• 给了一些白兰地减轻疼痛

    I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.


  • 节能灯减轻发电站负荷

    An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations.


  • 这些措施减轻小型企业纳税负担

    The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses.


  • 这个有助于减轻痛楚

    This should help (to) reduce the pain.


  • 如今很多方法可以用来减轻背部疼痛

    Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.


  • 我们重量减轻一半

    We'll need to reduce the weight by half.


  • 新来秘书减轻我们文案工作的一些负担。

    The new secretary will relieve us of some of the paperwork.


  • 有助于减轻痛苦

    This should help ease the pain.


  • 疼痛立刻减轻

    The pain immediately eased.


  • 不管多大年龄都可以通过这个方案减轻体重

    No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this programme.


  • 绝望琼斯夫人不得已接受了手术减轻疼痛

    In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.


  • 他们减轻下学期的课程负担

    They want to lighten their course load for coming semester.


  • 根据医学研究定期进行锻炼可以减轻压力

    According to medical research, doing exercise on a regular basis can release pressure.


  • 可以帮减轻体重

    It helps you lose weight.


  • 睡意开始减轻

    His stupor began to lighten.


  • 气囊用来减轻汽车碰撞冲击力

    Airbags are designed to soften the impact of a car crash.


  • 体重减轻该病发展速度比例

    Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.


  • 遇到撞击保险杠减轻震动

    The bumper absorbs shock on impact.


  • 体重减轻开始显得严重

    The weight loss began to look more serious.


  • 减轻罪行的情节被告判刑

    There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence.


  • 晚上疼痛减轻神志不那么清醒了

    The pain had lessened in the night, but so had his lucidity.


  • 人们朋友一起减肥就会减轻体重

    People will lose weight when they slim down with a friend.


  • 头痛逐渐减轻,后来变得微微抽痛。

    My headache faded to a dull throbbing.


  • 减轻病毒危害。

    The drug attenuates the effects of the virus.


  • 有些黑人感觉到种族歧视程度正在减轻

    There is a feeling among some black people that the level of racism is declining.


  • 疼痛晚间减轻

    The pain had subsided during the night.


  • 这个网球拍减轻撞击所产生的剧烈震动

    This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.


  • 法官发现案件中可以减轻罪责情节

    The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances.


  • 体重减轻不少

    I have lost a lot of weight.


  • 体重减轻了,这套衣服穿在身上松松垮垮的。

    He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him.


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