• And he's parodying both kinds of response in this novel, so in that sense, the novel is very much of its time.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • So, there's no absolutes about this, this is a general response where all the features can be different with different pathogens.


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  • So in return to, we have a slight variance here, -- where I'm defining apparently -- declaring a function called cube.


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  • And then there is this very political response.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • What I want you to remember is that specific sub-populations of cells get activated, the activation results in a specific response.


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  • Now, just--what this diagram also shows you is that that response is specific to that particular antigen.


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  • And those words mean different things: immunogenic means that it stimulates your immune system for a response; pathogenic means that it causes a disease.


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  • That's why every-- development of every specific vaccine turns out to be different because they don't all follow exactly this kind of time course.


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  • That would be a subunit vaccine because I'm purifying a subunit of the virus that could be injected and hopefully induce an immune response.


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  • It's not just that your whole immune system gets revved up and it's going to respond more rapidly to any antigen it's exposed to.


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  • Probably it wouldn't, you would probably get a little bit sick anyway, but recover.


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  • Now, t-cells are also involved in humoral immunity but they're not the end result.


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  • That shouldn't be too surprising given what we talked about last week, that your immune system, the adaptive immune system in particular, responds to individual antigens differently.


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  • Yeah, so you're asking, if for example, why do you need a booster of tetanus, because if I get exposed to tetanus wouldn't I have this rapid response?


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  • Basically, injecting it into some test subjects, making sure that they didn't get diseased from it and looking at antibody responses to see if it worked and it did.


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  • You would have this initial response, now that initial response might be too slow to prevent you from getting chickenpox.


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  • There are proteins, for example, on the surface of some cells that bind insulin and respond to the presence of insulin.


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  • We looked at the kinetics of this response, what happens in your body after you're exposed to an antigen.


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  • Memory cells are long lasting cells that remember this exposure and can respond very quickly on second exposure.


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  • But because of the similarity of the viruses, the immune response that people developed would also protect them against natural infections with variola.


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  • So, you couldn't introduce the live virus in because that would cause the disease not just immunity.

    所以 不可以直接接种活体病毒,因为这会使人致病而不仅是引起免疫应答

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  • Some, like the smallpox vaccine on one exposure generates a very high response that lasts for many years so you don't need a boost.


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  • Now, why do you need a cell mediated immune response if you have an antibody response?


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  • Then, your muscle cells would start producing Hepatitis B surface antigen and your immune system recognizing that's a foreign protein would start responding to it.


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  • The response to the second exposure in antigen is different in a couple of ways.


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  • Because this is not a virus at all, but it's a virus subunit, your body doesn't respond to it as strongly, your immune system doesn't respond to it as strongly.


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  • Others generate a weaker response that does require boosting.


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  • The answer is "Yes you would", the question is "Would that response, even though it's much faster, be fast enough to protect you from the initial exposure to tetanus that you got?"

    是的,你的身体会马上做出应答,问题是 即便免疫应答十分迅速,但是否足够迅速,以保护你不被破伤风杆菌感染

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  • But in any event, the vaccine is intended to stimulate the immune system to produce an effector response— either antibodies or specific cells— that can combat spread of the microorganism through your body.


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  • Hopefully their immune systems will respond to it like the real virus but it won't be capable of replication because we've chemically cross linked it so it can't go through its life cycle.


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