• Where those pieces, I would do the same thing with, I would divide them up into smaller chunks, and sort those. Is that going to give me a more efficient algorithm?


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • Remember what range does, it gives me a set or a collection or a tuple of integers from 0 up to 1 - is the last value, so it's going to give me everything from 0 up to the total number of heads.


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • So at the very top, I've coded up the same thing as before: "Give me an integer between one and ten," or rather, -- "give me an integer between one and ten" -- a little different this time.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • People would--and they would say, did you just give me the number that came up?


    耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选

  • Stand up, give me your name. Stand up. Shout it out to the crowd.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • Computing square root. I'm going to capture it in a piece of code, I'm going to be able to refer to it by a name, and I'm going to suppress the details, meaning inside of that computation, you don't need to know what it does. You just need to know, if I give it the right kind of input, it'll give me back an input that satisfies the contract that I set up.


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • Good. Stand up. Give me your name.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • - Then you declare a float called f and then assign it -- -- let me scroll up for the folks in front -- that give return value of GetFloat.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • So, for example, if I say TEST and I don't give it a start but I give it an end, then it gives me all the elements up to that point.


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • OK, you've actually seen exceptions a lot, you just didn't know that's what they were, because exceptions show up everywhere in Python. Let me give you a couple of examples.


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • So this the best response for Player II for every possible choice of Player I, and just to make sure we understand it, what this blue line tells me is you give me an S1, an effort level of Player I, I read up to the blue line and go across and that tells me Player II's best response.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

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