• 鹰嘴豆沙加黄瓜麦皮塔饼配西红柿切片

    Hummus with cucumber and tomato slices on whole wheat pita.


  • 麦皮面包三角形些辣番茄酱一起吃。

    Toasted wholegrain pita bread, cut into triangles, and served with salsa for dipping.


  • 由于麦皮参与糖化参与糟,麦汁多酚物质减少色素物质减少。

    Because the skin of barley was not entered the saccharification and the washing of the dregs, the multi-phenol and pigment substance in wort were decreased.


  • 麦芽粉碎主要麦皮暴露麦芽内部胚乳使麦芽粉碎更多、更小的可物质生产更多的麦汁

    The aims of malt crushing are to produce more wort through breaking bran coat, uncovering malt inner albumen, and making malt into soluble pieces.


  • 还是孩子时候,我一群不使用数字在一起,他们居住黑色麦西河畔的皮拉哈人。

    As a child, I spent some time living with anumeric people, the Piraha who live along the banks of the black Maici River.


  • 如今,《每日邮报》报道称,厌恶皮克顿形象律师希望皮克顿的肖像喀麦登刑事法庭中移除

    Now the Daily Mail reports that a lawyer who is sick of the sight of Picton wants his portrait to be removed from Carmarthen crown court.


  • 食品以及其他食物粘性糖果迷你脆,明胶,明胶是一种和其他动物部件制的蛋白质

    These and other foods, like gummy candies and Frosted Mini Wheats cereal, are made with gelatin -- a protein made from boiling skin, bones, and other animal parts.


  • 全麦比萨上加了菲达奶酪夏威夷比萨,再加一份配菜沙拉,就是一健康的饮食。

    In this case, ordering a Hawaiian pizza with feta cheese on a whole wheat thin crust, with a side salad, could make a healthy meal.


  • 里昂商学院皮埃尔·伊夫·戈麦斯迄今为止,任命希拉克夫人表示法国总裁们最初反应一些反对他们女性

    So far, says Pierre-Yves Gomez of EMLYON Business School, appointments such as Mrs Chirac's confirm that the first reaction of French chief executives is to find women who will not challenge them.


  • 最喜欢硬皮全麦面包

    Crusty whole wheat bread is my favorite.


  • 皮塔:全麦的皮塔饼来代替三明治白面精面的面包.

    At lunch, pick a pita Use one mini whole-wheat pita instead of the usual two slices of white or refined wheat bread for your sandwich.


  • 玛丽。麦皮尤调查报表作者Facebook这项2004年推出的社交服务,原本主要面对一些名校大学生,现在看来也不失为一种消除代沟的方法

    Facebook, a service that launched in 2004 for undergraduates at a few elite universities, may turn out to be a unique way to bridge the generation gap, said Mary Madden, author of the Pew report.


  • 但是每年10月可以跟随历史学家吉姆·麦卡利斯特(Jim McAllister)萨勒姆进行一次烛光恐怖小道(Terror Trail)”之,其间游客们会去参观当年犯罪现场,大现在已经更名为加德纳-皮格利家(Gardner-Pingree House)。

    But, every October, you can go on historian Jim McAllister’s candlelightTerror Trailtour, which includes a stop at the scene of the crime, now known as the Gardner-Pingree House.


  • 早饭包括脱脂,面包渣儿,粗粉,一小油煎上面沾着麦糕,土豆葡萄干的小块布丁零碎麦片

    Skim milk, crusts, middlings, bits of doughnuts, wheat cakes with drops of maple syrup sticking to them, potato skins, leftover custard pudding with raisins, and bits of Shredded wheat.


  • 传统霍皮成分包括蜂蜡蜂蜜提取物有机亚麻含有中草药甘菊贤者圣约翰麦汁所有著名愈合他们的创伤属性

    Traditional Hopi Ear Candle ingredients include, pure beeswax, honey extracts, organic linen and contain herbs such as Chamomile, Sage and St. John's Wort, all well known for their healing properties.


  • 雷德·皮尔一个墨西哥修道院出发翻山越岭臭名昭著歹徒鲍勃·麦格报仇,麦格克致父亲重伤

    Lader peel, starting from a Mexican monastery mountains, to find the notorious gangsters Bob McGonagall grams, McGonagall to avenge his father's injuries would die.


  • 食物处理机开心果细细的碎,全麦饼干、以及橙子皮混合,再与黄油混合。

    In a food processor, finely grind pistachios with graham-cracker crumbs, sugar, and zest. Blend in butter.


  • 昆尼皮亚克大学民调项目主任布朗选民经济关注目前金融危机似乎有利于奥巴马不利于麦凯

    Quinnipiac polling director Peter Brown says voter concerns about the economy and the ongoing financial crisis appear to be helping Obama and hurting McCain.


  • 杂志评选出了“12年度男人”,有皮特杰米·福克斯?克·丹姆西,麦特·达盟,贾斯汀丹尼尔·莱格。

    The magazine also names 12 "men of the year," including Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.


  • 麦格·维奇,逃犯肯特湿地一个墓地里遇到皮普跟皮普索要食物锉刀挣脱枷锁

    Magwitch, an escaped convict, confronts Pip in the churchyard on the Kent marshes and demands food and a file to break his chains.


  • 皮普知道麦格维奇丝特拉父亲,在麦格维奇临死,温和地跟女儿的事。

    Pip has learned that Magwitch is Estella's father and, now softened towards the convict, tells him of his daughter just before Magwitch dies.


  • 工艺中的一个重要工序,小麦润麦要求与未碾皮小麦的不同

    Tempering is an important process in the flour milling. The tempering requirements of debranned wheat are different from those of unbranned wheat.


  • 风味来源主要得益于当地得天独厚的自然条件皮、小麦泥土原料踩制成的

    Its flavor was mainly from local nature condition and raw wheat koji using Jiangpi, wheat and red clay as raw material.


  • 主演过电影《史密斯夫妇》的皮特茱莉另外孩子,分别是一岁的撒哈和岁的麦多克斯两个孩子不在展出之列。

    Pitt and Jolie, who starred together in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith, " have two other children, Zahara, 1, and Maddox, 4. Those children aren't on display.


  • 主演过电影《史密斯夫妇》的皮特茱莉另外孩子,分别是一岁的撒哈和岁的麦多克斯两个孩子不在展出之列。

    Pitt and Jolie, who starred together in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith, " have two other children, Zahara, 1, and Maddox, 4. Those children aren't on display.


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