• 这些地区大小各异类型相同。

    The regions differ in size, but not in kind.


  • 他们试图进入俱乐部遭到拒绝。

    They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.


  • 变化有的需要很长时间

    Change will come, but it will take time.


  • 口头便捷,缺乏持久性

    The spoken word is immediate but lacks permanence.


  • 鼻梁断了,今天可能获准出院。

    He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.


  • 新闻广播准确可靠极其枯燥

    Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.


  • 精明态度令人反感

    She's very clever but her manner does tend to put people off.


  • 说话声音不大字字清晰

    His voice was quiet but every word was distinct.


  • 虽然迟钝起码可靠

    She may be slow but at least she's reliable.


  • 他伤得重,处于休克状态

    He isn't seriously injured but he is in (a state of) shock.


  • 喜欢草莓吃了以后舒服

    I love strawberries, but they don't agree with me.


  • 他们杀了大人留下孩子

    They killed the men but spared the children.


  • 国家经济正在缓慢稳步地增长

    The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth.


  • 咆哮眼神里带着惊慌

    He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.


  • 我们做得尚可仅仅是尚可。

    We did fairly well but only fairly well.


  • 食物可以说不上很好。

    The food was acceptable, but no more.


  • 我们最后了,比分

    We won in the end but it was a near thing.


  • 不行没有说明原因

    He said no but he didn't give a reason.


  • 工作辛苦,薪水不低。

    Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.


  • 联系电话占线。

    I tried to reach him, but the line was engaged.


  • 抗议者人数不多敢于直言

    The protesters are a small but vocal minority.


  • 推那扇门门锁着。

    She tried the door, but it was locked.


  • 为什么?”插嘴问

    'But why?' he interpolated.


  • 接球没有接住。

    She tried to catch the ball but bobbled it.


  • 反复尝试没有成功

    He tried and tried but without success.


  • 饮料非常并不

    The drink is very sweet, but not unpleasantly so.


  • 是个骑手太鲁莽

    She was a good rider, but reckless.


  • 聪明缺乏积极性

    He's intelligent enough but he lacks motivation.


  • 事业稳定平淡无奇

    He had a steady but unspectacular career.


  • 自行车生锈了还能骑。

    The bike is rusty but usable.


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