• In fact you can find all over American culture in 1800,1810, even into the 1820s, a lot of fear of technology.


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  • The life of a dog or a cat or a chicken consists of appetites, cravings, desires, and their gratifications.


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  • I learned about their tawdry dreams, their simple hopes, their home lives their fear of feeling anything deeply, Their sex problems, their husbands.


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  • So there were criticisms in the air but obviously he doesn't want to say much about that.


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  • It has personnel who are his buddies, those in favour, lots of eating, drinking, et cetera.


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  • So these organisms like this are abundant in the world around us and our immune system prevents us from getting sick most of the time.


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  • In Italy, obviously, Milan and Turin were terribly important cities, and Rome, which is just sort of a sleepy, ecclesiastical capital full of tourists and clergy.


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  • Lots and lots of loans, the securities that people bought at par that were worth about somewhere between zero and $.15 or $.20 and now trade there.


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  • You may think you've gotten away with something, but every act of social exploitation, every act of moral corruption, pollutes the sanctuary more and more until such time as God is driven out entirely and human society is devoured by its own viciousness and death-dealing.


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  • So, it is easy to see that where there is that kind of conflict and trouble, there would be people who would want to flee that and to go elsewhere.


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  • Or if I can put the case for them slightly anachronistically, these are two sons of the upper bourgeois who feel degraded by the mendacity and hypocrisy of the world they see around them.


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  • There seems to be a doubt, a variety of doubts, about the foundations of what we can think about the basis of our opinions, that pervades theory, and is seen somehow or another to characterize its history.


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  • At first there was doubt and controversy, which has completely gone away, as more and more examples of this writing have become available and scholars are now able, by and large, to be confident that they know what these things say.


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