• 战争之前早就退休了。

    He retired long before the war.


  • 名单名字之前

    Your name is before mine on the list.


  • 开小差之前是个少尉

    He was a second lieutenant in the army until he deserted.


  • 八点之前不可能赶到那里

    It's impossible for me to be there before eight.


  • 这起坠机事故目击者, 灾难发生之前他们看到爆炸

    Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster.


  • 开始之前炭火烧重要

    It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start.


  • 成为演员之前受过师资培训。

    He trained as a teacher before becoming an actor.


  • 冷冻之前没有必要总是取出其内脏

    It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.


  • 到达之前办法客人打发走。

    Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.


  • 掌握政权之前他们觉得受到那些控制一切英语白人压迫

    Before they took power, they felt oppressed by the white English speakers who controlled things.


  • 全军准备就绪之前有些事情

    There was additional work to be done before all the troops would be ready.


  • 喜欢9点之前开始工作

    I like to get down to work by 9.


  • 丈夫去世之前就已经一所现代别墅安顿了下来。

    Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modern villa.


  • 我们公里之前拐的。

    We should have turned left five kilometres back.


  • 9:30之前我们已经起航并且向下游行驶

    By 9:30 we had cast off and were heading downriver.


  • 我们那时仍然很有希望最后期限之前完成目标

    We were still right on target for our deadline.


  • 基本修缮工作完成之前这座桥暂时关闭

    The bridge will remain closed until essential repair work has been carried out.


  • 就是我们之前见过的。

    That is just what we have seen before.


  • 之前版本中必须每个触发器事件创建单独触发器

    In previous versions, you had to create separate triggers for each trigger event.


  • 可以之前文章中查看有关注意视盲经典案例

    For all the classic examples check out this previous article on attentional blindness.


  • 之前你们决定这个能量地球

    In former times you all had made the decision to anchor this energy on earth.


  • 这里也是我们使用定义之前表达里。

    And again here are the definitions that we used in the previous expression.


  • 替换字符串可能包含之前匹配中捕获子序列引用

    The replacement string may contain references to subsequences captured during the previous match.


  • 我们项目总是一切从头开始建构之前完成的作品上。

    Too often we start each project from scratch, instead of building on work we have done before.


  • 之前查询中,提要数据无条件地装载

    The feed data loaded in the previous query is unconditional.


  • 事物能否之前,不会之后

    The object. Could it exist before but won't exist afterwards.


  • 之前段时间内,汇率成了镇痛剂。

    For a while the exchange rate had been a balm.


  • 同时将继续之前提到CW剧集(《吸血鬼日记》)中出现若干集。

    And she'll also be seen in several more episodes of the aforementioned CW hit.


  • 一些沙尘之前一天出现这里了。

    Some of this dust had likely remained aloft since the day before.


  • 一些沙尘之前一天出现这里了。

    Some of this dust had likely remained aloft since the day before.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定