

    One could have heard a pin drop.


  • 被称为裁缝的鸟把

    This bird, called the "Tailor Bird", uses its mouth as a needle.


  • 扎进指甲里

    I have driven the needle under my nail!


  • 的身体。一次不再

    The needle ran into him; and this time the pain was not in his head.


  • 线一直缠绕

    The thread kept getting caught around the needle.


  • 哪儿汉斯

    Where is the needle, Hans?


  • 苦行僧可以直接穿过手臂感觉不到疼痛

    Fakirs can put a needle right through an arm, and feel no pain.


  • 苹果地图停车地方显示一个大头图像。

    Apple Maps will place a pin at the position where your car is parked.


  • 他们了一入眠

    They gave me an injection to help me sleep.


  • 打下去,痉挛了。

    The injection sent his leg into spasm.


  • 拔出来,块药棉盖眼上。

    He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton over the spot.


  • 第2本应第1见效才能注射。

    The second injection should only have been given once the first drug had taken effect.


  • 趟平,织一趟反

    Knit one row, purl one row.


  • 头部伤口6

    He had six stitches in a head wound.


  • 扎了手指

    She had just pricked her finger with the needle.


  • 道伤口需要

    The cut needed eight stitches.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定