• 空气弥漫橡胶燃烧气味

    The smell of burning rubber filled the air.


  • 牛肉气味弥漫空气中

    The smell of roast beef permeated the air.


  • 屋子里弥漫皮革气味

    The smell of leather permeated the room.


  • 空气弥漫野花芬芳

    The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.


  • 房间烟雾弥漫

    Smoke filled the room.


  • 大厅弥漫母亲香水味

    The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.


  • 城市上空弥漫死亡腐烂气息

    The smell of death and decay hung over the town.


  • 清晨弥漫着的水汽很快散尽。

    Early morning mist patches will soon clear.


  • 空气弥漫一股潮湿恶臭

    The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness.


  • 灯光暗淡,弥漫着浪漫情调

    The lights were low and romance was in the air.


  • 空气弥漫着浓烈尘土味。

    The air smelled powerfully of dry dust.


  • 那里弥漫纵情欢庆气氛。

    There was a general air of festivity and abandon.


  • 空气由于灰尘弥漫而闷塞。

    The air was thick with dust.


  • 空气弥漫的香气。

    The air was sweet with incense.


  • 黑暗弥漫开来,将笼罩

    Darkness spread and enfolded him.


  • 花园里弥漫玫瑰芳香。

    The garden was perfumed with the smell of roses.


  • 空气弥漫着浓郁花香

    The air was heavy with the scent of flowers.


  • 今天情人节,空气弥漫着爱情气息。

    It's Valentine's Day and lurve is in the air.


  • 夜空中弥漫玫瑰花香

    Roses scented the night air.


  • 主要问题曾是完全烟雾弥漫工作环境。

    His main problem was the extremely smoky atmosphere at work.


  • 条走廊通向一个低矮又烟雾弥漫房间

    The corridor opened into a low smoky room.


  • 城市上空烟雾弥漫

    Smoke hung in the air above the city.


  • 所有动听的歌曲无不弥漫某种伤感紧绷感

    All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension.


  • 昨天辆烟雾弥漫汽车发现了一具

    The body of a man was found in a fume-filled car yesterday.


  • 会议室弥漫烟草的臭味。

    The conference room reeked tobacco smoke.


  • 空气弥漫茉莉花香。

    Jasmine flowers scent the air.


  • 可怜的善良的嘟嘟士,来说今天晚上空气弥漫危险

    Poor kind Tootles, there is danger in the air for you to-night.


  • 空气河水味道弥漫

    The smell of river water permeated the air.


  • 会议室弥漫烟草的臭味。

    The conference room reeked of tobacco smoke.


  • 难闻臭气弥漫整个房间

    The foul odor penetrated the entire house.


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