• 市场继续股本扩展去除交付巨大比例股票可能性

    Since going on the market has not carried on the capital stock to expand, does not remove has the great proportion to deliver the stock the possibility.


  • 比例股票股利一样股票分割目的大量降低普通股市价使投资者购买更多股票

    As with a large stock dividend, the purpose of a stock split is to reduce substantially the market price of the common stock, with the intent of making the stock more affordable to investors.


  • 其二管理层股票激励,稀释了其他股东的持股比例

    The dilution of other shareholders by awards of shares to executives has increased.


  • 股票回购中,他们购回所有人股份相同份额比不会影响比例

    In a stock repurchase, if they repurchase everybody's shares — the same proportionit doesn't affect that ratio.


  • 过去一年里很多董事会成员同一个问题,即一家公司股票价值有多大比例归因于首席执行官的卓越能力,答案非常令人吃惊。

    In the last year I've asked many board members how much of a company's stock value they think should be attributed to the CEO's strength, and the answer is surprising.


  • 五分之二英国股票现在国际投资者持有对于时100指数成分股公司来说这个比例或许更大,这些投资者对这种内务问题不会多大兴趣

    Two-fifths of UK shares are now held by international investors - probably more in the case of FTSE 100 companies - who don't have much interest in such housekeeping matters.


  • 女性投资者预计未来股票回报率负值以及未来10年平均回报率在5%以内比例要比男性投资者高一

    Female investors were twice as likely to expect the return on stocks over the coming year to be zero or negative and to think stocks will return 5% or less per year over the next 10 years.


  • 就可能要求持有公司相当比例股票10- 20%。

    That may require it to hold a sizeable proportion of the small company's stock, perhaps 10-20%.


  • 纽约大学EdwardWolff指出美国家庭拥有股票(包括共同基金401k养老金计划)的比例1983年的32%上升2001年的51%。

    Edward Wolff of New York University points out that the proportion of American households owning some stocks (including mutual funds and 401k pension plans) went up from 32% in 1983 to 51% in 2001.


  • 因为Petrobras公司60%股票市场交易资本比例若升高稀释现有的股东

    Since 60% of Petrobras's shares are traded on the market, this capital boost will dilute existing shareholders.


  • 斯坦家庭信托总计持有1,620万公司股票持股比例约为11% ,是Lazard股份最大集中持有人

    Mr. Wasserstein and the Wasserstein family trust hold a total of about 16.2 million shares, or about 11% of the company, the largest concentrated holdings of Lazard shares.


  • 英国渣打银行股价下跌2.7%,至1857.5便士,此前渣打银行宣布1280便士的价格发售股票,配股比例8股配1股。

    Standard Chartered fell 2.7 percent to 1, 857.5 pence after the bank announced plans to sell shares at 1, 280 pence for every eight that investors already own.


  • 连续数月的竞争加剧虚假会计操作个低比例的公众持股让Groupon受到了重创,并成为一个高β(风险系数)股票

    Increased competition, questionable accounting practices and a small free float were all known for months, Groupon just got hammered as the next high-beta stock fallen victim to the "risk-off" mode.


  • 威特咨询公司(Hewitt Associates)一份最近调查发现401 (k)(注8)计划股票投资比例达到空前低位53.8%,相比2000年的数字74.2%。

    A recent survey by Hewitt Associates, a consulting firm, found that the proportion of 401 (k) plans invested in equities was at an all-time low of 53.8%, compared with 74.2% in 2000.


  • Madoff公司持有股票每个季度都要变化,推测为了避免仓位达到一定比例要对外公布。

    Stock holdings were liquidated every quarter, presumably to avoid reporting big positions.


  • 格雷厄姆补充说,股票投资比例永远低于25%(认为股票昂贵债券便宜的时候),不能高于75%(当股票看起来价格低廉的时候)。

    Graham added that your stock proportion should never go below 25% (when you think stocks are expensive and bonds are cheap) or above 75% (when stocks seem cheap).


  • 就是为什么多数情况下奖金结构而非奖金数量进行调整。年度奖金现在比例是以股票形式发放,这些股票需要持有到一定年限才能卖出

    That is why most of the changes have been on the composition, not the amount, of bonuses, with a greater percentage of annual payouts now awarded in stock that can't be sold for years.


  • 自此之后,保险公司大都重新重视风险管理以及降低股票比例

    Since then most have brushed up on risk management and cut back on their equity holdings.


  • 精选组合里30%的股票海外股票而且打算增加比例

    About 30% of my Jubak's Picks portfolio is now in true overseas stocks, and I plan to increase that percentage over time.


  • 中国股票市场,该比例5.2%,远低于其他6个国家股票交易所(经选择)平均数68%十分之一。

    The corresponding figure in the Chinese equity markets is as low as 5.2%, less than one-tenth of the 68% average observed in six other selected exchanges.


  • 西方石油巨头股票的可流通股票占总股本比例明显高于新兴市场的大型能源公司

    And Western majors enjoy much higher free floats than large, emerging-market energy companies.


  • 西方石油巨头股票的可流通股票占总股本比例明显高于新兴市场的大型能源公司

    And Western majors enjoy much higher free floats than large, emerging-market energy companies.


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