• 抗议电话确切次数尚未披露

    The exact number of protest calls has not been revealed.


  • 抗议没有用决不改变主意

    There's no use protesting, I won't change my mind.


  • 罗西抗议又一决定作罢。

    Rosie was about to protest but thought better of it.


  • 暴乱是从一场和平抗议开始的。

    The riot began as a peaceful protest.


  • 董事会名成员辞职以示抗议

    Two members resigned from the board in protest.


  • 一提案引发全国性抗议浪潮。

    The proposal would spark a storm of protest around the country.


  • 这次示威游行是使用和平抗议

    The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest.


  • 声称事先那次抗议一无所知。

    He claimed he had no prior knowledge of the protest.


  • 解释强烈的抗议打断了。

    My explanation was cut off by loud protests.


  • 谴责抗议警察使用暴力。

    He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police.


  • 主任辞职以示抗议这项决定

    The director resigned in protest at the decision.


  • 受害人遗孀抗议判决太轻

    The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence.


  • 这类抗议事件近代史没有发生过。

    Such protests are without precedent in recent history.


  • 抗议人数不多敢于直言

    The protesters are a small but vocal minority.


  • 警察催泪弹驱散抗议

    Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.


  • 安全部队继续严厉镇压抗议

    He said the security forces would continue to crack down hard on the protestors.


  • 警察一些暴力抗议会议厅

    Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall.


  • 早期抗议仅仅是大革命开始前的预演

    The earlier protests had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.


  • 医院领导们抗议一决定

    Hospital bosses protested at the decision.


  • 抗议活动并不仅限于纽约

    The protests were not limited to New York.


  • 他们迅速设法远离抗议

    They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters.


  • 政府军通过朝天鸣枪驱散了这场抗议示威。

    Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air.


  • 这个医院员工举行罢工抗议这些事件。

    Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.


  • 知道抗议徒劳的。

    He knew it was useless to protest.


  • 知道抗议没用的

    She knew it was useless to protest.


  • 赞成暴力抗议

    I disagree with violent protests.


  • 他们听见抗议高呼:“打倒法西斯主义!”

    They heard the protesters shout: "No more fascism!"


  • 组织者预计多达30万的抗议参加这次游行。

    Organizers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march.


  • 一些机场海港工作人员开始工资进行抗议

    Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay.


  • 各环保组织计划会议期间举行一些公众抗议行动。

    Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.


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