• 精神崩溃以后保住工作

    He was unable to hold down a job after his breakdown.


  • 苏珊精神崩溃诊断为精神分裂

    Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.


  • 正确预测出现股市崩溃

    He predicted correctly that there was going to be a stock market crash.


  • 感觉到制度崩溃提供新的可能

    It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities.


  • 妻子应付不了,也许神经崩溃

    His wife would not be able to cope and might suffer a nervous breakdown.


  • 精神崩溃在恢复中。

    She's still recovering from her breakdown.


  • 要是计算机系统突然崩溃文件可能丢失

    Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.


  • 这个帝国最终崩溃了。

    The empire finally crumbled into dust.


  • 篇文章声言市场崩溃美元疲软造成的。

    The article predicates that the market collapse was caused by weakness of the dollar.


  • 遭受过一回精神崩溃一次痛苦的经历

    I suffered a nervous breakdown. It was a traumatic experience.


  • 他们是否意识到我们迅速走向彻底经济崩溃

    Do they realize we are racing toward complete economic collapse?


  • 我们已经认识一次市场崩溃未必导致经济灾难

    We have learned that a market crash need not lead to economic disaster.


  • 为什么很多学生那么容易崩溃

    Why are many students so easy to break down?


  • 泡沫破裂时,需求就会崩溃

    When the bubble burst, demand collapsed.


  • 他们面对困难很容易崩溃

    They easily break down when they face difficulties.


  • 彼得不是那种会在别人面前崩溃

    Peter was not the kind that breaks down before other people.


  • 恐慌野火一样蔓延郁金香市场彻底崩溃

    Panic spread like wild fire and the tulip market collapsed totally.


  • 因为他们电脑程序处理完所有信息崩溃

    Because their computer program crashed after all the information was processed.


  • 即使周围一切都崩溃公司继续膨胀。

    Even when everything around it collapsed, the company kept on inflating.


  • 一般来说,复杂系统一个简单的系统更容易崩溃

    A more complicated system is, in general, more likely than a simple system to break down.


  • 千万不要写匿名信任何人都不会承受这样侮辱崩溃

    Nix the anonymous letter; anyone would crumble under the weight of that humiliation.


  • 崩溃了。我根本不着觉。

    I was falling apart. I wasn't getting any sleep.


  • 我们大学体系处在崩溃危险之中。

    Our university system is in danger of falling apart at the seams.


  • 银行介入使这家公司免于经济崩溃

    The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin.


  • 免疫系统彻底崩溃了,病入膏肓

    His immune system completely broke down and he became very ill.


  • 整个生活崩溃

    My whole life had come apart at the seams.


  • 法律秩序崩溃可能会导致大规模杀戮

    The break-down of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.


  • 该国由于失去240万制造业工作机会,濒临崩溃

    The country was being brought to its knees by the loss of 2.4 million manufacturing jobs.


  • 市长是否这座城市的危机四伏医疗体系就此崩溃呢?

    Will the mayor let the city's desperate health care system implode?


  • 计算机知道怎么只好崩溃

    The computer doesn't really know what to do and just bam.


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