• Public Opinion polls show that a majority of Americans favor health care reform, but several recent surveys also show a decline in approval for the way President Obama is handling the issue.

    VOA: standard.2009.07.21

  • It would be quickly ground into flour and used before it even has time to ferment, to quickly offer something to the deity again, to procure favor for the rest of the crop.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • One would be characteristic of semi-nomadic pastoralists: the sacrifice of the first lamb born in the spring to the deity in order to procure favor and continued blessing on the flocks for the spring.


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  • The treatises that he had written in favor of the right to divorce for reasons of incompatibility in the earlier 1640s had scandalized his contemporaries and had especially scandalized his Puritan contemporaries on the left.


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  • The Northern Kingdom Israel is going to come in for very, very bad press at the hands of the Deuteronomistic writers which shows that they probably favor or come from Judah So the northern kings are going to be uniformly denigrated.


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  • He greets his former rival and enemy with these words 1 This is in Genesis 33:10-11 If you would do me this favor, accept for me this gift, for to see your face is like seeing the face of God, And you have received me favorably.


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