• Mr.Zuma had battled corruption and rape charges in court cases that polarized public opinion.

    VOA: standard.2009.04.25

  • There are episodes of treachery and incest and murder and rape.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • because I deal with prostitution and rape and drug abuse and necrophilia,


    肉品市场区的作家 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Eight years after Sierra Leone's civil war ended, some communities have yet to come to terms with the destruction, murder and rape committed on them by their own people.

    VOA: standard.2010.06.07

  • They are, in a sense, compressed and imaged and contained in the rape itself.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • The agency says rape and domestic violence are a major cause of disability and death among women ages fifteen to forty four.

    VOA: special.2010.03.08

  • Remember how Yeats represents history as rape in "Leda and the Swan."


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • But rape has been used as a weapon of war in the Balkans, Burma and Sri Lanka.

    VOA: special.2009.10.24

  • Another was tried and found not guilty of rape charges in nineteen ninety-one.

    VOA: special.2009.09.13

  • Two former Cabinet ministers are serving jail time for embezzlement and bribery and a former president resigned amid allegations of rape.

    VOA: standard.2009.09.25

  • President Moshe Katsav resigned after being accused of rape, and a former finance minister was convicted of embezzlement.

    VOA: standard.2009.08.30

  • "This year, only for the first three months-January, February and March 2009-1,135 cases of rape have been recorded in south Kivu only,"

    VOA: standard.2009.06.21

  • It is the ultimate mark of criminality and cowardice to condemn women to relentless and systematic rape.

    VOA: standard.2009.07.11

  • Charles Taylor has been charged by the Special Tribunal for Sierra Leone with 11 war crimes charges, including murder,rape,sexual enslavement and recruiting child soldiers.

    VOA: standard.2010.08.09

  • Another,William Kennedy Smith, was tried and acquitted on rape charges, with the senator called to testify.

    VOA: standard.2009.08.26

  • There are credible reports of abuses that need to be investigated including the murder of an indigenous woman and the rape of another two in one community."

    VOA: standard.2009.03.22

  • Isn't that correct? " Hollis asked.Well, that is correct counsel," The former president is pleading not guilty to an 11-count indictment that includes murder,rape,enslavement, and conscription of child soldiers.

    VOA: standard.2009.11.10

  • "And the U.S.State Department sentenced no opposition figures, intellectuals,journalists or bloggers to prisons in Syria,Egypt,Saudi Arabia and elsewhere around the Middle East, where they were subject to torture, rape and murder.

    VOA: standard.2010.03.18

  • And,rape and sexual violence are a daily occurrence.

    VOA: standard.2009.09.12

  • Let me tell you about us. Our purpose here isto protect our black leaders from the racialon slaught of the pig who wishes to brutalizeour black leaders, rape our women, and destroyour black communities.

    VOA: standard.other

  • (...) In remarks to French radio, Kouchner called the shootings and reports of rape 'savage' and 'unsupportable.' He said the criminal court's decision to investigate the incidents marked a good step forward for international justice.

    VOA: standard.2009.10.16

  • He was acquitted in a 2006 rape trial, during which he admitted having unsafe sex with an HIV-positive woman, and he came under political pressure recently when it emerged that he fathered a child out of wedlock last year.

    VOA: standard.2010.04.26

  • Clinton said the United States is pressing DRC authorities in Kinshasa "very hard" to bring to justice five military officers who have either been directly implicated in rape and violence against young women, or created the environment in which the abuses could occur.

    VOA: standard.2009.09.25

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